new to this site...........

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May 1, 2008, 9:24:45 AM5/1/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Hi there all just need some support from any1 who is going through
cancer at the minute and is taking liquid zeolite.?? My mother in law
4 weeks ago was diagnosed with squimish cell cancer located in her
lung and its spread into the tissues near her spine... They said its
to dangerous to operate but are sorting out radium blast for her to
have in 3 weeks. She is only 50 and has her full life ahead of her,
always been an active lady and its distraught her. We found liquid
zeolite on the net and ordered some. she takes 10 drops 3 times daily
and where hoping for a miracle. Is there any1 out there with any
support. Thanx x

Liz Rhodes

May 1, 2008, 10:58:30 AM5/1/08
HI there,

My very best wishes to you and to your mother in law.

Jan 3rd I had a lump, thought to be a cyst, removed from my head which
turned out to be secondary melanoma in a lymph node, and the primary cannot
be found. It was not all removed as it was on a nerve and the op was under
local anaesthetic. 3 weeks later a node in my neck showed as a lump and
when biopsied was cancerous too. I started taking Z-Natural, liquid zeolite
from Spirit of Sunshine. In 7 weeks the node in my neck reduced from the
size of a walnut to the size of a baked bean. I had the nodes in my neck
removed surgically three weeks ago and out of 34 taken only that one was
cancerous. My head still needs more surgery as they think some cancer may
still be left there but I was impressed by the reduction I saw and I suspect
there may in fact not be any left to remove. I am still taking the zeolite.

I was advised to take more drops than you were advised. I took 90 per day
until the op, and now take 60 per day in case there is still some in my

Hope all goes well for you.


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Jessica Parsons

May 1, 2008, 4:58:49 PM5/1/08
I can't beleive you have mentioned MMS as this is something I tried my dad on, but, did not give it time to work as he got too ill too quick.  However, I have just got back from taking him to New York for treatment that he could not have in the UK.  He is now feeling better, therefore, I will get him back on it as the person who recommended it to me speaks very highly of it.  I have also looked into the zeolite, but same situation.  I will get him started on both asap.  My dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on 15th Jan this year.  He was given 2 wks to live 6 wks ago.  Pancreatic cancer is known as one of the worst types of cancer with life expectancy usually between 4-6 months from day of diagnosis.  Our lives have been turned upside down.  I have researched everything possible since the day of diagnosis & I have found some very useful information that is not given to us by our own doctors.  It is great to have re-assurance about things we were looking into trying.  I have done a webite for my dad if you have a minute to take a look

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: new to this site...........
> Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 16:27:55 -0400
> yes, i have a suggestion to add to your zeolite:
> check out
> if you check youtube by looking up miracle mineral solution, you will find a
> guy that shows exactly how to mix/use it and he has cancer....just about in
> remission from taking it only. check it out, good luck to you and your
> family. dr. b

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: "Liquid Zeolites" <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 9:24 AM
> Subject: new to this site...........
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG.
> > Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1409 - Release Date: 5/1/2008
> > 8:39 AM
> >
> >

Gary Nichols

May 1, 2008, 5:12:36 PM5/1/08

Just to let you know that over 2 years ago my dad was diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma……..almost as bad as pancreatic cancer. He was given 6-12 months to live but started taking liquid Zeolite and today he is still doing just fine!


15 drops a day 3 times a day is the dosage he adhered to for about 18 months but he’s down to just 10 drops *3 at present.


There are a number of other remarkable cases of Zeolite working wonders.  Please don’t delay I am convinced it really works.



> </html

Jessica Parsons

May 1, 2008, 5:33:46 PM5/1/08
Thank you.  I am going to order some tomorrow.  Got absolutely nothing to loose.  Thanks again.


Subject: RE: new to this site...........
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 22:12:36 +0100

Carol Williams

May 2, 2008, 2:02:57 AM5/2/08
to, M. Needham2007@Btinternet. Com, G. Nichols@Dialatv. Co. Uk - Liquid-Zeolites@googlegroups. com, Ckeroflight@Peoplepc. Com

Greetings Dear Folks,

I also have a suggestion for our group. Thank you all for sharing as you do wherever you are!

My husband is a survivor of stage 4 Lymphoma Cancer since 1997 before Zeolite, before any of the wonderful items we have now!

He refused all but one dose of chemo and found his healing in learning how to breathe correctly, Essiac Tea and other items.

My husband totally refused any more Chemo, in fact checked himself out of the hospital. His doctor saw him on the street

5 years after he sent him home to die. In total shock he stated, “Mr. Williams your still with us”! Jack’s answer was, “Yes NO

Thanks to you!!” 


Are you folks using the genuine Dr. Harvey Kaufman ZNatural?  It is exclusive at Trilogy Intl.

Trilogy and the Dr. Harvey Znatural is in full sway of coming to Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan etc.

A series of meetings have been scheduled in these countries the end of May and beginning of June.

E-mail me for the schedule of the dates and cities for the soon coming Trilogy meetings.

Dr. Harvey’s ZNatural only recommends 3 drops 3 times a day. If serious challenge is present a tiny bit more.


Are you aware of the magnificent Ancient CHAGA Mushroom super concentrate?

This Chaga Mushroom concentrate is presently being used in the hospitals in Japan in conjunction with Chemo Therapy.

Check out the Chaga Stories under the “Product Menu”!

You will find two very strong Cancer Stories!!  Herbalists are finding only this non-alcohol based formula is potent and powerful.   This Chaga can be ordered from the website from anywhere in the world.

Also dear ones my husband is PAIN FREE for the first time in 45 years. Write to me if you want his complete story.

To Your Very Best Health and Blessings,

Carol Williams

Carson City, NV USA  or


> family. dr.. b

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: "Liquid Zeolites" <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 9:24 AM
> Subject: new to this site...........
> >
> > Hi there all just need some support from any1 who is going through
> > cancer at the minute and is taking liquid zeolite.?? My mother in law
> > 4 weeks ago was diagnosed with squimish cell cancer located in her
> > lung and its spread into the tissues near her spine... They said its
> > to dangerous to operate but are sorting out radium blast for her to
> > have in 3 weeks. She is only 50 and has her full life ahead of her,
> > always been an active lady and its distraught her. We found liquid
> > zeolite on the net and ordered some. she takes 10 drops 3 times daily
> > and where hoping for a miracle. Is there any1 out there with any
> > support. Thanx x
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG.
> > Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1409 - Release Date: 5/1/2008
> > 8:39 AM
> >
> >
> </html



May 2, 2008, 6:20:23 AM5/2/08
Hi Mrs Needham

Just a short note to tell you of my experience with liquid zeolite....

I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in June 2006....I had the surgery followed
by 6 months chemotherapy.

Upon finishing my chemotherapy I started taking liquid zeolite and I took 9
drops 3 times per day for 12 months.

Then I had a break because of the expense of it.

I now take it when I am tired...I know this is not the way to go but it will be 2 years in June when I have my tests all again so I
am hoping for a good result..

.I don't know and it does make me edgy when it is time to have the tests
again and I am sure we all feel the same..

Very best wishes for your Mum's health.

Kind regards
Daphne Catlin
Wagga Wagga nsw 2650


May 2, 2008, 11:19:23 AM5/2/08
Thanx for that any info or support is a big help thank you

----- Original Message ----
From: Daphne <>
Sent: Friday, 2 May, 2008 11:20:23 AM
Subject: Re: new to this site...........

Message has been deleted

Mohd Anas Ramadhan bin Mohd Yusoff

May 5, 2008, 11:13:26 PM5/5/08
to, M. Needham2007@Btinternet. Com, G. Nichols@Dialatv. Co. Uk - Liquid-Zeolites@googlegroups. com, Ckeroflight@Peoplepc. Com

Hi, Do you have this product sold in Malaysia, thanks



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Carol Williams

May 6, 2008, 11:19:57 AM5/6/08
to, M. Needham2007@Btinternet. Com, G. Nichols@Dialatv. Co. Uk - Liquid-Zeolites@googlegroups. com, Ckeroflight@Peoplepc. Com

Greetings Zeolite Group,


YES, we most certainly do have the Dr. Harvey genuine ZNatural being marketed in Malaysia. Trilogy company meetings will

be held in Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan the end of May and beginning of June.

I will be delighted to share the dates and city locations of the soon coming meetings. I am most willing to phone anyone and

provide precise details of company quality and integrity.

I will be pleased to answer any further questions by phone or e-mail.

The Trilogy International website:

The Chaga Mushroom can be ordered directly from the website:

Jack & Carol Williams

775-885-8531 Nevada USA


Mohd Anas Ramadhan bin Mohd Yusoff

May 7, 2008, 11:01:01 PM5/7/08

Yes, please do update me on the dates in Malaysia. By the way, can I know the distributor/agent name phone number in Malaysia. Thanks






Tel : +603-22407086


Jun 19, 2008, 11:16:09 AM6/19/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Hi There

What is Squimish cell cancer?

Has the zeolite helped @ all? I have some testimonials on cancer if
you are interested reading them. I'm new here, but I have been taking
and distributing this product for a year and a half.

If you are interested in those testimonials I can send them to you.
Just send me your email and I can dod that.

Have a great day!


Kent, Michelle

Jun 19, 2008, 11:18:22 AM6/19/08
Hi Gil
I would love to read the testimonials please?

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Gil
Sent: 19 June 2008 16:16
To: Liquid Zeolites
Subject: Re: new to this site...........


Jun 19, 2008, 11:25:46 AM6/19/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Hey Liz

How are things going? Hope you are tip top shape

Don't stop taking zeolite. We are introduced to chemicals everyday.
Unfortunately we live in a toxic world. Global warming is an
indication of all the pollution and how catastrophic it is. That is
why there are so many of us sick now a days.
I take and sell zeolite myself. This is a wonderful product. I feel it
has saved my life. I put a testimonial together just two short months
after starting taking it. That is how much effect it has had on my
life. I don't have cancer, but I have MCS, CFS and FM. My health was
really bad before I was introduced to NCD.
Now I feel great. It is so wonderful to be alive. I have my life back.
If you ever want to chat or want info, drop me an email. Let me know
how things are going for you!

Take Care!

Have a great day!


On May 1, 10:58 am, "Liz Rhodes" <> wrote:
> HI there,
> My very best wishes to you and to your mother in law.
> Jan 3rd I had a lump, thought to be a cyst, removed from my head which
> turned out to be secondary melanoma in a lymph node, and the primary cannot
> be found.  It was not all removed as it was on a nerve and the op was under
> local anaesthetic.  3 weeks later a node in my neck showed as a lump and
> when biopsied was cancerous too.  I started taking Z-Natural, liquid zeolite
> from Spirit of Sunshine. In 7 weeks the node in my neck reduced from the
> size of a walnut to the size of a baked bean.  I had the nodes in my neck
> removed surgically three weeks ago and out of 34 taken only that one was
> cancerous.  My head still needs more surgery as they think some cancer may
> still be left there but I was impressed by the reduction I saw and I suspect
> there may in fact not be any left to remove.  I am still taking the zeolite.
> I was advised to take more drops than you were advised.  I took 90 per day
> until the op, and now take 60 per day in case there is still some in my
> head.
> Hope all goes well for you.
> Liz
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: 01 May 2008 14:25 PM
> To: Liquid Zeolites
> Subject: new to this site...........
> Hi there all just need some support from any1 who is going through
> cancer at the minute and is taking liquid zeolite.?? My mother in law
> 4 weeks ago was diagnosed with squimish cell cancer located in her
> lung and its spread into the tissues near her spine... They said its
> to dangerous to operate but are sorting out radium blast for her to
> have in 3 weeks.  She is only 50 and has her full life ahead of her,
> always been an active lady and its distraught her.  We found liquid
> zeolite on the net and ordered some.  she takes 10 drops 3 times daily
> and where hoping for a miracle.  Is there any1 out there with any
> support.  Thanx x
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1408 - Release Date: 30/04/08
> 18:10 PM
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG.
> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1408 - Release Date: 30/04/08
> 18:10 PM- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Jun 19, 2008, 11:36:36 AM6/19/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Hi Michelle

I'm new here. Can you let me know how to send this to you?

Do you have an email address where I can send it to?

Here is my personal email if you would rather send it there:

> > support.  Thanx x- Hide quoted text -

Liz Rhodes

Jun 19, 2008, 11:46:41 AM6/19/08
Would certainly be interested in testimonials. So glad you have had a
positive experience.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Gil
Sent: 19 June 2008 16:26 PM
To: Liquid Zeolites

Subject: Re: new to this site...........

Hey Liz

Take Care!

Have a great day!


Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.0/1508 - Release Date: 18/06/08
21:08 PM

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Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.0/1508 - Release Date: 18/06/08
21:08 PM


Jun 19, 2008, 12:33:35 PM6/19/08
to Liquid Zeolites
What type of zeolite do you take?
How many drops per day?
> 21:08 PM- Hide quoted text -

Liz Rhodes

Jun 19, 2008, 12:29:42 PM6/19/08
I take Z-Natural liquid zeolite, have reduced to 15 3 times per day as last
biopsy was cancer free, just scar tissue, despite the fact that margins of
the excised lesion had not been clear. Either it had all been removed or
the drops finished it off!


Jun 19, 2008, 12:58:47 PM6/19/08
to Liquid Zeolites
What is the price of z natural?

Are you a distributor?
> 21:08 PM- Hide quoted text -


Jun 19, 2008, 1:00:10 PM6/19/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Are you presently taking zeolite? How much and what brand? Do you sell
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

Liz Rhodes

Jun 19, 2008, 1:48:24 PM6/19/08
No, I'm not a distributor. I get it from Spiritofsunshine, 5 bottles for
£129. 15 bottles £377. 1 bottle £29.

I'd be very interested in testimonials as I have several friends with
various cancers.

Jun 19, 2008, 3:43:51 PM6/19/08
He or she meant "squamous" cell cancer.  Ususally of the skin, but can become very invasive.  
In a message dated 6/19/2008 11:16:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi There

What is Squimish cell cancer?

Has the zeolite helped @ all? I have some testimonials on cancer if
you are interested reading them. I'm new here, but I have been taking
and distributing this product for a year and a half.

If you are interested in those testimonials I can send them to you.
Just send me your email and I can dod that.

Have a great day!


On May 1, 9:24 am, wrote:
> Hi there all just need some support from any1 who is going through
> cancer at the minute and is taking liquid zeolite.?? My mother in law
> 4 weeks ago was diagnosed with squimish cell cancer located in her
> lung and its spread into the tissues near her spine... They said its
> to dangerous to operate but are sorting out radium blast for her to
> have in 3 weeks.  She is only 50 and has her full life ahead of her,
> always been an active lady and its distraught her.  We found liquid
> zeolite on the net and ordered some.  she takes 10 drops 3 times daily
> and where hoping for a miracle.  Is there any1 out there with any
> support.  Thanx x

Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

julia cameron

Jun 19, 2008, 5:04:20 PM6/19/08
please send information

----- Original Message ----
From: Liz Rhodes <>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:46:41 AM
Subject: RE: new to this site...........

Have a great day!


> Hi there all just need some support from any1 who is going through
> cancer at the minute and is taking liquid zeolite.?? My mother in law
> 4 weeks ago was diagnosed with squimish cell cancer located in her
> lung and its spread into the tissues near her spine... They said its
> to dangerous to operate but are sorting out radium blast for her to
> have in 3 weeks.  She is only 50 and has her full life ahead of her,
> always been an active lady and its distraught her.  We found liquid
> zeolite on the net and ordered some.  she takes 10 drops 3 times daily
> and where hoping for a miracle.  Is there any1 out there with any
> support.  Thanx x

listening in

Jul 14, 2008, 12:34:32 PM7/14/08
to Liquid Zeolites
Julia Cameron,
I check into this thread on ocassion because I am both a user of
liquid zeolites and a cancer survivor. I saw your name, are you the
author of The Artist's Way?

On Jun 19, 4:04 pm, julia cameron <> wrote:
> please send information
> 21:08 PM- Hide quoted text -

Zahra Ramji

Jul 15, 2008, 12:51:01 PM7/15/08
anyone taking liquid zeolite cured from bone cancer?
Thanks for your help!

jessie syed

Jul 16, 2008, 2:48:52 AM7/16/08
hello, well, my son had bone cancer, called, osteosarcoma it ws a fast spreading cancer, and now he is better his bone shape is back to normal, my son did take zeolite but he also took many other things, i left the chemo and the surgery out as i didnt want chemo for him as it wasnt helping him so i stopped all that hosptial business, he only had 5 sessions of chemo,  but his cancer is gone, but i dot know what done it, my advice is takeother things too,


Subject: RE: new to this site...........
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 09:51:01 -0700

jessie syed

Jul 16, 2008, 2:53:10 AM7/16/08

Subject: RE: new to this site...........
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 06:48:52 +0000

hello, well, my son had bone cancer, called, osteosarcoma it ws a fast spreading cancer, and now he is better his bone shape is back to normal, my son did take zeolite but he also took many other things, i left the chemo and the surgery out as i didnt want chemo for him as it wasnt helping him so i stopped all that hosptial business, he only had 5 sessions of chemo,  but his cancer is gone, but i dot know what done it, my advice is takeother things too, while he had chemo his cancer didnt get any better,and i knew other alternative therapies would work as i got a break from chemo in december and in that time the alternative medicine started reducing his tumour which was massive he would need to cut his trousers to get them on, it was in the femur, and knee, , so i had ot leave uk the social servieces and court s were after me, but the main thing is he kept improving and now the xray show s his bone is bakc to normal shape and he has starteed walking on a leg that the doctors in uk told me they were gong to cut off.  the doctors are hopeless, shame on them

Subject: RE: new to this site...........
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 09:51:01 -0700

anyone taking liquid zeolite cured from bone cancer?
Thanks for your help!

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