LINRAD + Afedri 2 channel SDR, phase error.

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Apr 30, 2023, 8:38:12 AM4/30/23
to Linrad
Maybe this is too basic but I can't find out how to "calibrate" the setup to show 0 degrees phase difference when feeding the two channels with the same signal. It now shows +58 degrees. I'm using a Win10 PC and USB connection.
An example: At one instant I measured a phase difference  of +42 deegres. When switching the channels 1->2 and 2->1 the phase difference was measured to +75 deegres. So it seems at that instance there was a konstant delay of 58,5 degrees.The same as with the same signal (or for that matter with no signal at all).
I have a direction finding system for measuring the azimuth and vertical angles of the incoming wave on shortwave. I've been using RSPduo and SDRuno for quite some time and it works, but RSPduo introduces an unknown constant at each measurement so I have to calibrate it out for every new measurement and it also introduces other problems. The Afedri SDR on the other hand is supposed to measure the phase diffrence directly.

What am I missing?

73, Roland SM0BRF


May 5, 2023, 2:02:20 PM5/5/23
to Linrad

This may be a residue from setting the phase shift in Afedri's native SDR Network Control Box. In my case, the following helped:

* Open SDR Network Control Box, go to Multi Channel Rx Tab.
* Enable phase shift.
* RX mode selection: Diversity Mode (dual channel).
* Phase CH2: 0 (zero).
* Go to About tab.
* Click Reset SDR.
* Close SDR Network Control Box window.

Now open Linrad. Unwanted phase shift should be gone. 

Piotr, SP2BPD


May 6, 2023, 3:57:34 PM5/6/23
to Linrad
Hi Piotr,
Thank you for taking the time.
Unfortunately, the error remains. First when starting LINRAD the phase difference is 0 but as soon as a carrier is detected (with 0 degree phase delay between the channels) LINRAD indicates +58 degrees and stays there if the carrier is removed.
But there seems to be a more serious problem with my LINRAD installation. If I introduce say 40 degrees of delay with a coax loop into one channel, the program only shows a fraction of that (aside from the fixed 58 degrees). So I have to go back to basics and do it right.

73, Roland SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

May 6, 2023, 4:02:04 PM5/6/23
to, SM0BRF

You don't by chance have adaptive phasing active in Linrad, do you?

If not, is there a series of steps I could try here to see if I can
duplicate your problem? I don't have an Afedri SDR but I do have an
SDRplay SDRduo.

You are using the latest Linrad version, right?

Rick Kunath, K9AO


May 7, 2023, 4:47:30 AM5/7/23
to Linrad
>>> "I'm using a Win10 PC and USB connection"

Have you tried connecting Afedri via LAN ?

Piotr, SP2BPD


May 7, 2023, 11:18:51 AM5/7/23
to Linrad
No I haven't tried a LAN connection (yet) but different USB ports. I will try another PC with a different brand too.

Roland SM0BRF


May 7, 2023, 11:28:49 AM5/7/23
to Linrad
I'm using adaptive phasing for LINRAD to find signal maximum. I then read out the phase difference between two antennas just as Iv'e done with RSPduo and SDRuno.

Roland SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

May 7, 2023, 11:56:28 AM5/7/23
to, SM0BRF
Got it Roland.

Now, once Linrad has found what it thinks is the optimum combination of
phase and amplitude, are you then clicking the adaptive off and locking
Linrad manual phasing mode? I would think you are but I wanted to ask.

Otherwise it'll keep looking for what it thinks is the best settings and
as you tune around it'll try to follow what is in the passband at the time.

Can you let me know if you are using the latest Linrad version and where
you got it? There were some changes made on the code lately that got the
phasing working correctly on the SDR Duo and Franco Venturi also found
some other bugs in that code and fixed them, but I think that was for
the RTL devices. Dual channel recording and playback got fixed for the
SDR Duo by Franco also, because there was a bug there. And as I
understand it Franco's version has now been merged on the main Linrad
site with Leif's code. So you would want to be sure that you have that
latest version.

If you can let me know the steps you are taking I'll see if I get the
same results with the Duo, unless that testing would not tell us anything?

Rick Kunath, K9AO

Dimitry Borzenko

May 7, 2023, 12:11:30 PM5/7/23
Hello Roland.
Do U put any values in the “INIT POLARIZATION PARAMETERS” ?


------ Original Message ------
From "SM0BRF" <>
Date 5/7/2023 6:28:49 PM
Subject Re: [Linrad] Re: LINRAD + Afedri 2 channel SDR, phase error.

There is an excellent Linrad User Guide by Gaetan, ON4KHG, at:
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May 7, 2023, 3:30:19 PM5/7/23
to Linrad
Hello Dimitry,
Do you mean this? A and B are set to 0.

 Polarisation parameters.jpg

Roland SM0BRF


May 7, 2023, 3:40:19 PM5/7/23
to Linrad

I'm using LINRAD 05.01 32 bit version. I couldn't get the 64 bit version running. So I changed to the 32 bit LINRAD after advice from Alex at Afedri. He couldn't get the 64 bit version working either.

Roland SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

May 7, 2023, 9:14:14 PM5/7/23
to, SM0BRF
I know that this is the latest: ight
be worth a test here and I use the 64-bit version.

Rick Kunath, K9AO


May 8, 2023, 2:04:03 AM5/8/23
to Linrad
I'll try the new version and 64 bits.
Perhaps I should mention that the phase system works. If I let LINRAD adjust and maximize a signal and I switch to Fixed and O, the signal drops from S9 +10 to nothing in a typical situation.

Dimitry Borzenko

May 8, 2023, 11:57:18 AM5/8/23
Hello Roland.
What U suspect to get when U inject same signal(via the splitter) to the two channels?
45 degrees?


------ Original Message ------
From "SM0BRF" <>
Date 5/7/2023 10:30:19 PM
Subject Re: Re[2]: [Linrad] Re: LINRAD + Afedri 2 channel SDR, phase error.


May 8, 2023, 2:58:20 PM5/8/23
to Linrad
With one carrier split in a resistive splitter and fed into the two channels I hope to see 0 degrees in the blue phasing window:
Phasing window.jpg

Roland, SM0BRF

Leif Asbrink

May 23, 2023, 9:59:54 PM5/23/23
Hello all,

Some twochanne hardware has a time delay that is different for
the two channels. One example is the Maya 44 soundcard.

The Linrad calibration procedure corrects for this - but there are
limitations on how large the time difference between the channels may be.

I have uploaded a video:

Here i demonstrate how a 60 m coaxial cable introduces a phase angle
that varies with frequency. Runnig the calibration with a pulse
generator a couple of times will provide linrad with a filter that
has a different phase response for the two channels which leads to
an identical pulse shape i both channes. That is required for optimum
performance of the smart blanker.

I do not know how large time differences Linrad can absorb, if it
could absorb the time difference between the channels in the RSP duo.

The requiremment is that the pulses in the two channels have to be close
enough in time for Linrad to understand they are the same pulse.

Obviously reducing the sample rate will make pulses last loger in time
which would increase the chance for sucess.

The first screen of the pulse calibration routine will show how far the
pulses are separated between the channels. I would be interested in a
screen dump showing what it looks like.




Jun 16, 2023, 5:24:32 AM6/16/23
to Linrad

First: A setup with RSPduo + SDRuno connected via a PC USB port will have any channel delay between 0 and 355 degrees when a new two-channel diversity session is started. When using a two channel signal generator it works very smoothly except when the UNO program passes the 0/360 angle when there is a sudden confusion before it settles down. The introduced delay in degrees will remain the same even if I change the frequency from say 10 MHz to 10.1 MHz.

In the real world on shortwave with sudden transients in amplitude and angle, it doesn't work so smoothly.

I have now been trying for weeks, first to connect Afedri SDRNet with LINRAD via LAN following the tip from Piotr, according to the instructions in, among other places,, but have failed because I am completely illiterate in the area.

After that I have tried to install the latest LINRAD version but with a USB connection but I get stuck in the process when asked to set an IP address. No recourse to use a USB connection.

So still at square one with strange readings in the phase window. The only new thing is that I have a new two channel signal generator so I know exactly what the phase difference is. Before I just used coax delay lines.

So the question remains:

What am I doing wrong?


Jun 16, 2023, 5:59:51 AM6/16/23
I have both duo via Uno using usb 4 channel audio and afredri822 working via the network working in linrad version 502. I had difficulty getting the 822 working initially but may be able to help.
This is how I finally got it to work. The will be other better ways too.

With the 822. Connect to it using the SDR_Control.exe program on a PC via USB
While connected via USB you can change the IP and save it to the unit. If you need help with the ip details to suit your network I can explain in more detail. Once you are happy with the network IP config click enable network interface.
Go SDR control page and click SDR connect.
This and the SDR init LED should be green.
Close the program and power off and on the unit.
On the PC use Ping to check the IP in the 822 is on the network.
Then configure linrad as per instructions. The unit should be available when selected.

Happy to talk you through it by phone if you want.

I know how confusing this can be.

Gary  G8EOH

Rick Kunath

Jun 16, 2023, 12:41:03 PM6/16/23
to, SM0BRF
I see that you mentioned an RSP Duo.

I have been running Linrad (first with Franco's fork with SDRplay native
API support and that code and the dual-channel recording fix that is now
a part of Leif's source) with the RSP Duo. Phasing works very well. So
does single and dual channel recording.

Let's get you going with the Duo and see where we get after that. Is
this Linux that you are running Linrad on? I also run it on Windows but
the latest Windows build is behind the latest source code. I build my
Linux versions from source.

I don't have an Afedri so I can't help much there but I do know others
have them working well.

If you let me know where you are so far on the Duo we can go from there.

Rick Kunath, K9AO


Jun 17, 2023, 4:35:11 AM6/17/23
to Linrad
Hi Gary,
Thanks for taking your time. I've tried this:

Control Box -> Network


SDR IP address first set to

from ”Linrad AFE822x (AFEDRI-Net x2) Network configuration , short intruction” from but didn’t get any ping so changed to (just took it by chance) and I got pings at 1 mS.


Gateway IP Mask (no idea what it is)

Checked Disable DHCP service (this is seems to change when closing the program?)

SDR ID set to AFE 822x SDR default (this seems to change to ”no ID” when closing the program?)

Destination port set to 50000

Network sampling rate 2000000 gives ”green OK”

Enable Network Interface

In Control TAB clicking SDR Connect gives ”SDR Network”

Closing Control box.

Power OFF/ON

Yellow LED will flash and go to steady light. Blue led falshes.

Pinging is ok. 1 mS round time. ( setting SDR IP to did not return any pings)

LINRAD setting AFEDRI NET and IP address to 192. 168.1.1 and port to 50000.

C for connecting to SDR results in trials to connect and error messages = 0

So something is missing here.


Jun 17, 2023, 10:07:02 AM6/17/23
to Linrad
Hi Rick,
What made you choose LINRAD over SDRuno for RSPduo? Special features or just better performance? What I'm looking for is to get rid of the random (not so constant) constant in RSPduo with Afedri Net SDR and maybe better performance in harsh environment with LINRAD.

Roland, SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

Jun 17, 2023, 12:02:24 PM6/17/23
to, SM0BRF
Can you tell us first *exactly* how your network is setup?

What IP addresses you use will depend on all of that.

If you don't know we can help you figure that out :)

Rick Kunath, K9AO

Rick Kunath

Jun 17, 2023, 12:10:40 PM6/17/23
to, SM0BRF
Unfortunately you can't get rid of the random phase relationship between
the 2 tuners in an RSP Duo on each cold boot. There is an application
called RSPduoEME that allows for phase determination using an external
noise source and then it roils in a compensation. It'll hold the phase
relationship for that boot on time. But the output of that app to Linrad
is not wideband.

The Afedri has a constant phase relationship so using it is a good
solution if you need to know exactly what phases you want to setup. It
was not critical for my mediumwave phasing because I can set the phase
either by ear or easily allow Linrad to adapt to the dominant station on
a channel, then lock the phase, and with one click Linrad inverts it and
poof, the station is gone and I am DXing underneath it. Tweaking further
or using presets on Linrad is easy too. Same for noise reduction on HF.
I don't need to know the phase on HF, but you do for EME orif you wanted
to set a specific phase relationship for say, beamforming on HF or VHF/UHF.

Linrad also has some amazing coherent detection capabilities and
terrific noise blanker performance. And there are some special modes for
weak signal EME work, expansion of volume levels to make CW easier to
copy on very narrow bandwidths, etc. None of which I have tried yet on
EME, but I hope to. But lots are applicable to HF and above too.

Rick Kunath, K9AO


Jun 17, 2023, 4:23:08 PM6/17/23
I do not know your level of TCPIP so forgive me if this is obvious. I have assumed you are using a PC. If so please try this.

If you can ping it tells me your network adress is
Subnet Mask makes the broadcast address is

On you PC run cmd to get a command prompt and run ipconfig. This will show all the network IP configs on your PC.
Look for one with an IP starting with 192.168.1.?
This config will show an IP for the default gateway which I suspect will be

We need to find an IP in the 192.168.1.??? Range that is not in use.

You can use a ipscanner like angryIP or just try to ping an IP in the range to Do not use .0 which is the network IP. Or 192.168 1.255 which is the broadcast IP. These are used for managing the network. is often used for the default gateway address. Here in the UK BT which provided my Internet uses
Try to ping 192168.1.100. If you get a reply try another IP until you do not get a ping response
If you don't get a reply  there is a good chance this is not in use. Be aware it may be in use but will not respond to ping. 
Note the IP that does not respond you can use that for the adefri822.

You only use the SDR_Control.exe to configure the Adefri. To make changes to the adefri connect to it with a USB connection.

Untick enable network interface
Tick edit network parameters
Tick Diable DHCP server
Manually enter the SDR IP Address (in my example)
Manually enter the SDR IP Mask
Manually enter the Gateway IP address
Select SDR ID to suit your device
Click save Network Parameters
Tick enable network interface
Go to SDR Control page
Check SDR connect is set to ADEFRI SDR Network
If not click SDR connect should go green
SDR init should say FE is working properly.
Close the SDR_Control window.
Power off and then back on the 822
Start tha SDR_Control.exe program.
It should now connect via the LAN.
LAN is shown after frequency.
Is so verify SDR connect button  is still green and showing AFEDRI SDR Network
Close SDR_Control.

If you get this far linrad should work.
You will need to change the IP details in linrad to match those you used in SDR_Control.exe.

Let me know how it goes.

From: <> on behalf of SM0BRF <>
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2023 9:35:16 am
To: Linrad <>
Subject: Re: [Linrad] Re: Calibrating phase vs frequency.

Hi Gary,
Thanks for taking your time. I've tried this:

Control Box -> Network


SDR IP address first set to

from ”Linrad AFE822x (AFEDRI-Net x2) Network configuration , short intruction” from but didn’t get any ping so changed to (just took it by chance) and I got pings at 1 mS.


Gateway IP Mask (no idea what it is)

Checked Disable DHCP service (this is seems to change when closing the program?)

SDR ID set to AFE 822x SDR default (this seems to change to ”no ID” when closing the program?)

Destination port set to 50000

Network sampling rate 2000000 gives ”green OK”

Enable Network Interface

In Control TAB clicking SDR Connect gives ”SDR Network”

Closing Control box.

Power OFF/ON

Yellow LED will flash and go to steady light. Blue led falshes.

Pinging 192168.1.1 is ok. 1 mS round time. ( setting SDR IP to did not return any pings)

LINRAD setting AFEDRI NET and IP address to 192. 168.1.1 and port to 50000.

C for connecting to SDR results in trials to connect and error messages = 0

So something is missing here.

On Friday, June 16, 2023 at 11:59:51 AM UTC+2 Gary.simpkins wrote:
I have both duo via Uno using usb 4 channel audio and afredri822 working via the network working in linrad version 502. I had difficulty getting the 822 working initially but may be able to help.
This is how I finally got it to work. The will be other better ways too.

With the 822. Connect to it using the SDR_Control.exe program on a PC via USB
While connected via USB you can change the IP and save it to the unit. If you need help with the ip details to suit your network I can explain in more detail. Once you are happy with the network IP config click enable network interface.
Go SDR control page and click SDR connect.
This and the SDR init LED should be green.
Close the program and power off and on the unit.
On the PC use Ping to check the IP in the 822 is on the network.
Then configure linrad as per instructions. The unit should be available when selected.

Happy to talk you through it by phone if you want.

I know how confusing this can be.

Gary  G8EOH

There is an excellent Linrad User Guide by Gaetan, ON4KHG, at:
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Jun 17, 2023, 4:39:23 PM6/17/23
to Linrad
Hi Gary, Sorry for my confusion. I read a bit about network magic and also checked the local router for used addresses. I will be QRT Sunday. Will return to the driver's seat on Monday and test new settings. Thanks again!
Roland SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

Jun 17, 2023, 5:39:58 PM6/17/23
to, Gary.simpkins
On the IP selection though Gary, you cannot and should not ever assign
an IP as a static IP unless that IP address is not in the DHCP server IP
address scope. Just because it has no device on it and you assign it
statically and it works, does not mean that it will continue to work.
Since the DHCP server thinks it can assign that IP statically, if it
ever does, then things will break. You might not think you have that
many leases in use, but with folks coming to visit, all of the new
devices around the house that are wireless, phones, TV boxes, laptops,
tablets, even washers and dryers, etc., these all claim an IP.

It's better to set aside 25 or 50 IP addresses at the bottom of the
subnet, say 1 to 25 (likely enough) or 1 to 50, and set the DHCP scope
to 51 to 254 (or 25 to 254). That way none of the statics ever get
assigned to a dynamic device and later on after you've been using
things, suddenly they break.

It's trivial to set the DHCP scope and then you are good to go on
statics, and as you mentioned likely the gateway is .1 and the DHCP
scope was 2 to 254, checking this will tell you anything over 1 is
available for static assignment once you take the block out of the DHCP

But he could also just open the advanced settings in the router and find
a device he wants a guaranteed IP for and set it to a MAC address
reservation. Personally I like setting a real static better, but either
would work.

Glad to help you guys out if it is needed anytime :)

Rick, K9AO


Jun 19, 2023, 3:12:32 AM6/19/23
to Rick Kunath,
 I did not want to complicate the issue. For simple home systems with few devices what I suggested would get the device working or show other issues like MS or router/hub configurations blocking LAN access.
What you say is true but if you do not know how DHCP servers work and how to set them up what I suggested will work.
DHCP servers check the network for IPs in use on the network before issuing a new IP even those it finds are not those it assigned and would detect that the 822s IP was in use. If it had already assigned that IP to another device then it would assign it a different one. But has no way of informing the user that it has. Apart from looking at the DHCP server assignments.

You have given a good explanation of modern DHCP use in internet hubs. 

We are off topic here so best continue the direct if you wish and not through group.


From: Rick Kunath <>
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2023 10:39:59 pm
To: <>; Gary.simpkins <>

Subject: Re: [Linrad] Re: Calibrating phase vs frequency.


Jun 21, 2023, 4:04:23 PM6/21/23
to Linrad
Hi Gary,

I have now spent many hours trying to get Afedri SDR and LINRAD up and running via LAN without success.

When I have set the parameters in the SDR, I do not get a green light on "SDR Connect" and "SDR Init" unless the Control Box is fresh installed. Then I get green on "SDR Connect": “AFEDRI SDR Net Audio” and "SDR Init": “FE works correctly” even after I changed the network parameters. But LINRAD just gives a black page when it tries to contact the SDR. I've also tried connecting the SDR directly to my router with a network cable, but nothing appears in the HOST list. The SDR and the router appear to be communicating because the LEDs at the connectors are blinking.

When I next open and configure the Control Box, I cannot get "SDR Connect" and "SDR Init" green.

I’ve also tried to disconnect the LAN from the PC to which the SDR is connected and also deactivated the firewall in Windows Defender. I’ve also tried another Win10 PC.


I also tried changing to “Diversity Mode” under the Multi channel RX tab and using the USB interface, but it doesn't change the behavior compared to before in the phasing box. But LINRAD runs when using the USB connection.

So still stuck.

73, Roland SM0BRF

Earl Shaffer

Jun 21, 2023, 5:00:41 PM6/21/23
Hi Roland.

This may not be anything close to the issue you are having but here is what I did.
I use the IQ+ to drive the Delta44 in a Windows XP computer. I did this because the Delta44 driver for the XP is the only driver that works correctly.
The latest Map65 will not run on Windows XP. I bought a Windows10 (now 11) computer. I set Linrad in the XP computer to output directly to the network
IP address in the Windows 11 computer. I connected a LAN cable directly between the two computers. I don't think it would work through any router.
The Windows 11 computer required a special setup so it had internet via the wireless. Maybe a similar issue?

As I understand it, the Afedri should be connected via a network cable to a first instance of Linrad. The first Linrad is a converter. It outputs to Map65 or to
a second instance of Linrad, then Map65.  This is a possible upgrade route for me so I am interested in what is going on in your situation.


There is an excellent Linrad User Guide by Gaetan, ON4KHG, at:
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Rick Kunath

Jun 21, 2023, 5:18:16 PM6/21/23
to, SM0BRF

I suspect most of your trouble is because of network issues. If you
would like some help setting that up right I'd be glad to help.

I don't have the Afredi but I do use Linrad extensively on the network.
Once we get your network and router and devices configured correctly I
think we will need Gary Simpkins help to get the radio going since he
has one.

I have seen a number of IP addresses being tossed around etc. None of
this is relevant unless we know your network and we can choose the
correct settings for your particular LAN.

Let me know if you want some help on that part of it.

Rick Kunath, K9AO


Jun 22, 2023, 4:35:25 AM6/22/23
to Linrad
Hi all,
I really appreciate everyone's dedication!
I guess my problem configuring the AFE 822x SDR in the "Control Box" is the root of the problem. I've looked at Alex's description and tried to follow Gary's instructions, but can't get "SDR Connect" and "SDR Init" to turn green so there's some detail I'm doing wrong.
The AFE 822x SDR is connected directly to a Win10 PC. It in turn is connected to my LAN via WIFI, but I have tried turning off the WIFI connection so that the only network components are the PC and the SDR. I have tried with straight and crossed cable and I have tried with another PC.

73, Roland SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

Jun 22, 2023, 12:03:03 PM6/22/23
to, SM0BRF
We are making some headway now...

SO your PC is connected to your ISP router via wireless and you are
using an unused Ethernet port on the PC to connect to the SDR?

Linrad runs on the PC we are talking about or another PC?

Rick Kunath, K9AO

Rick Kunath

Jun 22, 2023, 12:44:58 PM6/22/23
to, SM0BRF
A couple of more questions...

Roland, is there a reason that the PC is not connected to your ISP
router via Ethernet?

Gary, can he use the USB connection on the Afedri or does it need to be
a network connection to work?

Rick, K9AO


Jun 22, 2023, 3:44:31 PM6/22/23
to Linrad

Hi Rick,
LINRAD runs on the same PC that the AFE 822x SDR is connected to. LINRAD works ok together with the AFE 822x SDR via the USB interface. My problem is that I get strange values of the phase difference in the "Phasing Window" when using the USB interface and since Piotr, SP2BPD, who wrote the code, asked if I was using LAN connection, I have to try to get that running to see if it helps.

73, Roland SM0BRF

Dimitry Borzenko

Jun 22, 2023, 4:18:46 PM6/22/23
Hello Roland.
If U do not change any network settings in the afedri - SDR should get address from DHCP of ur router.
Login to ur router and check what address SDR get, also U can set in the router permanent address that SDR would get( setts by MAC address)

Best Wishes.

------ Original Message ------
From "SM0BRF" <>
Date 22/06/2023, 22:44:31
Subject Re: [Linrad] Re: Calibrating phase vs frequency.
There is an excellent Linrad User Guide by Gaetan, ON4KHG, at:
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Rick Kunath

Jun 22, 2023, 5:32:24 PM6/22/23
to, SM0BRF
OK Roland...

But why is the PC wireless connected and not run direct to the LAN
connections via Ethernet on the ISP router?

Using that LAN jack on the PC does not place the SDR on the same subnet
as your PC, and even if ICS (Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing) is
working, and it is very unreliable at best, this would place the SDR on
a separate subnet and you'd need special routing and other settings to
see it as it will be double-NATted from the Internet and NATted from
your PC's LAN.

That needlessly complicates things.

Can you share the router make and model of the ISP router and also the
IP address range (subnet) that it is using, this will all be on the
router's setup pages?

Rick, K9AO


Jun 23, 2023, 2:38:40 PM6/23/23
to Linrad
Hi Rick,
I have no intention of using the AFE 822x SDR on any PC other than where it is directly connected and where I have LINRAD installed.

73, Roland SM0BRF


Jun 23, 2023, 4:07:55 PM6/23/23
to Linrad
Hi Dimitry,
I connected the SDR box directly to the router again. It still wasn't in the HOST list, but when I pinged it from the router it responded and ended up in the HOST list. I then took the opportunity to give it a static IP address in the DHCP server. So it's alive.

73, Roland SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

Jun 23, 2023, 7:39:49 PM6/23/23
to, SM0BRF
OK Roland.

But in that case you'll still want the SDR on the same subnet as the PC
and you won't have that with the PC on the wireless subnet and using ICS
on the PC Ethernet connection. That's a mess.

You need an Ethernet switch at the shack PC and to plug the PC and the
SDR into that, or relocate the router to the shack and plug the PC and
the SDR into a LAN port each on the router.

Rick, K9AO


Jun 24, 2023, 4:23:15 AM6/24/23
to Linrad
Hi Rick,
Do you mean I can't have a simple LAN consisting of just my PC with LINRAD and my SDR configured with a fixed IP address but must have a router or Ethernet switch between the SDR and PC? I don't need to have the PC connected to my second LAN. I just turn off the WIFI.

73, Roland SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

Jun 24, 2023, 4:33:41 AM6/24/23
to, SM0BRF
You can do it that way if you set both interfaces as static IP addresses
and use a crossover cable between the 2 devices (might or might not need
a crossover cable, some interfaces are smart enough to figure out what's
going on).

But if you need Internet access and have 2 interfaces up on your PC then
you have a more complex problem.

I take it that the router can't be near the shack PC?

Rick, K9AO


Jun 25, 2023, 5:01:26 AM6/25/23
to Linrad
Hi all,
The problem with the connection between SDR and LINRAD is solved, I hope. I first tried to connect directly between the PC and the SDR, but I did not succeed in setting a fixed IP address in the PC. I then connected the SDR directly to my router with an Ethernet cable and ran a long cable through several rooms from the router to the PC. Now LINRAD jumped into action without any problems. Next, I took a WIFI extender with an Ethernet socket, which I had lying around, and connected it to the SDR. And now LINRAD worked on the PC via WIFI.
Unfortunately I don't have a phasing window, but maybe you don't have that in Newcomer mode.

73, Roland SM0BRF


Jun 25, 2023, 8:02:46 AM6/25/23
to Linrad
Now everything works as it should! The phasing figures are completely according to the settings on my 2-channel signal generator. Thanks everyone for your involvement and special thanks to Piotr for the addition to LINRAD and your tip to try LAN connection. The USB connection did not work together with the phase measurement. At least not for me.

73, Roland SM0BRF

Rick Kunath

Jun 25, 2023, 10:52:17 AM6/25/23
to, SM0BRF
Great news Roland.

Yes you don't get the advanced features in newcomer mode.

I'd suggest selecting advanced mode and then going through all of the
features as you need them setup. One tip I have is that since Linrad
runs completely from inside the directory that it is in, you can have
several directories with Linrad in each and each will have separate par
files, so you can have several easy ways to start Linrad setup
differently by just starting the exe in the directory that is setup the
way you want it for that purpose.

You are probably going to want to calibrate the smart noise blanker too.

One other recommendation. You said you have a Wi-Fi to Ethernet adapter
and have the PC on Wi-Fi directly and the SDR on Wi-Fi via the Ethernet
adapter. That's going to create a lot of latency and jitter and might
reduce the max transfer speeds. Since you have the Wi-Fi to Ethernet
adapter, a better setup would be to get a cheap gigabit Ethernet switch
and place that at the shack. Plug the PC (use it's Ethernet port) and
the SDR via thernet into that switch and then plug in the Wi-Fi to
Ethernet adapter into it too. Now the PC and the SDR can see the
Internet via the Wi-Fi adapter through the switch and your wireless
access point at your router, but the SDR data can go between the PC and
the SDR via gigabit Ethernet speeds nd it will be very fast and very
stable. There is zero configuration on any of that and zero changes
needed to the SDR but the PC just gets switched to use the Ethernet port

That's how I would setup the shack.

Just a few thoughts for you. Oh, and I do have a bunch of docs that I
saved as I was going through setting up and using Linrad. If you want an
archive of these let me know and I can get them to you. It is all stuff
that Leif and others have posted over the years so it is out there. But
I grabbed the articles so I would have them handy.

Rick Kunath, K9AO

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