SAM-BA Blues / Custom Board

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Oct 17, 2011, 4:15:34 PM10/17/11
to linuxstamp
Has anyone figured out how to customize SAM-BA for a new board? The
Atmel 'documentation' is terrible, to put it mildly. I can
communicate with my new board using SAM-BA 2.10 on Ubuntu by selecting
the 'no_board' choice. I can display low memory (I assume I am seeing
the un-remapped boot-rom contents), so I know I am actually talking to
the board, but the 'no_board' choice includes stubs for dataflash and
sdram initialization and i/o which do nothing useful. Also, as an
added hurdle, the Linux distribution of SAM-BA 2.10 does not include
support for my CPU (sam9x25). The Windows version does (as a patch),
but that has other problems.

I think what I need to do is create a new board definition in SAM-BA
with associated TCL scripts, then recompile it and somehow merge it
into SAM-BA, but my attempts to do so have so far been unsuccessful.
Is this process (adding a new board) documented anywhere (other than
the worthless text file included with the SAM-BA distribution)?

I am using the debug serial port with a usb-serial converter, by the
way. That does not seem to be a problem.

I tried loading the Windows version of SAM-BA on a Windows laptop, but
it won't even start (Win7 64-bit). Apparently on Windows it wants a
real usb connection or something (or it just won't run on my Win7 64-
bit system).

- Michael

Paul Thomas

Oct 17, 2011, 4:35:51 PM10/17/11
Others have put this together:

Are you sharing the sam9x25 design?


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Michael Nagy

Oct 18, 2011, 5:48:43 PM10/18/11
I can share the schematic and BOM at least. Will have to edit the
schematic to remove a bit of proprietary information, but nothing
technically significant. I can also share the Eagle library component
I created for the SAM9X25 part.

- Michael

Miguel Wisintainer

Oct 18, 2011, 7:57:28 PM10/18/11
If someone Pauls agree, i converted the LINUX STAMP II to ALTIUM. I have added some componentes...but i didn't route yet...

> Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 17:48:43 -0400
> Subject: Re: SAM-BA Blues / Custom Board
> From:
> To:


Oct 18, 2011, 8:56:26 PM10/18/11
to linuxstamp
My SAM-BA extension project got suspended for two days while I chase
an unrelated rabbit, but when I figure out what the game is I will
post my experiences. I would really like to make a SAM-BA
alternative, and may investigate that option in the future if I ever
find enough bandwidth to do a side project.

I did find the official SAM-BA documentation at last (it isn't
included with the Linux package, and since the Windows package doesn't
run on my system I didn't find it there either). It has a pretty good
section describing the architecture of SAM-BA, but is woefully short
on practical examples of how to extend it. A side-effect of the
closed-source default nature of Windows programming, probably. In any
case, I think I have enough clues now to slog through the process when
I can spend enough hours on it.

- Michael


Oct 19, 2011, 12:20:10 PM10/19/11
to linuxstamp
If you would be willing to share the Altium version I would greatly
appreciate it.

On Oct 18, 7:57 pm, Miguel Wisintainer <> wrote:
> If someone Pauls agree, i converted the LINUX STAMP II to ALTIUM. I have added some componentes...but i didn't route yet...
> > Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 17:48:43 -0400
> > Subject: Re: SAM-BA Blues / Custom Board
> > From:

Flavio Castro Alves Filho

Oct 25, 2011, 8:46:53 PM10/25/11
It is a very nice initiative :-)

2011/10/18 Miguel Wisintainer <>:

Flavio de Castro Alves Filho
LinkedIn profile:

Flavio Castro Alves Filho

Oct 25, 2011, 9:01:37 PM10/25/11
sam-ba is really not that nice.


the best way to be sam-ba friendly is to design the board according to
the designs of atmel boards. there are some binaries that are specific
to some memory types.

it happens with most of processor manufactures and jtag vendors.

best regards,


2011/10/18 Michael <>:

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Oct 25, 2011, 10:04:31 PM10/25/11
to linuxstamp
Well, I have officially given up on SAM-BA. Just too many hurdles to
overcome for a new processor (sam9x25). I finally found some indirect
documentation in the form of the old aborted Sam_I_Am project source-
code (in Python). That, combined with some usb traces and a bit of
special sauce seems to provide all the necessary ingredients to build
a boot-loader loader utility. Here is what I intend to create and

1) A stand-alone Linux command-line utility written in c++.
2) Talks to any serial device.
3) Looks for the RomBOOT prompt and then copies a binary file into a
specified location and executes it.

Usage would be:

1) Connect usb or serial cable to DBGU serial port.
2) Fire up utility specifying serial device, binary file, target
location and start location (or set up a default parameters file).
3) Hit reset or power-up target board.
4) When utility sees RomBOOT prompt it takes things from there.

I think I will have the utility turn into a simple tty emulator after
starting the binary so any subsequent output on DBGU will be visible,
and you can type characters which will be delivered to DBGU as well.

SAM-BA is about as far from KISS principle as I have seen.

- Michael

Flavio Castro Alves Filho

Oct 28, 2011, 6:53:03 AM10/28/11
I implemented a solution where I create a very small ramdisk Linux
distribuition, booted from pen drive, to install software into LS2.

It worked fine. The purpose was factory software deployment.

At first, seemed to be too much ... but at the end it was the best solution.

2011/10/26 Michael <>:

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