Re: website

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Linas Vepstas

Jun 17, 2023, 10:20:49 PM6/17/23
to Ben Goertzel, Haley Lowy, Matthew Ikle, Amen Belayneh, Mario Guzman, opencog, link-grammar
Naming and branding:

So here's a proposal. Four things. Four names. Four brands:

* OpenCog Classic
* OpenCog AtomSpace
* OpenCog Hyperon
* OpenCog Incubator

"OpenCog Classic" consists of everything abandoned and obsolete; This includes PLN, URE, Attention, SpaceTime, Ghost, Relex, R2L, ROS, Eva/Sophia, MOSES (but not as-moses, see below).

"OpenCog AtomSpace" includes:
-- base AtomSpace
-- CogServer and atomspace-cog (for networking, json, websockets)
-- atomspace-rocks (disk I/O subsystem)
-- Proxy Nodes (for data routing, replaces attention bank)
-- Link Grammar

OpenCog Hyperon
-- the stuff you're working on

OpenCog Incubator
-- atomspace-prolog proof-of-concept
-- chemistry proof-of-concept
-- agi-bio
-- visualization
-- as-moses
-- vision proof-of-concept
-- hyperon-on-top-of-atomspace proof of concept.
-- etc.

The above is the branding and website design that I would like to see. It makes it clear what's what, what goes where, what's alive, what's dead. what's stable, what's new.  what's broken, what's experimental. Does this work for you?

Two extra remarks:

The hyperon-on-top-of-atomspace proof of concept. Not sure if you didn't see the announcement, or you saw it and just hated it. I think putting Hyperon on top of the AtomSpace is not too hard, and I think it might work quite well, given that the code base is debugged and performance tuned. I understand that the current devel crew does not care for such a thing. But it is a viable path, and a kind of insurance policy.

Link Grammar.  I've been working to integrate Link Grammar more closely with the base AtomSpace. It turns out that Link Grammar is a generic structure parser. Or rather, is close to one, although some fair amount of bending, welding and hammering is still required. I think it can be used to process visual/video data, audio data, sensory data in general. Part of the big deal is that link-grammar is now really really fast: Amir Plivatsy has performance-tuned the heck out of it, it runs about 100x faster than it did a decade ago. And since CPU's have also gotten faster, ... wow. So that is the dataflow, or structure-flow idea. Converting any kind of streaming data into a "streaming semantic graph" in real time.

AS-MOSES: As a whole, it is problematic. There are a few pieces/parts I'd like to rip out and breathe new life into. In particular, generic "knob-turning" and deme management would be excellent stand-alone plugins for the AtomSpace. I need knob-turning in order to train on video and audio feeds.

-- Linas

On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 6:18 PM Ben Goertzel <> wrote:
I think Linas may not care for the appellation "Classic" for the
version of OpenCog he's currently developing and. using .. I don't
really love it either but I just came up with it casually and have
kept using it.. it was kind of a bad joke on "coca Cola Classic"

Linas, how would you suggest we refer to the original, non-Hyperon
version of OpenCog on the site... given that we want to
clearly point folks who come to the site both to a page giving
resources on Hyperon, and to resources on the other original/classic
OC version (e.g. the OC wiki, the Github repo, etc.) ...


On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 12:46 PM Haley Lowy
<> wrote:
> Hello Linas!
> We are planning to have our web person start with a refresh of the look and feel of the OpenCog front page - drawing largely from the content that is on the foundation site currently about the theoretical underpinnings of OpenCog and its vision and goals. We’ll then have a section that features the two versions - “Classic” (which is how we’ve been referring to the original), and “Hyperon”. We will link out to the wiki, the discord, and the google group for those who want to get involved.
> We will then, as Ben says, add a subdomain for Hyperon - we currently don’t have a good place to collect and highlight the features and progress of this project, so this page will allow us to do that.
> Mario Guzman will be doing the website design and development, and we are currently building wireframes for it, which we should be able to share early next week. We are hoping to have at least a fresh landing page and some initial resources up before AGI-23.
> What do you have in mind, and what are your goals for a new site?
> I look forward to getting to coordinate with you on this, as your passion and enthusiasm for OpenCog has been so helpful to devs and researchers who want to get involved in using this system. Thank you,
> Haley
> > On May 16, 2023, at 5:40 AM, Ben Goertzel <> wrote:
> >
> > Hey!
> >
> > It seems that two parties (Haley / SNet team) and Linas are
> > concurrently thinking about updating the site in the near
> > term...
> >
> > Def. this update makes sense, the site is more than a bit stale... but
> > let's make sure we're coordinated here...
> >
> > Linas: Our plan has been to make a subdomain and
> > use it as a main info page on Hyperon, and then insert a link on this
> > on the (revised) front page.  I suppose this would be compatible w/
> > whatever changes you're thinking of making?
> >
> > Anyway I don't want to be in the middle here communication-wise so w/
> > this email I am aiming to put Haley and Linas in direct communication
> > on this!
> >
> > thx
> > ben
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ben Goertzel, PhD
> >
> >
> > "My humanity is a constant self-overcoming" -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Ben Goertzel, PhD

"My humanity is a constant self-overcoming" -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Patrick: Are they laughing at us?
Sponge Bob: No, Patrick, they are laughing next to us.

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