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Updating the Debian Outreach Delegation

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Jonathan Carter

Nov 23, 2023, 2:20:05 PM11/23/23
Dear Debian Developers

I hereby appoint the following developers as members of the Debian
Outreach Team:

- Abhijith PA (abhijith)
- Antonio Terceiro (terceiro)
- Lucas Kanashiro (kanashiro)
- Nilesh Patra (nilesh)
- Sruthi Chandran (srud)

A big thanks to Molly de Blanc, Pranav Jain and Jaminy Prabaharan who
have worked on the outreach delegation over recent years.

Any previous Outreach Team delegation not explicitly listed above is
revoked. The delegation is not time-limited; it will be effective until
further changes by present or future DPLs.

Task Description

The Debian Outreach Team co-ordinates Debian's outreach initiatives,
which covers two main areas.

Firstly, they are responsible for coordinating the participation of
Debian in
internship-like programs such as Outreachy and Google Summer of Code.

This involves:

* Acting as a contact point for all topics related to Debian's
participation into those programs.

* When necessary, ensuring the funding of Debian's participation by
requesting the use of Debian funds to the DPL, by organizing
fundraising campaigns, etc.

* When necessary, establishing Debian-specific rules about who can
apply for the various roles (mentors, participants, etc.) in
those programs.

* Ranking and selecting applications — generally, considering the
feedback given by mentors and other reviewers.

* Co-ordinating the communication around Debian's participation into
such programs.

Secondly, new to this delegation update, the Debian Outreach Team will
be responsible for exploring internal outreach initiatives managed
by the Debian project.

This may include interns managed by Debian directly, outreach programs
at schools and other institutions, and small grants. This may take some
time to develop, the delegation is responsible for organising sprints
during DebCamp and updates to the rest of the project so that members
can stay up to date with developments.

The delegation will officially represent Debian and the Debian Outreach
Team, and
have the ability to override decisions in the Debian Outreach Team if


You can learn more about the activities and responsibilities of the
Outreach Team here:

-Jonathan, Debian Project Leader
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