My Dad

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Gary Nichols

Feb 11, 2007, 12:40:20 PM2/11/07
Some of you have asked if I could post the progress of my dad since he
contracted malignant mesothelioma early last year. I have done this on the website and I've copied it below in case it is of any help
to other cancer sufferers.

For your information this disease is incurable and is described on the net
as one of the most deadly forms of cancer know to man.


Hello Laxmoms sister. I have often wondered how your dad was doing. It was
good to hear from you, but not so good to hear of the hard time that your
dad is having. Please pass on my best regards to Stacey. I have decided to
give you a complete account of my dad’s progress since first being
diagnosed. I will use the same account for a Zeolite user group that is
groping for information on it’s effectiveness.

My dad, who was 80 at the time, first developed pains in his back and saw a
doctor on 6th February 2006. Initially he was misdiagnosed but increasingly
he found it difficult to breath and was admitted into hospital on 2nd March.
He was found to have malignant mesothelioma, a rare (ish) form of cancer
caused by exposure to asbestos. The doctors drained 3.5 litres of fluid from
his left lung, after which he was able to breath much easier. However the
prognosis was not good and the consultant told my mum that he only had 6
months left.

Over the next few weeks he had 4 sessions of radio-therapy followed by 6
sessions, at 21 day intervals, of chemotherapy, which consisted of alimta
and carboplatin. During the first 2 months dad started to take 15 drops of
Zeolite 3 times a day, but when I discovered that Zeolite removes platinum
based substances such as carboplatin we decided to stop taking it.

After the first 3 sessions of chemo dad had a second scan and to our relief
the tumours had shrunk. Whether this was a result of the chemo or the
Zeolite I do not know.

He struggled during the chemo, especially during the first 10 days in each
21 day period, but by comparison with what I’ve read about others dad’s
experience was not bad at all.

After the chemo the medical profession had nothing to offer, except the
prospect of pain relief as and when the disease spread. Consequently, in
September 2006, we resumed the alternative medicine, more out of hope and
desperation than anything else. This consisted of the same 15 drops of
Zeolite plus a similar dosage of Cellfood. Zeolite is very expensive but
the latter is only about a quarter of the cost. In addition dad started to
use the Dr Hulda Clarke Zapper; this cost £200, but it is a one-off with no
additional expenditure. There are many claims that it has a beneficial
effect for cancer sufferers. The only other change to his previous habits
has been that he now drinks two cups of green tea a day. I tried to get him
to take three, but two’s his limit!!

To this date, 11/02/2007, he has diligently stuck to this regime. In a few
days he will have an X ray, I don’t know why he’s not having a scan but I
guess the consultant expects that by now the ravages of meso will be clear
to see. The following week he will meet the consultant and be advised of the
result. We’re all apprehensive about it.

It had not been my intention to put anything on the web until after this,
but when I read your posting I felt that your dad may benefit from our
experience. During September and the first part of October dad was
reasonably OK but relatively weak due to the chemo and radiotherapy. Since
then he has looked well and has not suffered at all. The only symptom he
ever has is if he takes a deep breath he gets a very slight pain in the
side, which is the location of the biopsy last year. He is able to cut the
lawn and ride his cycle to the next village without any difficulty.

Mum and dad live about 150 miles from us, but I phone about 5 times a week.
Each time I anticipate them telling me that the symptoms have suddenly
surfaced, but thankfully they haven’t.

With each passing day I am beginning to convince myself that the alternative
medicine is responsible for dad’s good progress. However, I think that he
will need another scan before we can be sure.

Dad has a lot of moles on the front and back of his torso but over the last
four months they’ve been disappearing, even the big black ones. All that
remains of some of them is a slight mark that outlines where they once
where. Personally I consider this is utterly amazing: I’ve never heard of
anything like it. Initially the dark ones turn a lighter shade and then you
begin to see skin underneath until they disappear altogether.
I deduce from this that the most likely probability is that it is the effect
of the alternative medicines. If you or anyone else has ever heard of moles
disappearing please let me know because otherwise I believe it could be
quite significant.

To all of you, please make your own decisions. My concern about Zeolite is
that it seems to be a money making marketing business and I would hate to be
someone who induces financial hardship on folks who are suffering from
cancer. But even more I would hate to think that by holding back information
about dad resulted in some of you suffering when it could be avoided.

I still fear that Dad’s marvellous progress is just a fluke and that the
disease will soon wreak vengeance. I think that we shall soon find out.

Wishing you all the very best,

Gary Nichols (Dial-a-TV)

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