Highlights this month:
- The October software update went very smoothly!
- The audio/visual things at the Women's Retreat were fine.
- The Women's Retreat provided time for making new connections and deepening existing ones.
- I've had some improvements in sleep.
- There have been opportunities to spend time with family.
Items for prayer:
- Continued wisdom with clients. Every situation is different.
- I'll have a sleep study done again in a few weeks to measure improvement.
- We're still figuring out what family gatherings look like.
- I'm heading to Florida in November, Lord willing, for some work in the office, reconnecting with colleagues, and vacation.
Please let me know how to pray with you, too. It is a privilege to partner together.
For those still waiting for the Bible,
Lisa Meharry
Member Financial Liaison
Stateside Care FacilitatorWorking from Indianapolis, IN, Eastern Time zone
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