Linrad NB

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Mar 13, 2022, 6:25:29 PM3/13/22
Dears, Leif,

In the Linrad WB graph, when I click on a signal to listen to it, the points become red (over a BW of around 2,5 kHz), meaning these are excluded from the NB action, these points being considered as "strong" NB-wize. When the signal has disappeared, so when the noise floor is back, the points remain red over that same 2,5 kHz or so BW. I tried to change de FFT1 & FFT2 limiters (the vertical blue and red bars in HR window) but the points still remain red, keep that spectrum portion out of any NB action.
What do I have to do to prevent these points to be excluded from the NB path ? In other words, how can I keep these points white ?

I have another question. I use Linrad on a Raspberry Pi. I run Linrad as "root" user. I have created a directory to save the recordings (its name is "linrad_data"). In Linrad, when pressing "S" to make a recording, giving a name to the recording, I get an error message telling that the recording can't be made.
It has to do with the access privileges to that linrad_data folder I suppose.
What can I do to access that folder as from "root" or "on4khg" (equivalent to "pi" user but renamed "on4khg") ?
I'm a bit a newbee in Linux and all these privileges are still not familiar (a bit complex) to me (user, group, etc), despite I have searched on the internet, have played with commands like "chown", etc. I can still not make recordings saving them in the linrad_data folder.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Gaëtan, ON4KHG

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Mar 15, 2022, 6:35:28 PM3/15/22
Hi All,

Nobody can help me on this ?
Many thanks in advance.


Gaëtan, ON4KHG

Leif Asbrink

Mar 16, 2022, 3:11:02 PM3/16/22
Hi Gaëtan,

In the upper right corner of the hig resolution graph you
have 8 boxes that control the behaviour of the blanker.

One of them will exclude the selected passband. Good in
case you listen to AM I think. Maybe also in other


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Mar 17, 2022, 3:49:50 AM3/17/22
Hi Leif,

Thanks for your feed-back.
I got it, it is the 5th parameter from left to right => if set to 0, the passband is no more excluded from the blanker. But then, the passband is forced to go through the blanker all the time, even for the strong signals. This leads to much signal distortion (of the strong ones). In other words, in that case, the points in the passband are always blank (none is red), no matter the setting of the blue and red vertical bars.

If that parameter is set to 2, the passband is always excluded (points red all the time, as I described in my previous mail).
Setting to 1 seems to be the "right" choice, but I still need to play with that parameter (and some others of these 8 parameters probably + the blue and red vertical bars) to be sure the blanker is active in the passband when needed, without introducing distortion.

To view this discussion on the web visit

Earl Shaffer

Mar 17, 2022, 9:18:47 AM3/17/22
to Linrad
Hi All.

This seems to be similar to an ongoing problem I have. When a very strong signal appears or even a strong spike, the dumb noise blanker goes to 99% and the receiver is then dead. To recover, I have to turn the dumb noise blanker off. Turning that blanker back on then restores normal operation. I have the blue and red bars set to maximum (70) in this case. The digits in the upper right corner for noise blanker is 20000000. This happens a lot because when the array is parked I am monitoring a source of noise caused by a neighbor. 




Mar 21, 2022, 4:50:28 PM3/21/22

Dears, Earl,



I thought I answered you but it appears not to be the case.

So, here it is again.


Thanks to the wideband recordings I made during the last VHF Contest in EU (1st WE of March), including strong signals, I played with these 8 blanker parameters in the HR window.


The best I get (= no distortion of strong signals & no passband sigs stuck out of the blanker action) is 21111101.



Gaëtan, ON4KHG

Earl Shaffer

Mar 22, 2022, 7:32:24 PM3/22/22
to Linrad
Hi  Gaëtan

Thanks for your answer, but in my case it did not solve the problem.
I'll send Leif a few files tomorrow and see what he suggests.


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