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Lisa's Update - September 27, 2024

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Lisa Meharry

Sep 27, 2024, 5:54:35 AM9/27/24
to Lisa Meharry
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Dear family and friends,

The Wycliffe USA staff gather on Wednesdays to worship, to hear stories of how God is working and to pray for the continuing needs of those without the Bible. I was encouraged by the report we heard this week of minority language translators who are just beginning their work in Uganda. Their first translated passage was only eight verses, but they faithfully shared that with their neighbors... and some came to Christ! Imagine how the Lord will work when more of his Word is translated!

As you pray and give toward my Wycliffe ministry, you share in the reward as God transforms lives through the translated Word. Praise God!


Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • God's translated Word transforms lives!
  • My workload has been very manageable.
  • Sciatica is a now non-issue!
Items for prayer:
  • Pray for the Ugandan translators to continue to make good progress.
  • Wycliffe leadership anticipates the sale of the campus, likely by summer, 2025. Pray for the programs (like the ones I used to help) to settle on a new location.
  • Wycliffe's new fiscal year begins October 1, so there will be a series of new tasks to complete between then and October 20. Pray those go smoothly.
What has the Lord put on your heart for prayer? May I join you?

Because of grace,
Lisa Meharry

Member Financial Liaison

Stateside Care Facilitator
Working from Indianapolis, IN, Eastern Time zone
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