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Lisa's Update - October 27, 2023

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Lisa Meharry

Oct 27, 2023, 6:05:25 AM10/27/23
to Lisa Meharry

Dear family and friends,

"Yes!" It's such a joy to say, "Yes!" when God positions us to meet a need -- to help someone. It's Wycliffe's goal to say, "Yes!" when churches and communities around the world seek assistance with Bible translation. Through your prayers and gifts for my Wycliffe ministry, you've been saying, "Yes!" We're participating together as God's Word is made accessible to all people in the more than 7,000 languages that are spoken or signed in our world today. Take a look at the video below to see what God is doing!


Highlights this month:
- The October software update went very smoothly!
- The audio/visual things at the Women's Retreat were fine.
- The Women's Retreat provided time for making new connections and deepening existing ones.
- I've had some improvements in sleep.
- There have been opportunities to spend time with family.

Items for prayer:
- Continued wisdom with clients. Every situation is different.
- I'll have a sleep study done again in a few weeks to measure improvement.
We're still figuring out what family gatherings look like.
- I'm heading to Florida in November, Lord willing, for some work in the office, reconnecting with colleagues, and vacation.

Please let me know how to pray with you, too. It is a privilege to partner together.

For those still waiting for the Bible,
Lisa Meharry

Member Financial Liaison

Stateside Care Facilitator
Working from Indianapolis, IN, Eastern Time zone
For partnership opportunities with my Wycliffe ministry:
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