Openshift to replace Heroku in configuration guide?

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Aug 25, 2015, 3:48:13 AM8/25/15
to Lita
With Heroku's change to free tiers I think Openshift is a nice replacement/alternative which has a 24/7 uptime free tier. Could be useful to write a guide to set up the app using Openshift. If nobody does it I will contribute one once I get a chance to actually set it up. Thoughts?

Jimmy Cuadra

Aug 25, 2015, 4:28:34 PM8/25/15
to Dima, Lita
Yes, this would be very much appreciated. I'd like to have multiple sections in the deployment docs for different ways to deploy Lita. The docs repo is here if you'd like to contribute your work: In particular, the file you want is source/getting-started/ Thanks!

On Aug 24, 2015, at 8:48 PM, Dima <> wrote:

With Heroku's change to free tiers I think Openshift is a nice replacement/alternative which has a 24/7 uptime free tier. Could be useful to write a guide to set up the app using Openshift. If nobody does it I will contribute one once I get a chance to actually set it up. Thoughts?

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Aug 31, 2015, 3:59:24 PM8/31/15
to Lita
On Monday, August 24, 2015 at 10:48:13 PM UTC-5, Dima wrote:
> With Heroku's change to free tiers I think Openshift is a nice replacement/alternative which has a 24/7 uptime free tier. Could be useful to write a guide to set up the app using Openshift. If nobody does it I will contribute one once I get a chance to actually set it up. Thoughts?

I've also written a docker image here[1] so if you have a machine just sitting around you can leverage docker instead.



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