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Lisa's Update - January 19, 2024

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Lisa Meharry

Jan 19, 2024, 5:48:08 AM1/19/24
to Lisa Meharry
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Dear family and friends,

The Nkukoli people have a team ready to begin learning Oral Bible Storytelling on February 1! Here's what that will look like: A team of 3-5 facilitators will lead six 2-week workshops evenly spread over 2-3 years. The 4-5 participants per language (often 5-6 language groups are part of each project) are chosen by their church or their community. The participants learn to tell 30-50 stories of the Bible in their own language over the length of the project.

The whole group decides together with the facilitators which Bible stories to learn, generally starting with stories from Mark’s Gospel. Story selection varies from themes, books of the Bible, the lives of Biblical characters. The stories and storytelling are checked by translation consultants and checkers. There is a strong emphasis on using the local storytelling style in the crafting and performance of the stories. 
There often is immediate impact between workshops as the storytellers tell the stories in their communities (village, family, church). The stories create a hunger for more of God’s Word in the local language and are excellent preparation for more Bible translation.


Thanks so much for your prayers for the January/February work project. Things have been even busier than anticipated, but it has gone remarkably well. God has been using your prayers! I can't tell you much about it, because it's working with financial things for people, but I can tell you that it has been a blessing to be a part of the process, celebrating God's provision.

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
- Christmas with my family and friends was encouraging and enjoyable as we celebrated Jesus together.
The extra work project is going very smoothly!
- Sundays with the Jr High are going well.
I'm in a sustainably good routine for restful sleep now.

Items for prayer:
- The Nkukoli Oral Bible Storytelling team.
- Wisdom with clients.
- My Bible reading and prayer/devotions/quiet time plan is a little different this year. [When I get a little farther along, I'll share more. :-)] Pray that I grow more and more in love with God's Word and that I learn to know God better.

It is a privilege to partner together in prayer. Let me know how I may stand with you, too.

Serving with you,
Lisa Meharry

Member Financial Liaison

Stateside Care Facilitator
Working from Indianapolis, IN, Eastern Time zone
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