DDX - New Line

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Abhishek Kolluru

Sep 21, 2022, 3:10:26 PM9/21/22
to live...@googlegroups.com
Hello Everyone - I needed a quick help to print a paragraph within DDX in multiple lines, basically each string that I append. I want to print them in a new line, i tried \n, <br>, neither of them worked, couldn't think of any, please suggest. Here is my DDX. The line in bold, where i append Strings, i want each in a new line.

String ddx = "";
ddx += "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n";
ddx += "<DDX xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/'>\n";
String headerStr = patExecContext.getProcessDataStringValue("/process_data/@overlayStr");
String headerStr1 = patExecContext.getProcessDataStringValue("/process_data/@overlayStr1");
String headerStr2 = patExecContext.getProcessDataStringValue("/process_data/@overlayStr2");
String headerStr3 = patExecContext.getProcessDataStringValue("/process_data/@overlayStr3");
ddx += "<PDF result='doc2'>"+"\n";
ddx+="<PDF source='doc1'>" +"\n";
ddx+="<Header padding='.3in'><Left>" + "\n";
ddx+="<StyledText><p color = '#ff0000'>" + (headerStr)  + (headerStr1) + (headerStr2) + (headerStr3) +"</p></StyledText></Left>";
ddx+="</Header><Footer padding='.25in'><Center><StyledText><p>A centered footer</p></StyledText></Center></Footer>" + "\n";
ddx += "</PDF></PDF><?ddx-source-hint name='doc1'?>\n";
ddx +="</DDX>\n";
System.out.println("DDX string= "+ ddx);



Sep 23, 2022, 4:54:11 PM9/23/22
to Adobe LiveCycle Developers
This works for me:

ddx+="<StyledText><p color = '#ff0000'>" + (headerStr)  +"</p>";
ddx+="<p color = '#ff0000'>" + (headerStr1) + "</p>";
ddx+="<p color = '#ff0000'>" + (headerStr2) + "</p>";
ddx+="<p color = '#ff0000'>"  + (headerStr3) +"</p></StyledText></Left>";

Abhishek Kolluru

Sep 23, 2022, 5:01:10 PM9/23/22
to live...@googlegroups.com
works like a charm ! i tried everything except this :-(.

Thanks Fred.

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Adam D.

Sep 23, 2022, 10:39:36 PM9/23/22
to live...@googlegroups.com, Abhishek Kolluru
Mr. Pantalone does it again! Your commitment ro the group is valued. Thanks Fred!

- Adam
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