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Shared Interlisp drive changes

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Larry Masinter

Oct 26, 2023, 11:50:52 AM10/26/23
to Interlisp core
I was having trouble with the Google shared drive Interlisp.
It turned out that there is a limit on the total number of files in a shared drive --  400000, and my attempt to add the CHM-PARC files hit it.

I moved CHM-PARC to a separate shared drive. If you want access let me know.

I downloaded and moved all the meeting recordings that were still stored "in the Cloud" by zoom into "Interlisp/2023 Meeting Recordings". I still haven't figured out how to get the recordings kept by Fathom.

I moved some documents that were on my personal Google Drive into the 
Interlisp/Documents folder.  There is also a Interlisp/Photos folder

Along the way, I managed to send out a bogus invitation to comment on a DIFFERENT Photos folder (family) but please ignore.

If you have any access problems please let me know ASAP, thank you.

John Cowan

Oct 26, 2023, 11:59:03 AM10/26/23
to Larry Masinter, Interlisp core
On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 11:50 AM Larry Masinter <> wrote:
I moved CHM-PARC to a separate shared drive. If you want access let me know.

Might as well just grant access to everyone who has access to the older shared drive.

Along the way, I managed to send out a bogus invitation to comment on a DIFFERENT Photos folder (family) but please ignore.

Awww, you mean we don't get to tell you your family is really ugly and you should get a new one?  S(h)ucks.

Larry Masinter

Oct 26, 2023, 12:16:55 PM10/26/23
to John Cowan, Interlisp core
I'm using LispCore as an access control list, but Google Drive access requires a Google account, which some don't have and, for many, is different than their preferred email address for group posts. My intention for Google drive Interlisp is that all content be set up with "Anyone with the URL can read and comment" with specific folders having additional rights. 

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