Official Liquid Zeolite Site

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Jan 18, 2008, 10:20:25 AM1/18/08
to Liquid Zeolites
I am getting confused.
So many sites about liquid zeolite.
Is there an official web site or forum where I can find out about
Liquid Zeolite.
I have found a few but I would rather look at an official site.
I am interested in using the products for detox but I am also
interested in what these products can do about cancer for my brother.


PS Apart from this site these are the other sites I am currently
looking at ,

PPS. Sorry if I have posted my question incorrectly.


Jan 18, 2008, 2:06:02 PM1/18/08
Hi Bill,

Here is the website that Harvery Kaufman's original formula is available at.
He had another company marketing his zeolite product, but there came to
light some evidence of the company changing his formulation.

He found Trilogy as a reputable and ethical company and has entrusted
Trilogy to properly market his zeolite product.

Here is the website:

Thanks Bill,

Michelle Hathaway


Jan 18, 2008, 8:04:58 PM1/18/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Hi Bill

I am the author/webmaster of Thank you for
finding value in my articles and sharing them with others. I
appreciate that.

The only "official" sites are those owned by companies who are
producing/promoting the zeolites. As far as I have been able to do my
own research I haven't found any site that is truly independent,
providing generic information on the zeolites themselves. (and of
course that includes me) I have done my best to provide a central
place for gathering

a lot of the information that is out there, and if in your own travels
you come across information that I don't have please send me an email
through my Let's Talk Detox site. My number is clearly posted as well
if you wish to speak in person.

Many blessings,
Shelley Penney

Michelle Hathaway, be careful of libellous statements such as those
that you have made regarding Waiora. This matter is before the courts,
and libel propogated on the internet by either party will not help
matters any.

Jan 21, 2008, 11:57:27 AM1/21/08
to Liquid Zeolites
I found that the trilogy site is some sort of MLM as well. I can't
make any orders without a referral associate ID. How do I get started
from scratch
> >
> > and
> > PPS. Sorry if I have posted my question incorrectly.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Jan 21, 2008, 1:38:20 PM1/21/08
Hi Sheree,

Please call me: 517 655-2126 and I will help you.
I have free long distance, so if you want me to call you give me a time and
I will call you. Or just call me and I will call you right back.

My referral number is: 82834
My website is:
Call me so I can help you!

Michelle Hathaway
Phone: 517 655-2126


Jan 21, 2008, 1:48:42 PM1/21/08
Hi Shelley,

I will keep matters to myself; as I know there is a court date pending, then
everyone will know the truth.

However, the ONE company in the U.S. that is currently contracted with Dr.
Harvey Kaufman's liquid zeolite product called ZNatural is Trilogy.

Website to read about it is:

I am happy to answer any questions that I am able to answer for you.


Michelle Hathaway
Ph. 517 655-2126

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shelley" <>
To: "Liquid Zeolites" <>

Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Official Liquid Zeolite Site


Jan 21, 2008, 10:18:08 PM1/21/08
I just found this company that makes Advanced Cellular Zeolite, ACZ nano.
The claim to be far superior to Waiora. At least they explain their product better, but i haven't seen any studies to prove it.
Has anyone heard of them before?


Jan 25, 2008, 4:40:09 AM1/25/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Thanks for your reply Michelle.
I have just read a post on this forum about powdered zeolite and how
cheap it is.
I have read that it is less effective than liquid zeolite (maybe
someone could confirm this) but even so, if powdered does the same as
liquid, why is liquid zeolite so expensive?
On your website you mention something called DMES. Is this another
type of zeolite?

Best Regards
> >
> > and


Jan 25, 2008, 4:45:47 AM1/25/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Hi Shelley.
Thanks for your reply.
It is a shame there is no independant website. It is so confusing and
the more questions I ask, the more confusing it gets.
I have posted a question on this forum regarding powdered zeolite. Do
you get to see all posting on this forum or should I ask you the
question as well or do I have to go to your web site.

Your help is much appreciated.



On 19 Jan, 01:04, Shelley <> wrote:
> Hi Bill
> I am the author/webmaster of  www.LetsTalkDetox.comThank you for
> > Michelle Hathaway- Hide quoted text -


Jan 25, 2008, 9:12:35 AM1/25/08
Hi Bill,

I think your question is a good question for a bio-chemist. I think I will
ask a friend who is a bio-chemist about how successful one would be who
tries to use the powdered zeolite and just what one would have to do to be


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill" <>
To: "Liquid Zeolites" <>

Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: Official Liquid Zeolite Site



Jan 25, 2008, 10:10:18 AM1/25/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Thanks Michelle.
I wish I knew a biochemist, then maybe they could explain a few things
to me!!
Thank you for taking the time to ask your friend. I look forward to
the answer.

Best Regards

On 25 Jan, 14:12, Health2me <> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> >> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Jan 26, 2008, 11:40:49 PM1/26/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Hi Bill

I do have some more info over on my forum at
The basics of the powdered zeolite (as I understand them directly from
Rik Deitsch who is a bio-chemist focused solely on the zeolite
product) is this.

Powdered zeolite is basically ground up zeolite, put into capsules or
left in powder form. Understand where zeolite comes from. It is mined
from the ground, a mineral with a slight charge that attracts
molecules with an opposite charge, like a magnet. Many toxins happen
to have an opposite charge to the zeolite and that is what makes it so
effective at removing the toxins. But Bill, there are toxins are in
the ground, the water, the air as well. So the zeolites will naturally
already have a hold on heavy metals etc. Both Waiora NCD (Natural
Cellular Defense) and Trilogy's ZNatural use a process of heating and
other things to clean the cages, "activating them". In effect we are
emptying them out completely so they have more room to absorb the
toxins etc from your body. None of the other zeolite products do.

Powdered zeolite not only is not empty so therefore can not carry as
much out of your system (not as effective) BUT they have toxins in
them already!. The concern is that some of the toxins may actually be
released! While this is unlikely, there haven't been studies to show
it doesn't, and when I am trying to get rid of poisons I don't want to
swallow a magnet that has poisons attached and hope they don't get
loose. I have a document from one powdered zeolite company that
applied for acceptance into the UK and was refused because of the
levels of toxins in their product.

If you visit my forum there is more info about the different kinds. If
you have more questions after you see the info, feel free to ask them.
I am assuming that you are in the UK Bill, because of your email. My
organization is not currently shipping zeolite into the UK, so I
recommend you go with Michelle and her ZNatural. If Waiora wasn't
available to me, that would be my second choice.

I know the liquid zeolites are more expensive. That price is what you
are paying to have a clean, pure product that works.

I hope you find the info helpful.

Many blessings,

On Jan 25, 5:45 am, Bill <> wrote:
> Hi Shelley.
> Thanks for your reply.
> It is a shame there is no independant website. It is so confusing and
> the more questions I ask, the more confusing it gets.
> I have posted a question on this forum regarding powdered zeolite. Do
> you get to see all posting on this forum or should I ask you the
> question as well or do I have to go to your web site.
> Your help is much appreciated.
> Regards
> Bill
> On 19 Jan, 01:04, Shelley <> wrote:
> > Hi Bill
> > I am the author/webmaster of  www.LetsTalkDetox.comThankyou for
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Jan 27, 2008, 6:14:11 AM1/27/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Hi Shelley. Thank you so much for your posting. You obviously know a
lot about these products and what you have said makes a lot of sense.
I have also had a quick look at you forum and there is some stuff
there that the readers of this forum may find useful.
Am I allowed to copy stuff from your forum onto this forum, so that
more people can read what you say or do people have to go to your
For all other members of this forum I suggest that you visit Shelley's
forum at, as there is a lot of
usefull information there, especially her information on the different
types of Zeolite products and her piece on comparing the differrent
zeolite products.
Thanks again Shelley.


On 27 Jan, 04:40, Shelley <> wrote:
> Hi Bill


Jan 27, 2008, 9:33:18 AM1/27/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Bill It is my pleasure to help. At the end of the day, what is most
important is that people get the information they need to make an
informed decision that is right for them. I am glad you found my forum

Of course I would prefer that people visit the forum rather than have
the info posted here, but I won't kick up a fuss if you do. :-) It is
the internet after all. The forum is only a few days old, and I would
love to get a few members who are participating. I will post a few new
articles a few times a week. I have a ton of information from the
questions people have asked over the past months that I found answers

If you have questions that you would like to see answered over there,
feel free to register and ask them. Chances are, I have been asked the
question, and have the answer, but if not, I WILL find out and post


On 27 Jan, 07:14, Bill <> wrote:
> Hi Shelley. Thank you so much for your posting. You obviously know a
> lot about these products and what you have said makes a lot of sense.
> I have also had a quick look at you forum and there is some stuff
> there that the readers of this forum may find useful.
> Am I allowed to copy stuff from your forum onto this forum, so that
> more people can read what you say or do people have to go to your
> forum.
> For all other members of this forum I suggest that you visit Shelley's
> forum, as there is a lot of


Feb 1, 2008, 12:59:51 PM2/1/08
to Liquid Zeolites
As many know, a lawsuit is pending between Harvey Kaufman's company,
Waiora, and some others.

It has proved to be interesting reading. In a response to the lawsuit
that the NCD inventor filed against Waiora, Waiora claims that the
inventor actually lied about one of the studies in the patent
application. Their claim is that a "5 week study" that reportedly
showed that zeolites reduced the size of tumors in mice was actually a
7 week study.

At the end of two more weeks, tumors were actually larger than the
control group.

Here are the biggest questions I have in light of what is coming out

If true, when did Waiora find that out? Would seem to be good reason
to abandon the original formulation.
On what studies and whose work is their new formulation base on?
Does Trilogy know know about this? If so, what are they saying about

Waiora court documents are located here:

Stan Hamilton

Feb 4, 2008, 8:17:53 PM2/4/08
Hi Bill, I just read your post below.  I thought I would volunteer that I've been taking both the liquid zeolite and powdered zeolite.  I will not be re-ordering the liquid zeolite but will continue taking the powdered zeolite.  I've read that while the expensive liquid zeolite is about 15 to 20 times as effective as the same amount of powdered zeolite would be, a teaspoon of powdered zeolite contains about 175 times the amount of zeolite as a normal dosage of liquid zeolite would be.  So, you can do the math and see that the powdered zeolite is still, by far, the best deal.......stanart

Health2me <> wrote:

Hi Bill,

I think your question is a good question for a bio-chemist. I think I will
ask a friend who is a bio-chemist about how successful one would be who
tries to use the powdered zeolite and just what one would have to do to be


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill"
To: "Liquid Zeolites"
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: Official Liquid Zeolite Site

> Thanks for your reply Michelle.
> I have just read a post on this forum about powdered zeolite and how
> cheap it is.
> I have read that it is less effective than liquid zeolite (maybe
> someone could confirm this) but even so, if powdered does the same as
> liquid, why is liquid zeolite so expensive?
> On your website you mention something called DMES. Is this another
> type of zeolite?
> Best Regards
> Bill


Feb 4, 2008, 8:58:19 PM2/4/08
The way i understand it, powders do not leave the intestine but the liquids that are nanoized (not all are) will travel to the blood and all over the body.

Stan Hamilton <> wrote:

Terri Taylor

Feb 4, 2008, 10:05:13 PM2/4/08
Hi Folks-
What you're missing in this equation is that powdered zeolites are not micronized, and therefore work principally in the GI tract, because they particle size is too big to get effectively into the bloodstream and lymph system. The only powdered exception to this may be the former Megamin product originally from Croatia, which the manufacturer claims is ground to nano particles. If you want to restrict your cleansing to the colon, a powder can do some good there (and it can definitely help with chronic diarrhea). But otherwise, you need a suspended colloidal solution of particles no larger than two microns to get into the blood. I am a fan of Natural Cellular Defense, lab-certified at one-to-two microns, with most particles less than one micron.

Additionally, powders are filled with whatever the zeolite molecules have drawn into their molecular cages in nature - for example iron, copper, radioactivity, etc., etc., in other words, positively-charged ions. This means that the particles are already partially - maybe even completely - filled. There is no way to determine what's left of their absorptive capacity.

Stan, where did you get your statistics? I would be interested in knowing the source.

The fact is that one would need to take boatloads of powdered zeolite to do a partial job.

Finally, about purity: 
Powdered zeolite - especially when mixed with water in solution (like the zeolite/humic acid product currently out there that looks like a real bargain) - carry the risk of bacterial contamination. Two such products were pulled off the market in the US last year by the FDA for making people sick. There are a lot of cheap reconstituted copy cat products out there, so be careful!  Cheap does not equal safe and effective!


Feb 26, 2008, 8:45:54 AM2/26/08
Hi Sheree,

I just found your email and didn't know whether or not you were able to get
on Trilogy's site and order product. If you still need an associate's ID to
do so, here is mine: 82834.

Also, if you need any help, please feel free to call me and I will call you
back on my dime as I have free long distance.

Michelle Hathaway in Michigan
Ph. 517 655-2126 EST

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Liquid Zeolites" <>

Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: Official Liquid Zeolite Site


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