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Sandewall 1978 article

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John Cowan

Sep 28, 2021, 2:07:40 PM9/28/21
to Interlisp core
Formally, it's Eric Sandewall, "Programming in an interactive environment: The 'Lisp' Experience", ACM Computing Surveys 10:1 (March 1978).  And it's mostly about Interlisp-10 and its immediate variants, so rather than spending time explaining The Workstation Experience, which most people have already had nowadays, it focuses on The Resident Programming Experience, which almost nobody has today.

The author is by report the first and (at the time) the best Lisper in Sweden.  The article is online at <>.  We should link to it er sumpn.

Paul McJones

Sep 28, 2021, 2:21:43 PM9/28/21
to John Cowan, Interlisp core
You could probably get the ACM to give you formal permission to post a copy. They gave me permission for several articles on:

That copy you found was posted by someone who was working on a collection of interactive C projects, but he seems to have run out of steam. The top-level web site is still “published” (password-protected), so I’m not sure how that link was even crawled.


On Sep 28, 2021, at 11:07 AM, John Cowan <> wrote:

Formally, it's Eric Sandewall, "Programming in an interactive environment: The 'Lisp' Experience", ACM Computing Surveys 10:1 (March 1978).  And it's mostly about Interlisp-10 and its immediate variants, so rather than spending time explaining The Workstation Experience, which most people have already had nowadays, it focuses on The Resident Programming Experience, which almost nobody has today.

The author is by report the first and (at the time) the best Lisper in Sweden.  The article is online at <>.  We should link to it er sumpn.

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