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[gentoo-user] [OT] Anyone running mutt outboung smtp on port 587?

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Walter Dnes

Jan 9, 2024, 2:10:05 PMJan 9
I'll soon be switching over from cable to fibre. It's the same ISP,
but I'll be needing to authenticate outbound email on port 587 (long
story). Is anybody else doing this? If so, what changes does
~/.mutt/muttrc need? I've "asked Mr. Google" but the hits are ancient,
often referring to dead URLs. I'm sure that mutt's config has changed
over the years.

Roses are red
Roses are blue
Depending on their velocity
Relative to you

Philip Webb

Jan 9, 2024, 3:00:05 PMJan 9
240109 Walter Dnes wrote:
> I'll soon be switching over from cable to fibre. It's the same ISP,
> but I'll be needing to authenticate outbound email on port 587.
> Is anybody else doing this ? If so, what changes does ~/.mutt/muttrc need ?

IIRC we both live in/near Toronto, so no doubt Big Bad Bell is responsible.
I could no longer use my ISP via Bell, as they can't use fibre
(this was recently changed by the Feds, but no doubt only after some delay).
Hence I'm now relying on my landlord's free Wifi
or my new cellphone's Hotspot facility for the I/net
(I fired Bell & now use Koodo, a sub of Telus),
but retain my ISP's mail service ( CAD 3 / mth ),
for which I too need to authenticate myself for access.

My notes tell me (set up Mutt in new machine ANB6) :

'USE="mbox" emerge mutt procmail fetchmail ssmtp'
cp fr ANB5 : /etc/ssmtp/ ~/.fetchmailrc ~/.procmailrc
/etc/group : add '<username>' to 'ssmtp'

and (authenticate for mail access) :

Send mail via Wifi : new procedure, as prev'ly no security needed ;
now CIN has to be told who it's dealing w.
We now need a hostname, so add 'anb6' to /etc/hostname ;
in /etc/dhcpcd.conf , add 'hostname anb6' ;
make sure 'hostname' service is in 'default' runlevel.
Mutt uses its own 'smtp', so we need to add in .muttrc :
'set ssl_starttls=yes
set ssl_force_tls=yes
set smtp_url="smtp://<username>"
set smtp_pass="<password>"'
We also need in /etc/hosts : ' anb6 localhost'

I don't know anything re Port 587 : how do I find out my port number ?

BTW I do recommend (their name) for I/net + e-mail :
I've used them happily for 15 years ; they are in Waterloo, Ont.


SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb
ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatcadotinterdotnet

Walter Dnes

Jan 10, 2024, 12:10:05 AMJan 10
On Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 02:54:06PM -0500, Philip Webb wrote
> IIRC we both live in/near Toronto, so no doubt Big Bad Bell is
> responsible.

I'm currently on EBOX cable. Bell bought them
but EBOX still operates as a separate brand. After the purchase Bell is
now a TPIA customer of Rogers (giggle) for EBOX cable customers. Bell
obviously doesn't like this and wants to route my traffic over their own
fibre so they don't have to pay Rogers.

> My notes tell me (set up Mutt in new machine ANB6) :
> /etc/group : add '<username>' to 'ssmtp'

Wierd; I've been running for years without that. mutt passes email
to ssmtp which passes it on to the EBOX smtp server.

> and (authenticate for mail access) :
> Send mail via Wifi : new procedure, as prev'ly no security needed ;
> now CIN has to be told who it's dealing w.

I think something similar is happening to me. Because their networks
are probably still separate, the EBOX smtp server sees Bell fibre
traffic as coming from "an external network", requiring authentication.

> 'set ssl_starttls=yes
> set ssl_force_tls=yes
> set smtp_url="smtp://<username>"
> set smtp_pass="<password>"'
> I don't know anything re Port 587 : how do I find out my port number ?

Thanks for the settings. From my Google searches, the ":25" in
"smtp_url" indicates port 25. User posts on the EBOX DSLReports forum
all seem to talk about port 587 for fibre customers. Wikipedia says "generally on
port 587", so apparently it can work on other ports. In your case, "if
it ain't broke, don't fix it".

> BTW I do recommend (their name) for I/net + e-mail :
> I've used them happily for 15 years ; they are in Waterloo, Ont.

As an incentive to go fibre, EBOX/Bell is offering me somewhat faster
fibre service for the same price I'm paying now. My invoice for Dec
2023 is the same price as for Nov 2020, unlike Bell who constantly raise
prices. I'd like to hang around if EBOX keeps their rates static. I
checked the website. There are asterisks beside the
monthly price... which goes up $10 after the first 12 months.

Walter Dnes

Jan 18, 2024, 12:10:05 PMJan 18
I haven't been switched over to fibre yet due to config problems, but
I'm trying to test port 587 using your settings. I recompiled mutt
adding USE="debug gnutls". With "mutt -d 2" I get the a lot of debug
output, including the following. To further complicate things, when I
switch back to the old muttrc, I get something about "no From:" I had
to rebuild without gnutls to get it working again. What do the last 2
lines imply?

[2024-01-18 11:36:00] Sending message...
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] Looking up
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] Connecting to
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] Connected to on fd=4
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4> EHLO
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4<
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 250-PIPELINING
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 250-SIZE 20000000
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 250-VRFY
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 250-ETRN
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 250-STARTTLS
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 250-8BITMIME
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 250 DSN
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4> STARTTLS
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] 4< 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
[2024-01-18 11:36:00] gnutls_handshake: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received.
[2024-01-18 11:36:02] Could not negotiate TLS connection


Jan 18, 2024, 1:50:05 PMJan 18
The "no From:" complaint could be fixed by specifying in your muttrc:

set from = ""

The gnutls error is more cryptic. You'll have to check what certificate is
sent by the server to deduce what causes the gnutls message. You can try
connecting to the server with the openssl s_client:

openssl s_client -connect\:587 -starttls smtp -showcerts

or with gnutls-cli:

gnutls-cli --starttls-proto smtp -p 587

then try to negotiate a connection:

ehlo there

Gnutls should run starttls and when you enter "Ctrl+D" it will print out what
in particular it has a problem with.

The openssl attempt will show the certificates and you can check the whole
chain, in case you missing a certificate. As long as the CA certificate is in
your /etc/ssl/certs/ there shouldn't be a problem.

Alternatively, add the server certificate(s) in '~/.mutt/certificates' and
specify this path by setting 'set certificate_file' in your muttrc. The first
time you try to connect to your server mutt should warn you if there is a
mismatch between the server's certificate and your SMTP server domain CN
field, or anything else. It will ask you to accept it and allow you to
proceed with the connection.


Jan 21, 2024, 7:10:10 AMJan 21
Hi Walter,

On Sunday, 21 January 2024 04:23:34 GMT Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 06:42:48PM +0000, Michael wrote
> > openssl s_client -connect\:587 -starttls smtp -showcerts
> openssl s_client -connect\:587 -starttls smtp -showcerts >
> x.txt
> For output to x.txt, see file x.txt in attachment logs.tgz
> Output to the terminal (stderr ???) is...
> ========================================================================
> depth=2 C = US, ST = Arizona, L = Scottsdale, O = ", Inc.", CN =
> Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2 verify return:1
> depth=1 C = US, ST = Arizona, L = Scottsdale, O = ", Inc.", OU =
>, CN = Go Daddy Secure Certificate
> Authority - G2 verify return:1
> depth=0 CN = *
> verify return:1
> 40F73DC2087F0000:error:0A00014D:SSL routines:tls_process_key_exchange:legacy
> sigalg disallowed or
> unsupported:../openssl-3.0.12/ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c:2254:
> ========================================================================
> That last line about "legacy sigalg disallowed or unsupported:" looks
> rather ominous.

I think you have found the cause of the problem. The signature algorithm SHA1
has been deprecated[1], because SHA1 has known weaknesses to some collision
and pre-image attacks. Theoretically some evil actor could concoct a rogue
certificate which will produce the same SHA1 digest as the Root CA your smtp
server is using. Practically, this is of little concern for a Root CA, IF
your OS trusts directly the Root CA certificate by having it stored in /etc/
ssl/certs/, or in your user's local store for mutt trusted certificates. Both
openssl and gnutls report a successful verification of the certificate chain.

> > or with gnutls-cli:
> >
> > gnutls-cli --starttls-proto smtp -p 587
> >
> > then try to negotiate a connection:
> >
> > ehlo there
> > ...
> > Ctrl+D
> >
> > Gnutls should run starttls and when you enter "Ctrl+D" it will print out
> > what
> See file y.txt in logs.tgz

Same warning shown in y.txt:

"... RSA key 2048 bits, signed using RSA-SHA1 (broken!)"

> My fibre upgrade is delayed, so I'm testing an unneceassary handoff to
> port 587 on cable when an "insecure" handoff to port 25 will do.

Sending user authentication credentials in the clear is not advisable for the
security conscious.

> I just
> asked the ISP's direct support to confirm that I'm using the correct
> credentials. And one last try at "mutt -d 4". Here's a snippet...
> ========================================================================
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] mwoh: buf[Subject: Test message 1] is short enough
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] Looking up
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] Connecting to
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] Connected to on fd=4
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4> EHLO
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4<
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 250-PIPELINING
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 250-SIZE 20000000
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 250-VRFY
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 250-ETRN
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 250-STARTTLS
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 250-8BITMIME
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 250 DSN
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4> STARTTLS
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] 4< 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
> [2024-01-20 23:08:56] gnutls_handshake: A packet with illegal or unsupported
> version was received. [2024-01-20 23:08:58] Could not negotiate TLS
> connection
> ========================================================================
> "illegal or unsupported version" ominous again.

TLS 1.0 was deprecated in 2021 and there have been up to date Root
certificates issued by this CA using SHA256[2]. Perhaps the server sysadmins
have not yet updated their smtp server's Root CA?

Anyway, to take you forward you can:

1. Keyword the latest gnutls package in case the gnutls verification criteria
have been loosened.

2. Copy the Root CA into the users ~/ and point muttrc to it:

set certificate_file = "~/.mutt/certificates"

3. If everything else fails, having verified yourself the server's Root CA and
child certificates are all legit you can set:

unset ssl_verify_host

Obviously this would not be satisfactory from a security perspective.



Jan 21, 2024, 11:40:05 AMJan 21
On 1/21/24 11:09, Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 12:05:45PM +0000, Michael wrote
>> Anyway, to take you forward you can:
>> 1. Keyword the latest gnutls package in case the gnutls verification criteria
>> have been loosened.
>> 2. Copy the Root CA into the users ~/ and point muttrc to it:
>> set certificate_file = "~/.mutt/certificates"
>> 3. If everything else fails, having verified yourself the server's
>> Root CA and child certificates are all legit you can set:
>> unset ssl_verify_host
>> Obviously this would not be satisfactory from a security perspective.
> Nothing above works, and I wonder if it's something at my end. I keep
> getting the same message...
>> gnutls_handshake: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received.
> The current net-libs/gnutls-3.8.0 ebuild (and 3.8.1 and 3.8.2) has
> sslv2 and sslv3 enabled in IUSE ...but... "emerge -pv gnutls" shows
> them hard-masked. Is my system forcing sslv1 and the server rejecting me???
> [ebuild R ] net-libs/gnutls-3.8.0:0/30.30::gentoo USE="cxx idn nls openssl seccomp tls-heartbeat tools zlib -brotli -dane -doc -examples -pkcs11 (-sslv2) (-sslv3) -static-libs -test (-test-full) -verify-sig -zstd" 0 KiB
I'm no expert, but I think you are mixing versions of SSL and versions
of TLS.  It seems both sslv2 and sslv3 have been deprecated, and my weak
memory says they were replaced by TLS.  Now it looks like you are having
problems trying to use an older TLS which has been replaced by a newer
TLS, although there are no direct use flags for that.
> Do you get the same? Do I have to set something in...
> make menuconfig
> -*- Cryptographic API --->
> "emerge -pv mutt"
> [ebuild R ] mail-client/mutt-2.2.12::gentoo USE="debug gnutls gpgme hcache imap lmdb mbox nls pop sasl smtp ssl -autocrypt -berkdb -doc -gdbm -gsasl -idn -kerberos -pgp-classic (-prefix) -qdbm (-selinux) -slang -smime-classic -tokyocabinet -vanilla" 0 KiB
> I copied certificates from x.txt to .mutt/certificates (see
> attachment). Is this correct? And how do I securely pass credentials?


Jan 21, 2024, 2:30:05 PMJan 21
On Sunday, 21 January 2024 16:09:47 GMT Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 12:05:45PM +0000, Michael wrote
> > Anyway, to take you forward you can:
[snip ...]

> Nothing above works, and I wonder if it's something at my end. I keep
> getting the same message...
> > gnutls_handshake: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was
> > received.
> The current net-libs/gnutls-3.8.0 ebuild (and 3.8.1 and 3.8.2) has
> sslv2 and sslv3 enabled in IUSE ...but... "emerge -pv gnutls" shows
> them hard-masked. Is my system forcing sslv1 and the server rejecting me???
> [ebuild R ] net-libs/gnutls-3.8.0:0/30.30::gentoo USE="cxx idn nls
> openssl seccomp tls-heartbeat tools zlib -brotli -dane -doc -examples
> -pkcs11 (-sslv2) (-sslv3) -static-libs -test (-test-full) -verify-sig
> -zstd" 0 KiB
> Do you get the same? Do I have to set something in...
> make menuconfig
> -*- Cryptographic API --->
> "emerge -pv mutt"
> [ebuild R ] mail-client/mutt-2.2.12::gentoo USE="debug gnutls gpgme
> hcache imap lmdb mbox nls pop sasl smtp ssl -autocrypt -berkdb -doc -gdbm
> -gsasl -idn -kerberos -pgp-classic (-prefix) -qdbm (-selinux) -slang
> -smime-classic -tokyocabinet -vanilla" 0 KiB
> I copied certificates from x.txt to .mutt/certificates (see
> attachment). Is this correct? And how do I securely pass credentials?

Starting from the end; to securely pass credentials you need an encrypted
connection to the server. For SMTP server authentication this normally takes
place using STARTTLS on port 587, or explicit TLS typically on port 465 or
port 25 depending on your mail provider.

Your locally stored certificate chain should be in multiple .pem files, one
for each certificate. Normally only the Root CA is needed since this was used
to sign all its children certificates in the chain. In the first instance
just store in your ~/.mutt/certificates/ directory the Root CA certificate, to
see if mutt accepts it without gnutls complaining. In your attachment you
have 4 certificates:

1. The certificate used by the SMTP server (a wildcard domain

Subject: CN = *

which is issued by "CN = Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2".

2. The "Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2" was in turn issued by "CN
= Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2".

3. The "CN = Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2" was issued by "OU = Go
Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority".

4. Finally, the last certificate "OU = Go Daddy Class 2 Certification
Authority" is the self-signed Root CA. This is the certificate you could copy
into your ~/.mutt/certificates/.

A copy of this certificate should be available in your /etc/ssl/certs/, so you
could copy it and also hash it:

cp /etc/ssl/certs/Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem ~/.mutt/certificates/
cd ~/.mutt/certificates/
ln -s Go_Daddy_Class_2_CA.pem `openssl x509 -hash -noout -in

Please note the backticks in the above.

If this still won't work, have you considered ditching gnutls on mutt and
trying with vanilla openssl?

$ emerge -pv mutt

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
Dependency resolution took 23.29 s (backtrack: 0/20).

[ebuild N ] mail-client/mutt-2.2.12::gentoo USE="gdbm hcache imap lmdb
nls sasl smtp ssl -autocrypt -berkdb -debug -doc -gnutls -gpgme -gsasl -idn -
kerberos -mbox -pgp-classic -pop (-prefix) -qdbm (-selinux) -slang -smime-
classic -tokyocabinet -vanilla" 5432 KiB

$ emerge -pv gnutls

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
Dependency resolution took 1.45 s (backtrack: 0/20).

[ebuild R ] net-libs/gnutls-3.8.0:0/30.30::gentoo USE="cxx idn nls
openssl seccomp tls-heartbeat zlib -brotli -dane -doc -examples -pkcs11 (-
sslv2) (-sslv3) -static-libs -test (-test-full) -tools -verify-sig -zstd"
ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 0 KiB

It may be the openssl is more accommodating for Root CAs using SHA1 and will
allow the connection to complete.

Walter Dnes

Jan 22, 2024, 3:30:06 PMJan 22
On Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 02:01:34PM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote
> I'll soon be switching over from cable to fibre. It's the same ISP,
> but I'll be needing to authenticate outbound email on port 587 (long
> story).

Let's start this over again, because I was barking up the wrong
tree. Rather than ASS-uming stuff, I finally asked in my ISP's support
forum and they said...

> Regarding the SMTP server, the port 587 works on any type of
> technology we are offering. It has to be set with SSL, without
> any authentication.

It looks like they know the IP address ranges of their customers.
I'll try again without authentication, and see what happens and get back
with my results. "emerge -pv gnutls mutt" shows...

[ebuild R ] net-libs/gnutls-3.8.0:0/30.30::gentoo USE="cxx idn nls openssl seccomp tls-heartbeat tools zlib -brotli -dane -doc -examples -pkcs11 (-sslv2) (-sslv3) -static-libs -test (-test-full) -verify-sig -zstd" 0 KiB

[ebuild R ] mail-client/mutt-2.2.12::gentoo USE="debug gnutls gpgme hcache imap lmdb mbox nls pop sasl smtp ssl -autocrypt -berkdb -doc -gdbm -gsasl -idn -kerberos -pgp-classic (-prefix) -qdbm (-selinux) -slang -smime-classic -tokyocabinet -vanilla" 0 KiB

I'm busy tonight, so I'll probably get back tomorrow.

Walter Dnes

Jan 22, 2024, 5:00:05 PMJan 22
On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 03:24:44PM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote
> On Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 02:01:34PM -0500, Walter Dnes wrote
> > I'll soon be switching over from cable to fibre. It's the same ISP,
> > but I'll be needing to authenticate outbound email on port 587 (long
> > story).
> Let's start this over again, because I was barking up the wrong
> tree. Rather than ASS-uming stuff, I finally asked in my ISP's support
> forum and they said...
> > Regarding the SMTP server, the port 587 works on any type of
> > technology we are offering. It has to be set with SSL, without
> > any authentication.

Well, that was easy. *IN MY PARTICULAR CASE* I added 3 lines to

set ssl_starttls=no
set ssl_force_tls=no
set smtp_url=smtp://

...and it works, at least on cable.


Jan 22, 2024, 5:10:04 PMJan 22
Some 20-25 years ago ISPs would offer email services to their customers, but
they had to connect to the SMTP server from the ISP provisioned block of IP
addresses. Until then SMTP port 25 was in use and username/passwd was not
required - although I recall some ISPs would use a 'POP before SMTP' control
mechanism to make sure only authenticated users on the ISP's POP3 server were
allowed to jump on the ISP's SMTP server.

The STARTTLS mechanism was standardised around the late 90s to introduce
encrypted communication with the server and 'AUTH PLAIN LOGIN' for SMTP was
added as an extension around that time. This was done in response to an
increasing abuse of SMTP servers by miscreants to relay messages for SPAM and
malware alike.

If your ISP *only* offers access from their own block of IPs, do they refuse
access to their SMTP server for legitimate subscribers who move around and
want to send messages from a different network?

Anyway, if you disable TLS encryption then your communication with the server
is sent in the clear. It would be prudent to consider it as a form of public
communication, rather than private. I thought email comms encryption and
server authentication was ubiquitous for decades now, but obviously I am
wrong! :-)

Walter Dnes

Jan 22, 2024, 11:30:04 PMJan 22
On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 10:08:38PM +0000, Michael wrote

> If your ISP *only* offers access from their own block of IPs, do
> they refuse access to their SMTP server for legitimate subscribers
> who move around and want to send messages from a different network?

I don't know the answer to that one.

> Anyway, if you disable TLS encryption then your communication with
> the server is sent in the clear. It would be prudent to consider it
> as a form of public communication, rather than private. I thought
> email comms encryption and server authentication was ubiquitous for
> decades now, but obviously I am wrong! :-)

The message from my ISP about port 587 said...

>> It has to be set with SSL, without any authentication.

Does SSL help privacy at all? BTW, if mutt does *ANY* external
ccommunication it seems to require the "ssl" USE flag. Trying...

USE="-ssl" emerge -pv mutt

...on my system dies with...

The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
imap? ( ssl ) pop? ( ssl ) smtp? ( ssl )

This message coming to you via port 587


Jan 23, 2024, 4:40:05 AMJan 23
On Tuesday, 23 January 2024 04:21:13 GMT Walter Dnes wrote:

> The message from my ISP about port 587 said...
> >> It has to be set with SSL, without any authentication.

Since gnutls is playing up with mutt, you can try setting USE="-gnutls" and
re-emerge mutt to see if it succeeds establishing a connection.

> Does SSL help privacy at all?

Yes. Data transferred between client and server will be encrypted.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) as it was and its evolved successor Transport Layer
Security (TLS) are cryptographic protocols used to encrypt and authenticate
data transferred between servers and applications. The concept of TLS and use
of TLS certificates is to ensure clients know (can verify) the server they are
connecting with is hosted on the intended domain and data transferred back and
forth has not been tampered with. In addition encryption of the transport
layer allows encapsulated data between client and server to remain private.

Client authentication credentials transferred between two parties over TLS
ensure only legitimate users are allowed to access their data on the server.
Server authentication verifies the legitimacy of the user usually by means of
a username and password, although client TLS certificates, tokens and what not
can be used for the same purpose. The client's IP address can be used as an
additional verification check, but this is usually implemented between static
network end points between machines - e.g. VPN between HQ and satellite

User authentication based on the mail client's IP address only is a weak
verification mechanism, both because of the potential for IP address spoofing
by malicious actors and because the user may want to retain their privacy from
other hosts who happen to share the same IP address.

> BTW, if mutt does *ANY* external
> ccommunication it seems to require the "ssl" USE flag. Trying...
> USE="-ssl" emerge -pv mutt
> ...on my system dies with...
> The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
> imap? ( ssl ) pop? ( ssl ) smtp? ( ssl )

The SSL flag on mutt ensures the package is compiled with TLS support:

$ euse -i ssl
global use flags (searching: ssl)
[+ D ] ssl - Add support for SSL/TLS connections (Secure Socket Layer /
Transport Layer Security)
[snip ...]

This is because TLS is ubiquitous today across web site and email server
implementations. The WWW days of innocence are long gone, if they ever really

> This message coming to you via port 587

Port 587 is used for message submission as per RFC6409, using ESMTP, but an
encrypted connection is optional and a matter of server implementation.
Depending on how the mail server has been configured, TLS encryption may be
implemented or indeed required on any port conventionally used to send
messages (25, 465, 587, 2525).

Walter Dnes

Jan 23, 2024, 10:50:05 AMJan 23
On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 09:36:13AM +0000, Michael wrote

> Since gnutls is playing up with mutt, you can try setting USE="-gnutls"
> and re-emerge mutt to see if it succeeds establishing a connection.

If I emerge mutt with USE="-gnutls" and comment out
"set ssl_starttls=no", email fails...

[2024-01-23 09:38:07] Looking up
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] Connecting to
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] Connected to on fd=4
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 220 ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4> EHLO
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4<
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 250-PIPELINING
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 250-SIZE 20000000
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 250-VRFY
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 250-ETRN
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 250-STARTTLS
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 250-8BITMIME
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 250 DSN
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4> STARTTLS
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] 4< 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] ssl_load_certificates: loading trusted certificates
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] mutt_ssl_starttls: Error loading trusted certificates
[2024-01-23 09:38:07] SSL failed: error:0A000102:SSL routines::unsupported protocol
[2024-01-23 09:38:08] Could not negotiate TLS connection

ssl_starttls (and ssl_force_tls) default to "yes" in muttrc. If
ssl_starttls and ssl_force_tls are not explicitly set to "no", mutt
*WILL* attempt a TLS connection if advertised. Whem mutt is built with
USE="-gnutls" and attempts a TLS connection, let's just say "it does not
end well".


It's easier for me to build in gnutls support and then (un)comment one
or two lines in ~/.mutt/muttrc as needed rather than...

* pop up an xterm
* su - (and enter password to root)
* emerge mutt with appropriate flag(s)
* exit to regular user


Jan 23, 2024, 11:20:04 AMJan 23
OpenSSL bails out just as gnutls did. I was hoping it could have been more
forgiving. :-(

> ssl_starttls (and ssl_force_tls) default to "yes" in muttrc. If
> ssl_starttls and ssl_force_tls are not explicitly set to "no", mutt
> *WILL* attempt a TLS connection if advertised. Whem mutt is built with
> USE="-gnutls" and attempts a TLS connection, let's just say "it does not
> end well".

Both OpenSSL and GnuTLS fail to negotiate an encrypted connection with the
server. From the logs you have shared we can safely guess this is because the
Root CA used by the server is still using a SHA1 hash.

> tldr;
> It's easier for me to build in gnutls support and then (un)comment one
> or two lines in ~/.mutt/muttrc as needed rather than...
> * pop up an xterm
> * su - (and enter password to root)
> * emerge mutt with appropriate flag(s)
> * exit to regular user

You can revert/keep mutt compiled with USE="gnutls". It makes no difference
in this case. You can also try to set deprecated TLS protocols in ~/.muttrc
to see if this will allow for a successful connection:

You had a good crack at this, but TBH it would be easier and safer to find an
email hosting company who use up to date TLS certificates. ;-)

Walter Dnes

Jan 23, 2024, 2:10:05 PMJan 23
On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 04:12:05PM +0000, Michael wrote

> You can also try to set deprecated TLS protocols in ~/.muttrc
> to see if this will allow for a successful connection:

Thanks. I commented out the "no" lines. TLS 1.1 failed, but TLS 1.0
seems to work...

# set ssl_starttls=no
# set ssl_force_tls=no
set ssl_use_tlsv1=yes
set smtp_url=smtp://

> You had a good crack at this, but TBH it would be easier and safer to
> find an email hosting company who use up to date TLS certificates. ;-)

I currently use to handle incoming email. It's served me
well, allowing me to keep the same email address over the years as I've
changed ISPs. I could do outbound email through them, but I don't like
webmail interfaces. Notice the mention of "mutt" in the subject.

This post is coming to you via port 587 *VIA FIBRE*... wheeeee! The
support desk phoned this morning, and we went spelunking through the
config menus of the fibre modem, and set it up.


Jan 23, 2024, 4:50:05 PMJan 23
On Tuesday, 23 January 2024 19:09:19 GMT Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 04:12:05PM +0000, Michael wrote
> > You can also try to set deprecated TLS protocols in ~/.muttrc
> > to see if this will allow for a successful connection:
> >
> >
> Thanks. I commented out the "no" lines. TLS 1.1 failed, but TLS 1.0
> seems to work...
> # set ssl_starttls=no
> # set ssl_force_tls=no
> set ssl_use_tlsv1=yes
> set smtp_url=smtp://
> > You had a good crack at this, but TBH it would be easier and safer to
> > find an email hosting company who use up to date TLS certificates. ;-)
> I currently use to handle incoming email. It's served me
> well, allowing me to keep the same email address over the years as I've
> changed ISPs. I could do outbound email through them, but I don't like
> webmail interfaces. Notice the mention of "mutt" in the subject.



They offer SMTP on any number of ports AND require TLS authentication. No
need to dance around deprecated hash algos and certificates.

Remove the 'ssl_use_tlsv1=yes' directive.

For SMTP server use:

set smtp_url = "smtp://"

You can use port 465 without STARTTLS. Mutt will negotiate an encrypted
connection over TLS right off the bat.

Use your username and password to login, as you do for POP3/IMAP4. Job done.

> This post is coming to you via port 587 *VIA FIBRE*... wheeeee! The
> support desk phoned this morning, and we went spelunking through the
> config menus of the fibre modem, and set it up.

It doesn't matter what connection/IP address you use to authenticate on cotse
to receive and send messages. They appear to be running a more up to date
professional setup.

Walter Dnes

Jan 23, 2024, 9:20:05 PMJan 23
I'm back after several minutes backing up to two USB drives.

On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 09:41:16PM +0000, Michael wrote

> For SMTP server use:
> set smtp_url = "smtp://"

Just one change... change "smtp://" to "smtps://", otherwise mutt
won't connect...

set smtp_pass="cotse_password"
set smtp_url="smtps://"

Sending a test message I got a prompt...

This certificate belongs to:
Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
Sectigo Limited

Salford Greater Manchester GB
yada, yada, yada

It asked whether I wanted to (r)eject, accept (o)nce, accept (a)lways
and I chose always.

This post is coming to you via port 587 via fibre and via
Thank you very much. I couldn't have done it without your deatailed help.


Jan 24, 2024, 4:40:06 AMJan 24
On Wednesday, 24 January 2024 02:19:29 GMT Walter Dnes wrote:
> I'm back after several minutes backing up to two USB drives.
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 09:41:16PM +0000, Michael wrote
> > For SMTP server use:
> >
> > set smtp_url = "smtp://"
> Just one change... change "smtp://" to "smtps://", otherwise mutt
> won't connect...
> set smtp_pass="cotse_password"
> set smtp_url="smtps://"

Yes, my bad. The prefix smtps:// is needed to indicate an explicit TLS

> Sending a test message I got a prompt...
> This certificate belongs to:
> Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
> Sectigo Limited
> Salford Greater Manchester GB
> yada, yada, yada

This is the intermediate certificate the server's certificate is signed with:

$ openssl s_client -connect\:465 -showcerts
depth=2 C = US, ST = New Jersey, L = Jersey City, O = The USERTRUST Network,
CN = USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
verify return:1

depth=1 C = GB, ST = Greater Manchester, L = Salford, O = Sectigo Limited, CN
= Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
verify return:1

depth=0 CN =
verify return:1

The "Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA" is an intermediate CA
certificate and as it happens it is not available in the OS certificate store
/etc/ssl/certs/ where trusted Root CAs reside. Theoretically, mutt via gnutls
should check the issuer of the intermediate certificate which is "USERTrust
RSA Certification Authority", find this certificate in the OS' store of
trusted Root CAs and consequently accept as trusted any certificates in the
chain signed by this Root CA.

I don't know why this doesn't function as I describe above. Practically it
seems mutt may need to be directed to accept all certificates in a chain as

You could try copying the "USERTrust RSA Certification Authority" in your
local mutt certificates directory, or copying just the intermediate CA
certificate "Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA".

> It asked whether I wanted to (r)eject, accept (o)nce, accept (a)lways
> and I chose always.

Your 'accept (a)lways' command would have stored this certificate in your
local mutt certificates directory.

> This post is coming to you via port 587 via fibre and via
> Thank you very much. I couldn't have done it without your deatailed help.

Glad you got it sorted. :-)
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