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David Hodge

Nov 3, 2012, 8:48:05 PM11/3/12
Dear all,

Here is my latest for the installation chapter for review.

As a note, my aim is to make the installation process as smooth as possible, bearing in mind the changes that CLS is likely to undergo.

So my approach is to separate out libraries already in quick lisp and just leave the CLS specific stuff within the repo.

This means we get down from 12 external dependancies to about 3 or 4.  By external I mean other libraries present in the "external" directory - lisp-matrix being the major tenant there.

So the dependancies in external have gone from 


cl-blapack (in quicklisp, need to push)
data-table (in quick lisp, not moved as yet. dunno where used)
rsm-string-cls (optional utility, cesarum or similar in ql already)
ffa-lispmatrix (also part of lisp-matrix I think)
array-operations-lisp-matrix (??)

cl-blapack is still there, bacuase of a slight mod I have made which means it just installs without requiring modification. I should push that to tony and then it wold end up being in quick lisp

array-operations-lispmatrix is purely part of lisp-matrix and does not in my opinion deserve to be a separate library

rsm-string is  utility  library and frankly should not be here, there are a bunch of equivalent things already in quick lisp i think  so, in my mind, it should disappear in favour of one of them eventually.

my day job is in the java world where dependancy management is often a nightmare and i would like to make things as simple as possible in the future.

I actually think that using something like asdf-system-connections for optional or value add packages would be something to consider.

Having said that, here is the latest version of the install instruction


 Fast Start

Common Lisp Stat is a very rich and mature framework for data
exploration and visualisation using statistics with the Common Lisp

This design choice gives a number of advantages - both in the ability
to create fast running code, as well as being able to express complex
algorithms in a powerful and consistent language.

However, as with all large complex things, setup requires a few steps.

We assume that you have a lisp installed and that you have a passing
acquaintence with the unix shell.

1. The first point that you should note that is that these instructions
are written with the assumption of the availibility of quicklisp.

If you do not have quicklisp , please go to and
install it now

2. The second point to note is that you will need the "git" utility
installed on your machine.

for mac osx sudo port install git
for linux (eg debian) sudo apt-get install git

3. Once that is done execute the following shell commands

#+begin_src shell
  cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects
  cd common-list-stat
  git submodules init

These commands copy the the source from the repository and all the
associated libraries. It will live as a quicklisp project in the
local-projects directory. I find it convenient to symbolically link the
quicklisp direct to ~/lisp for easy access

#+begin_src shell
   ln ~/quicklisp/local-projects ~/lisp

4. Configure the locations of the BLAS and LINPACK libraries

For MacOS, we will use the pre installed libraries

For linux, make sure you have the neccessary libraries installed,
through apt, yum or otherwise viz

viz sudo apt-get install libblas, sudo apt-get install liblapack

5. For visualization we are currently implementing a gnuplot
   interface, stay tuned.

For windows, we recommend you use cygwin to get straightforward
access. I'll document the steps if there is a demand.

6. You need to check that your dynamic library path has been properly
   set up in the shell.
In your .bashrc (or equivalent shell init file) 

If you get this wrong the load process will not be able to find the
libraries and will prompt you. 

5. Once the pre prequisites have been done, start your favourite lisp
   and enter 

#+begin_src lisp
(ql:quickload :cls) 
#+end_src lisp

Retire for a well earned coffee and upon your return you should find
the package completely installed.Obviously, potential errors can creep
in with spelling the filenames correctly, so be careful.

A.J. Rossini

Nov 4, 2012, 2:29:04 AM11/4/12
Hi David -

I think that the only difference that I have between what I've been doing and with your approach is that I'm trying to get rid of submodules and move them into standalone quicklisp-fetchable packages.

But the write-up you provided is an invaluable starting point!


David Hodge

Nov 4, 2012, 6:24:05 AM11/4/12

Well, in fact tHere is no difference in intent, just implementation :)

While i would very much like to get rid of the external directory, my thinking was that some things like lisp matrix are likely to change pretty dramatically over the next x ( x> 3) months and it just  makes practical sense to have it.

Ultimately, external directory should disappear , I absolutely agree.

However, as we approach release 0.09 ( sometime in the middle distant future) being able to push changes to critical libraries quickly will be important IMO.

I could be wrong, and am willing to to listen to alternative point of view of course. But it's not as important  to me as data frames and data imports for instance


Sent from my iPad

On 4 Nov, 2012, at 3:29 PM, "A.J. Rossini" <> wrote:

Hi David -

I think that the only difference that I have between what I've been doing and with your approach is that I'm trying to get rid of submodules and move them into standalone quicklisp-fetchable packages.

But the write-up you provided is an invaluable starting point!


On Sunday, November 4, 2012 1:48:09 AM UTC+1, David Hodge wrote:
Dear all,

Here is my latest for the installation chapter for review.

As a note, my aim is to make the installation process as smooth as possible, bearing in mind while the changes that CLS is likely to undergo.

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A.J. Rossini

Nov 4, 2012, 9:15:23 AM11/4/12
Actually, lisp-matrix should be relatively stable on a monthly basis.
Stuff to do there, but I think I need to get it and the dependencies
properly vetted from quicklisp. The big need right now is a nice
front end to some of the LAPACK routines. But in theory, that can be
written where it is needed in CLS, and migrated over to lisp-matrix as
it gets upgraded.

Agree with the "push quick changes out" thinking, though -- am just
not sure what qualifies at this point. I think I did factor out
RSM-STRING in my version, and will just need to include comments on
how to get it if one wants to use it, in the particular
examples/*.lisp files -- but as I mentioned earlier, am working to get
this dependency removed in favor of a quicklisp'able csv-slurper.
Muttenz, Switzerland.
"Commit early,commit often, and commit in a repository from which we
can easily roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).

Drink Coffee: Do stupid things faster with more energy!

Peter Schmiedeskamp

Nov 4, 2012, 11:52:09 AM11/4/12
This may already be common knowledge, but attempts to load lisp-matrix fail for me on SBCL for MacOS X (installed via homebrew). 

Specifically, things barf on the the unittests.lisp:

CL-USER> (ql:quickload "lisp-matrix")
To load "lisp-matrix":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "lisp-matrix"
[package lisp-matrix].............................
[package lisp-matrix-user]........................
[package lisp-matrix-unittests]...................
; caught ERROR:
;   READ error during COMPILE-FILE:
;     :ASCII stream decoding error on
;       for "file /Users/peter/quicklisp/local-projects/lisp-matrix/src/unittests/unittests.lisp"
;       {1008C74FF3}>:
;       the octet sequence #(226) cannot be decoded.
;     (in form starting at line: 224, column: 34, file-position: 7691)

I found a page that suggests the problem is that SBCL on the Mac defaults to reading things in ASCII mode, and we have some unicode characters in that file (at least in Tony's branch--I haven't verified anything upstream).

One quick work-around appears to be to put the following in my ~/.sbclrc
#+sbcl (unless (eq sb-impl::*default-external-format* :UTF-8)
(setf sb-impl::*default-external-format* :UTF-8))

Also, after some effort, I got CLS set up and loading via slightly different means. I have no idea if my method produces a working version, but everything at least loads cleanly via quicklisp. I'll do some playing with examples and then clean up the documentation of what I did. In short, I avoided using the "external" directory in favor of creating my own forks in github, and then cloning forks of relevant libraries to my local-projects directory. The (optimistic) idea being that if I make changes to any of the supporting packages, I can simply push my changes back to github and then issue a pull request. Please let me know if this is a bad approach!


David Hodge

Nov 5, 2012, 1:04:20 AM11/5/12

I am developing on a mac right now, and have not run across this.

I have a recent copy of Tony's repo and the end of the file looks fine to me. the # character and two linefeeds.
Can you verify the same for the version of the file you have? 

From curiosity what is the version of sbcl you are using?

A.J. Rossini

Nov 5, 2012, 3:12:45 AM11/5/12

On Sunday, November 4, 2012 5:52:09 PM UTC+1, Peter Schmiedeskamp wrote:
This may already be common knowledge, but attempts to load lisp-matrix fail for me on SBCL for MacOS X (installed via homebrew). 

Which version SBCL?

Externals should be nuked.  Hopefully doesn't exist, please pull the latest changes (latest was yesterday).

The general approach just having a forked local repositoryshould be fine, using the following approach:

# first, fork on github, assume your user name is "IuseThis"

git clone  git://
cd common-lisp-stat
git remote add canonical-version git://
git checkout -b local
<work, fix, work, etc>
git fetch --all

(and compare current status with canonical-version, occassionally doing a
    git rebase canonical-version/master
to get things synced with the so-called "canonical-version")

This way you have a local fork I can pull from, and in addition, you can directly pull from my copy and yours as you want to.


David Hodge

Nov 5, 2012, 3:30:36 AM11/5/12
I absolutely agree, external directory should disappear over time. the sooner the better

I will implement the git canonical thingy asap.

Peter Schmiedeskamp

Nov 5, 2012, 9:26:45 AM11/5/12
Tony and David,

> Which version SBCL?

1.0.58, but I see 1.1.1 is in homebrew as of sometime in the last day
or two. I'll try upgrading that today, without the modification to my
.sbcl, to see if whatever the issue is has been fixed upstream. I
should say I'm assuming there were some unicode characters in the
file, as adding the line to force sbcl to use unicode by default
seemed to fix the problem for me. It's possible that SBCL installed
via other means (than homebrew) sets this option by default?

> Externals should be nuked. Hopefully doesn't exist, please pull the latest
> changes (latest was yesterday).
> The general approach just having a forked local repositoryshould be fine,
> using the following approach:
> # first, fork on github, assume your user name is "IuseThis"
> git clone git://
> cd common-lisp-stat
> git remote add canonical-version
> git://
> git checkout -b local
> <work, fix, work, etc>
> git fetch --all
> (and compare current status with canonical-version, occassionally doing a
> git rebase canonical-version/master
> to get things synced with the so-called "canonical-version")
> This way you have a local fork I can pull from, and in addition, you can
> directly pull from my copy and yours as you want to.
> best,
> -tony

That's almost exactly what I ended up doing (I called you "upstream"
as opposed to "canonical-version"). My "set everything up" shell

# First create a private fork of blindglobe's relevant CLS repos via
# the web:
# 1. common-lisp-stat
# 2. lisp-matrix
# 3. listoflist
# 4. rsm-string-cls

# Set this appropriately
cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects

# Your github username

git clone$username/common-lisp-stat.git
cd common-lisp-stat
git remote add upstream git://
git checkout -b local
cd ..

git clone$username/lisp-matrix.git
cd lisp-matrix
git remote add upstream git://
git checkout -b local
cd ..

git clone$username/listoflist.git
cd listoflist
git remote add upstream git://
git checkout -b local
cd ..

git clone$username/rsm-string-cls.git
cd rsm-string-cls
git remote add upstream git://
git checkout -b local
cd ..

# git clone$username/cl-blapack.git
# cd cl-blapack
# git remote add upstream
# cd ..

echo -e "Don't forget to edit your
echo -e "Now, start your common lisp and
invoke:\n(ql:register-local-projects) and (ql:quickload :cls)"

Peter Schmiedeskamp

Nov 5, 2012, 10:02:57 AM11/5/12
Well, it looks like with SBCL 1.1.1, we now run afoul of "package locks" ( when compiling org.middleangle.foreign-numeric-vector:

Lock on package SB-INT violated when proclaiming
SB-INT:BLOCK-GENSYM as a function while in package
   [Condition of type SYMBOL-PACKAGE-LOCKED-ERROR]
See also:
  SBCL Manual, Package Locks [:node]

If I elect to ignore the package lock and continue, everything appears to load per normal. As to the first error, I don't see that now, but perhaps I need to recompile everything?


A.J. Rossini

Nov 5, 2012, 4:31:06 PM11/5/12
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Peter Schmiedeskamp
<> wrote:
> Well, it looks like with SBCL 1.1.1, we now run afoul of "package locks"
> ( when compiling
> org.middleangle.foreign-numeric-vector:
> Lock on package SB-INT violated when proclaiming
> SB-INT:BLOCK-GENSYM as a function while in package
> See also:
> SBCL Manual, Package Locks [:node]
> If I elect to ignore the package lock and continue, everything appears to
> load per normal. As to the first error, I don't see that now, but perhaps I
> need to recompile everything?

Thanks, I've also got a bug report from Xach (quicklisp guy) on
cl-blapack reporting on the block-gensym issue, and I'm guessing that
it is the same. It looks like SBCL 1.x introduced a few changes in
the name of progress that will require some debugging for cl-blaplack.
Just when I didn't want an interruption...
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