[Immigrating to Sydney] New comment on Why do immigrants leave Australia?.

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Apr 14, 2015, 5:47:30 AM4/14/15
to list...@googlegroups.com
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why do immigrants leave Australia?":

Been here 10 years and will be leaving within the next 12 months. I find the thought of staying here forever very depressing and I feel like I'm missing out on real life somewhere else in the real world and that every concept/service/product/event/etc is just a lousy copy of something out of UK/Europe i.e. there is no original cutting edge thinking. Coming from Europe, I find the underlying problem with Australia is that it feels like an incomplete country that lacks a soul. Incomplete in that the lack of history creates a shallow existence for the locals who seem to only focus on material new stuff. This in turn creates individuals that, to me, are like cardboard cut outs of real people - they lack a fully developed personality and their goals are very simplistic and materialistic. If you have personality here, you will intimidate the locals during conversation - quite easy to spot as their eyes glaze over. They think character means adopting some over animated wooden caricature of the nation’s expectations of, for example, a footballer, or slapstick comedian, shock jock, tough guy, news reporter, intellectual and so on i.e. lots of people with the same wooden personality. You only need to look at the tv personalities to confirm it – they’re second rate. People who love Australia are usually thick skinned, materialistic, lack good taste, don’t appreciate culture/the arts/history/architecture or have come from a lower socio economic background in their home country which they resent (chip on shoulder type). The blind nationalism and ignorant “aus is best” mentality is also intolerable as is the nanny state approach to everything which the locals just seem to accept.

Posted by Anonymous to Immigrating to Sydney at April 8, 2015 at 2:53 PM


Apr 14, 2015, 5:47:30 AM4/14/15
to list...@googlegroups.com
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why do immigrants leave Australia?":

Hallo Anonymous,
this is one of the best descriptions of key features of the Australian psyche I have ever read. And let me add that, as someone who spent ten years Down Under, I read quite a few (to make sure I was not crazy, before finally moving back to civilization).

Posted by Anonymous to Immigrating to Sydney at April 11, 2015 at 7:34 AM
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