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Repeal of the merged-/usr file movement moratorium

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Sean Whitton

Oct 16, 2023, 4:40:04 PM10/16/23
The Technical Committee formally repeals its moratorium recommending
that maintainers of individual packages should not proactively move
files from the root filesystem to corresponding locations under /usr in
the data.tar.* of packages (see #1035831).

Under Constitution 6.1.5, the Technical Committee now recommends that
maintainers consult with those driving the merged-/usr transition before
moving files from the root filesystem to corresponding locations under
/usr in the data.tar.* of packages.

The transition driver, which at the time of writing is Helmut Grohne, is
using a phased approach, in which the moratorium is rolled back for only
certain classes of packages, and changes, at a time. In addition,
restructuring uploads should be targeted at experimental, and left for
three days. This is in order that automated testing by dumat can occur.

We recommend following <>, as edited by
the transition driver(s). If there is any doubt as to whether a change
you wish to make is appropriate, please seek explicit approval from the
transition driver(s).

For the Technical Committee,
Sean Whitton
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