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Jan 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/25/98

=0AIn a message dated 1/24/98 3:13:00 PM, you wrote:=0A=0A>>"Fat" and "ma=
n" have different vowel sounds. Which one?=0A>=0A>These two hain't accor=
ding to my dictionary .=0A=0AWell, most dictionaries aren't very good whe=
n it comes to that. The other=0Athing that most dictionaries (probably e=
ven more than the previous thing) fail=0Ato acknowledge is the difference=
between the vowel sounds in "by" and "bike",=0Awhich is MUCH easier to e=
xplain, BTW. And what's with the "hain't"?! You=0Asound British or Iris=
h or something. Do you pronounce that like "haven't"=0Awithout the "v" o=
r rhyming with "ain't"?=0A=0AI'll put it this way: do you pronounce the "=
a" the same way in "can" in the=0Afollowing sentences?=0A=0A1. There is =
a can of soup.=0A2. Can I open it?=0AThe first "can" should rhyme with "=
man" and the second one should sound like=0A"fat" (in New York pronunciat=
ion anyway).=0A=0A>Let's say it's the one in "ash" , because that's the S=
AMPA definiton . =0A>=0A>How to you pronounce man ? =0A>Like in YuroPidji=
n "m=E1n" . =0A>=0A>I can send you a picture of the vowel trapezoid , if =
y want . =0A>Or you can send me your pic of it and I'll mark what I mean =
. =0A>=0A>Or I can send you the SAMPA definiton ? =0A>Good , I'll send it=
to this group . =0A=0AI'm not too good with IPA or SAMPA, actually. May=
be somone else who knows=0Awhat the a's in "fat" and "man" really are cou=
ld help us. (?)=0A=0A>Look at my home-page for getting a good word-list o=
f =0A>Austrian , English and Esperanto . =0A>=0A>That's =0A>=0A>http://ww=>=0A>for English =
- Esperanto =0A>and =0A>=0A>
3856/o-weata.txt=0A>=0A>for English - Austrian .=0A=0AI'll go sometime.=

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