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Lisa's Update - March 29, 2024

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Lisa Meharry

Mar 29, 2024, 5:57:14 AM3/29/24
to Lisa Meharry
Dear family and friends,

I don't know how your "quiet time/devotions/Bible study and prayer/personal worship" goes, but I know that from time to time, I need something different to awaken my heart in new ways. This year, I've been memorizing the book of Colossians. I started this process once before, in 2021, but got derailed when I relocated to Indy. I began again in January and am making good progress.

So what does that mean? It doesn't mean I am ready to do the whole thing in front of a crowd... but with some prompting, the Lord has helped me commit sections to memory. And here's what I've learned: I really look forward to my time working on it -- reviewing it, taking on the next new section. Almost every time I hear the Bible taught, I am reminded of a Colossians theme. I am becoming much more aware of God's Word, and that's a good thing.

Here's my encouragement to you: whatever you need to do so that you are more eager for your times with the Scriptures, do it! May the Lord constantly grow our appreciation for his grace in revealing himself to us, and may that make us even more passionate about seeing others receive his Word in a language and form they best understand.

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • Your prayers for productivity are still being answered. I was able to help bunches on a pop-up project the past two weeks.
  • The long-term project due in May is ready for the finishing touches.
  • God is increasing my desire to know more of the Bible.
Items for prayer:
  • One of my departments is about to experience a significant transition of people and roles.
  • Wycliffe is looking to sell the current campus to unlock underutilized resources so that more might receive the Bible and be transformed.
  • Pray that I not only continue to memorize, but that I will continue to let the Spirit apply the Word to my heart.
You are such a blessing to me. How may I pray for you?

Serving with you,
Lisa Meharry

Member Financial Liaison

Stateside Care Facilitator
Working from Indianapolis, IN, Eastern Time zone

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