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Re: The white man - Who he is. A Discussion

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Tracy Smith

Feb 24, 2018, 1:30:10 PM2/24/18
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> On Feb 24, 2018, at 9:49 AM, wrote:
> Alot of folks have been wondering: why are things they way that they are? Many have been pondering this notion. All things have roots: you, me, we all do, but when we are cut from those roots we feel adrift in this world. Like this world is not our own. In the past many of us have been forcefully cut from those roots through no fault of our own nor of our ancestors.
> To know why things are, you must know Who the people that do them, are. What makes them do these things. Here's some straight truth from someone who has been in the game for some time
> The white man -- Just Who, who really, he is (and why he do what he does)
> (Don't let th
> ese words be silenced, those against the truth try to cast it into darkness;
> and with it - what with that which what makes us human)
> #blackpanther, #wealth, #power, #shaolin
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