Problem still persists

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Aug 22, 2008, 9:22:19 PM8/22/08
to linqtordf-discuss

Unfortunately I still have this problem, even with the newest v0.8
The "ordinary" linqtordf works, while the designer shows the errors
mentioned above (Package Load Failure) when I try to create a new
designer diagram in a project.

- Vista Business SP1 x64
- Visual Studio 2008 Professional 9.0.21022.8 RTM
+ Silverlight SDK 2.0 Beta 2
+ LinqToRdf v0.8
- Administrator account/shell

All ideas on a possible solution appreciated.

Thanks for your help,



Sep 13, 2008, 8:10:40 AM9/13/08
to linqtordf-discuss

I am also experiencing the same issue with the newest version (0.8) of

Package Load Failure

Package 'LinqToRdf.Design.DslPackage.LinqToRdfPackage,
LinqToRdf.Design.DslPackage, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b4817ea031ba32f1' has failed to load properly ( GUID =
{E60773A8-7F96-4858-95E9-A97F9C0293B1} ). Please contact package
vendor for assistance. Application restart is recommended, due to
possible environment corruption. Would you like to disable loading
this package in the future? You may use 'devenv /resetskippkgs' to re-
enable package loading.

-Vista Ultimate x86
-.NET 3.5 SP1
-Visual Studio 2008 9. SP
-Admin account

I downloaded the source but noticed that none was included for the
LinqToRdfDesigner installer. Any chance of a resolution to this
problem soon? If you're unable to reproduce it, I could do some
testing myself provided I had the source code for the installer MSI.

Message has been deleted

Andrew Matthews

Sep 13, 2008, 8:35:16 AM9/13/08
to linqtordf-discuss
Hi Alex,

The designer has not been tested on SP1 yet (I ran into a lot of
issues getting VS 2008 SP1 installed properly that were ultimately
resolved by a machine rebuild).

If you are able to track down the issue I would be happy to test the
suggested fix to verify if it works OK. The source for the designer is
now in a separate SLN file in .../src/designer. To build it, you will
need a copy of VS 2008 SDK SP1 as well.

Please send through a SVN patch file if you are able. I've done a few
checkins this evening, so be sure to get latest.

Thanks for letting me know about the issue. I'm beginning to wonder
whether the DSL designer was a good idea. :-(

Andrew Matthews

On Sep 13, 3:37 am, Alex <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I too am experiencing the same problem with the newest version (0.8)
> installer for the designer.
> Providing I get some time, I'll download the code to see if I can get
> it to work for myself at least, and post back the results here.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
> Package Load Failure
> Package 'LinqToRdf.Design.DslPackage.LinqToRdfPackage,
> LinqToRdf.Design.DslPackage, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=b4817ea031ba32f1' has failed to load properly ( GUID =
> {E60773A8-7F96-4858-95E9-A97F9C0293B1} ). Please contact package
> vendor for assistance. Application restart is recommended, due to
> possible environment corruption. Would you like to disable loading
> this package in the future? You may use 'devenv /resetskippkgs' to re-
> enable package loading.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
> System environment:
> -Windows Vista Ultimate x86
> -.NET Framework 3.5 SP1
> -Visual Studio 2008 Professional 9.0.30729.1 SP
> -Administrator account
> Thanks,
> Alex


Sep 13, 2008, 8:30:33 AM9/13/08
to linqtordf-discuss
Correction: Visual Studio version is 9.0.30729.1 SP (i.e. SP1 final
release installed)


Sep 17, 2008, 1:04:10 PM9/17/08
to linqtordf-discuss
I seem to have uncovered a few bugs with the designer that are denying
any simple resolution. Not sure if it's just because I'm running under
SP1 or something else...
Maybe it would be best if I could chat with you about them? I'm quite
interested in having a working designer for VS 2008 SP1!



Sep 13, 2008, 3:27:19 PM9/13/08
to linqtordf-discuss
I've downloaded the latest version of the source and built the
designer solution. All seems to work if I then install the MSI and add
a designer file to the project. :)
I guess that simply compiling the project under an SP1 environment
fixed the problem. However, there do seem to be few (unrelated?) minor
issues with the designer:
-The code generated in the file LinqToRdf1.entities.cs has a blank
namespace nade, which causes a compile error until you manually add
-The designer really ought to automatically reference certain
assemblies that it requires when you create a new RDFX file.
(System.Data.Linq, semweb.merged)

You seem to have a few options now:
-Build all your projects under SP1 and forget about VS without SP1 for
the designer.
-Forget about support for VS SP1 (probably not a very good idea).
-Release two builds, one for without SP1 and one for with SP1 (a
possibility, though it requires additional effort and may cause
problems in the future).

I don't think it's possible to target both with one build (the
Silverlight devs had this problem if I remember rightly).

I'll play around with the designer code a bit and let you know if I
can fix these small issues before I send you an SVN patch.


On Sep 13, 1:35 pm, Andrew Matthews <> wrote:


Sep 13, 2008, 9:50:06 AM9/13/08
to linqtordf-discuss
Hi Andrew,

I'm quite keen to at least have a go at tracking down the issue. Not
sure what priority this has in your task list, but since I'm
interested in using your library for a project right now I may as well
try to get the designer working! The idea of a visual designer seems
like a worthwhile one to me, though of course I haven't seen it in
action yet. It may be that advanced developers choose to ignore the
designer, but it would still seem rather useful for quick adoption of
the library.

Anyway thanks for the info about the designer source. I'll see if I
can check it out this evening and let you know if I have any success.

Keep up the good work!


On Sep 13, 1:35 pm, Andrew Matthews <> wrote:
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