ANN: Cephes Wrapper and SQL-DF library

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Steve Nunez

Jul 23, 2021, 4:48:53 AM7/23/21
Hi Folks,

I've been chipping away at two new libraries that I wanted to let people know about: A CFFI wrapper around the SciPy version of Cephes and a SQL-DF library modeled after the R package of the same name. I've also generated new docs (PDF, info and HTML format) for each lisp-stat library and checked them into their respective repos and updated the lisp-stat website with new getting started guides and examples.

With these two additions I think lisp-stat is feature-complete enough (for descriptive statistics) to call it 'version 1.0'. Cephes gives us at least the same accuracy for statistical distribution functions as SciPy has, and with SQL-DF, SELECT and the built-in subsetting functions, data-frames are far enough along for useful work. So far, the Vega-Lite plotting has worked quite well (see the plotting examples), though a bug in declt prevents generating documentation.

A quick example of sql-df:

(ql:quickload :sqldf)
(use-package 'sqldf)
  (sqldf "select species, avg(sepal_length) from iris group by species"))

;; 0 setosa                5.0060
;; 1 versicolor            5.9360
;; 2 virginica             6.5880

I haven't requested these be added to quicklisp yet, as I wanted to get some feedback and use them a bit in my own projects to 'bake' a bit more. The repos are at

Any comments or feedback are welcome.

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