Hello all,
My users to whom I've distributed an LC-created Dynamic XML PDF can't print the PDF's, instead obtaining the error, "The document could not be printed." and then another pop-up, "There were no pages selected to print."
As I have exhausted every other Adobe forum, Google Group, the remainder of the intertubes, and Adobe customer support, in searching for a solution, I thought that finally I might try the experts here for any possible solution.
A previous version of this PDF had been working fine for a couple of months. A change request led me to implement a button containing a Javascript call to print the PDF:
xfa.host.print(false, "0", "4", false, false, true, false, false);
The print method documented here doesn't describe that settings are in anyway retained by Adobe:
http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/designerHelp/index.htm?content=001383.htmlNow, I can't be sure that this is the source of the printing problem, but it sure is suspicious. Where the new PDF has been tested on user's computers, they now can't print any PDF documents at all. Not only can they not print XDP PDF's, but they also can't print static PDF's. Not even PDF's created using the Adobe PDF Maker print driver in Microsoft Word. I can produce a plain Word document with nothing in it, print to PDF, and send to users, and they obtain the same error documented above.
I have seen numerous, lengthy discussion threads that span versions, and years, describing the errors, but none offer a solution, or at least not a solution that I can get to work.
I'm hoping that the Adobe engineers will soon respond with a better answer than: Upgrade user's computers to the latest version of Adobe Reader. I'd rather an explicit explanation that identifies the problem so it can be resolved definitively, and can be avoided in the future.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? Is there a way to restore Adobe PDF's to some sort of default print settings?
Thank you.
Kind regards,