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How to know that an overburned CD is good?

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Gregoire Favre

Mar 7, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/7/99

I have just burned a CD of 668Mb Mb on one that shoulf g d only be 650...
Cdrecord give me a WARNING becu ause there were 8105 block missun ing and then
(in dummy and real mode) everything seems to work great: and afe ter having
mounted the CD, I can access the data on it, but I don't know if I can
access to all?

Is there an easy wax y?



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Bill Davidsen

Mar 8, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/8/99
Gregoire Favre <>wrote:

> I have just burned a CD of 668 Mb on one that should only be 650...
> Cdrecord give me a WARNING because there were 8105 block missing and then
> (in dummy and real mode) everything seems to work great: and after having

> mounted the CD, I can access the data on it, but I don't know if I can
> access to all?

> Is there an easy way?

mount -r /dev/cdrom /cdrom
cd /cdrom
find . --print | cpio -o | wc -c

If you don't get any "Can't read" or similar error messages, it means
all files and directories were read. My standard quick check.

-bill davidsen (
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me

Gregoire Favre

Mar 8, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/8/99

> find . -print | cpio -o | wc -c

If I try this, for every file, I get an :
file_with_path: truncating inode number

But, with CD that I know (think...) are good, that's the same...
And the commands is ending with:
1334422 blocks

Does that mean that my cd is good?



Joerg Schilling

Mar 9, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/9/99
>From Mon Mar 8 23:10:26 1999
>From: Gregoire Favre <>

>> find . -print | cpio -o | wc -c

>If I try this, for every file, I get an :
>file_with_path: truncating inode number

>But, with CD that I know (think...) are good, that's the same...
>And the commands is ending with:
>1334422 blocks
>Does that mean that my cd is good?

THis is a typical cpio problem. And this is why I recommend to use 'star'
as you may read in my README.verify

Jörg (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin (uni) If you don't have iso-8859-1 (work) chars I am J"org Schilling

Bill Davidsen

Mar 9, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/9/99
Gregoire Favre <> wrote:

> > find . -print | cpio -o | wc -c
> If I try this, for every file, I get an :
> file_with_path: truncating inode number
> But, with CD that I know (think...) are good, that's the same...
> And the commands is ending with:
> 1334422 blocks
> 683224064
> Does that mean that my cd is good?

It means that I forgot to suggest using "cpio -o -Hcrc" where I should have ;-)
I hate to say retry, but you may have lost any meaningful error messages
in the noise. My apologies, you need a format with 32 bit inode numbers.

-bill davidsen (
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me

Bill Davidsen

Mar 9, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/9/99
Joerg Schilling <> wrote:

> THis is a typical cpio problem. And this is why I recommend to use 'star'
> as you may read in my README.verify

If you give star the wrong options it will probably barf, too! I forgot
to tell him to use an option for 32 bit inode format, my fault, not the

It's possible to have packages which build cleanly on multiple system
without writing your own archiver which write archives to a standard no
one else uses, and your own make with makerules no one else can parse,
etc forever. But most people just learn to use the existing tools.

In addition to 32 bit inodes, the -Hcrc format provides a low overhead
check on transmission or media errors which aren't detected otherwise.
There are other options which generate other standard formats, I just
don't remember them without looking.

Bill Davidsen

Mar 9, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/9/99
Joerg Schilling <> wrote:

> To:,

> >> THis is a typical cpio problem. And this is why I recommend to use 'star'
> >> as you may read in my README.verify
> >If you give star the wrong options it will probably barf, too! I forgot
> >to tell him to use an option for 32 bit inode format, my fault, not the
> >tool.

> This 32 bit CPIO format is not a standard so it is not present on all systems.

Since he's only using it to check the CD and it is on a Linux system,
and he's not saving the output, what has that to do with anything?

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