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Lisa's Update - March 11, 2022

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Lisa Meharry

Mar 11, 2022, 5:53:49 AM3/11/22
to Lisa Meharry
Dear family and friends,

Wow -- it has been six weeks since I began in the new roles. I'm learning a lot and connecting with a number of folks in the organization who are new to me. 
I am not only getting to know the teams I have joined, but my work now interfaces with entirely different teams than I did previously. It's been great to begin to get to know a whole new group of colleagues. With the Member Finance team, I am learning there are intricate processes in place to keep things running smoothly. With the Stateside Care team, I am beginning to connect with many who have been with Wycliffe for decades... and we get to help care for them and encourage them to continue serving well.

In the previous paradigm, I had longer contact to help a smaller group of Wycliffe people. In the past six weeks, I've touched base with 14 households about budgets and introduced the services of the Stateside Care team to 73 households. Each of these co-workers impact Bible translation and your partnership through your gifts and prayers for my Wycliffe ministry impacts them. Thank you! I am amazed at and grateful for God's ways of using each of us where he has placed us to accomplish his purposes. This video expresses the gratitude of Wycliffe for your part!


Grateful for you,

Lisa Meharry

Member Financial Liaison

Stateside Care Facilitator

Working from Indianapolis, IN - Eastern Time zone

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