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Lisa's Update - August 25, 2023

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Lisa Meharry

Aug 25, 2023, 5:38:12 AM8/25/23
to Lisa Meharry
Dear family and friends,

When a strong tsunami struck the Arop community of Papua New Guinea in 1998, more than 2,200 people were killed, including one member of the Bible translation team. In the wake of that tragedy, the surviving translation team members felt a deep sense of urgency to help other nearby language communities have the hope of Christ. Today 11 communities in the area, including Arop, are involved in Bible translation.

Clement, a Bible translator for one of the communities, heard music as he walked home from church one Sunday morning. He noticed a crowd gathering outside a church and saw the people listening to lyrics that had been written during a recent songwriting workshop. “I feel so glad that these translated Scriptures in song are being listened to and are sparking more interest in the translated Word of God,” he said. “Now I’m hearing people humming the Scripture songs, and I’m encouraged to keep translating.”

Through your prayer and gifts for my Wycliffe ministry, you help others have the hope of Christ. Thank you!


Faith's GO (Global Outreach) Time weekend was such an encouragement! [Welcome to those who are new to these updates.:-)] It was a privilege to share about what God is doing in Bible translation and to invite others to consider how the Lord might use their gifts in the process. I soon hope to have access to a video of the seminar from Sunday evening. I'll pass that link on when it's available.

On a personal note, my parents' home was sold to their grandson (my nephew) and wife in early August. That is a blessing in many ways! The smoothness of the process is evidence of so many prayers on our behalf. We are all grateful.

Prayer requests:
- for the 11 translation projects in Papua New Guinea to make good progress.
- that I would continue to have wisdom to do my work well.
- that we'd find the right combination of options to help my mild sleep apnea.
- that the last details of the estate would close smoothly.

Please, let me know how to pray with you, too.

Thanking God for you all,
Lisa Meharry

Member Financial Liaison

Stateside Care Facilitator
Working from Indianapolis, IN, Eastern Time zone
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