Friday May 13th class

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Lisa Walford

May 12, 2022, 10:45:46 PM5/12/22
to Lisa Walford Pranayama
Everyone.. my Friday classes are generally targeted, almost workshop like. I decided to teach like this as most of you take regular classes and rarely get to focus on a specific area for the whole class and hence may not go deep to enhance understanding and build muscle memory. However, tomorrow, Friday, I will teach what I consider a well balanced "what can I do as a daily balanced practice" class. Here is what the sequence will roughly be, call it a rough draft. I might change some things, but this is it! If you do not know the names of these poses, well, time to learn!  

Tadasana → Urdhva Hastasana → Urdhva Baddhanguliasana → prep PaschiNamaskar (hands to hips, arms slightly behind + external rotation, triceps long)

Parsva Tadasana, side bend

Prana Kriya series

Ardha Chandrasana W/chair


Parsvakonasana OR if hip issues, Vira 2

Prasarita Padottanasana, concave and full pose


Dandasana → Navasana

Dandasana → Purvottanasana (may do from Virasana)

Salambasana → Bhujangasana


Adho Mukha Svanasana → Urdvha Mukha vriksasana (optional)


Chair Dwipada Viparita Dandasana

Chair Bharadvajasana

Chair Sarvangasana 

Jataraparivartanasana bent legs

Dandasana → Marichyasana 3



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