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Lisa's Update - December 23, 2022 - Merry Christmas!

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Lisa Meharry

Dec 23, 2022, 5:53:45 AM12/23/22
to Lisa Meharry
Dear family and friends,

Merry Christmas! Think of it -- this year, there are communities hearing and reading and seeing the story of Jesus' birth for the first time in a language they best understand, all because of Bible translation. Your prayers and gifts for my Wycliffe ministry have been a huge part of bringing the Good News of great joy to all people. Thank you!

Dr. John Chesnut serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Wycliffe Bible Translators USA. John and his wife, Kelly, wish to bring you Christmas greetings!
Story Source: The Wonder of Christmas (2:28)

Thank you for your prayers and many encouragements as Mom continued her journey on this earth. She completed that journey and fully entered the presence of Jesus yesterday (Thursday) afternoon. Her goal had been to remain in her home and we are grateful for all that took place to make that happen. We thank God for his saving mercy in her life and in ours. We are grieving the loss, but we are thrilled for her to celebrate this Christmas in heaven!

I will send an update with funeral arrangements when those are available. There is nothing we need right now other than your continued prayers for God's grace for each day.

Blessed Christmas to you!
Lisa Meharry

Member Financial Liaison

Stateside Care Facilitator
Working from Indianapolis, IN - Eastern Time zone
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