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Anton Kolonin @ Gmail

Jan 19, 2022, 1:55:11 AM1/19/22
to link-grammar
The AGI-2022 conference will take place on June 21-24 - Virtually and
Physically in S-Petersburg, Russia:

We may submit a proposal for the Interpretable Natural Language
Processing (INLP) workshop like we did last year:

In order to do so, if someone is interested to participate and
presenting, send me the title and brief abstract (3-5 sentences) of the
potential presentation/paper proposal to email with
the subject "AGI-2022/INLP" - by Jan 7.

If we collect at least some initial endorsements, we will submit the
workshop proposal on Jan 8. If the proposal is approved, we will launch
the process of the official workshop arrangement and submission
collection/review ...

Best regards,
-Anton Kolonin
telegram/skype/facebook: akolonin
mobile/WhatsApp: +79139250058

Anton Kolonin @ Gmail

Jan 19, 2022, 3:13:50 AM1/19/22
to link-grammar
I mean Feb 7 and Feb 8 of course, sorry... :-)

On 19/01/2022 13:55, Anton Kolonin @ Gmail wrote:
> The AGI-2022 conference will take place on June 21-24 - Virtually and
> Physically in S-Petersburg, Russia:
> We may submit a proposal for the Interpretable Natural Language
> Processing (INLP) workshop like we did last year:
> In order to do so, if someone is interested to participate and
> presenting, send me the title and brief abstract (3-5 sentences) of the
> potential presentation/paper proposal to email with
> the subject "AGI-2022/INLP" - by Jan 7.
> If we collect at least some initial endorsements, we will submit the
> workshop proposal on Jan 8. If the proposal is approved, we will launch
> the process of the official workshop arrangement and submission
> collection/review ...

Linas Vepstas

Jan 23, 2022, 2:24:55 PM1/23/22
to link-grammar
Hi Anton,

I have several papers I'd like to publish.  One would be a paper that corresponds to the slide-deck I gave at INLP 21 -- basically, to write down, in text, what I said with words. I'm thinking that perhaps AGI-22 would be a better forum for that, since (1) it wasn't just about natural language and (2) it could get a wider audience.  The biggest issue is that it would be hard to limit myself to ten pages.

A second paper would describe actual research results from the last 4-5 years -- stuff available in the assorted diary PDF's in github, but not actually written up in any summary form.  Again, limiting myself to 10 pages would be tricky.

I have no opinion about the workshop. It's good to talk, but it was painful to have Ben's workshop run in parallel, and then have him turn to me and say that it was my fault for going to the wrong workshop. :-/

At any rate, I would like to get a broader audience for what I want to say.

-- Linas

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Patrick: Are they laughing at us?
Sponge Bob: No, Patrick, they are laughing next to us.

Anton Kolonin @ Gmail

Jan 24, 2022, 12:07:21 AM1/24/22
to, Linas Vepstas, Ben Goertzel, Matthew Ikle, Vignav Ramesh, Rob Freeman

Hi Linas,

Then I would suggest you to submit your paper(s) for AGI-2022 anyway and we will see if someone else is going to submit anything the INLP workshop this year and decide on the workshop matter upon that.

Regarding the limits - you can always have a full story on and short story on top of it in the conference paper. 

Multiple workshops at a time is a pain, yeah - personal digital twin technology has to be advanced, still...



Linas Vepstas

Jan 24, 2022, 4:40:11 PM1/24/22
to Anton Kolonin @ Gmail, link-grammar, Ben Goertzel, Matthew Ikle, Vignav Ramesh, Rob Freeman
On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 11:07 PM Anton Kolonin @ Gmail <> wrote:

Regarding the limits - you can always have a full story on

I can post math papers to arxiv just fine, but I am not able to post AI-related papers to arxiv; they are summarily rejected.  The last rejection letter said something like "Your work is very important, you should get it published in a journal.  It is not suitable for arxiv."  It was from a no-reply email address, so there wasn't an opportunity to protest.

I did look around at academic journals, but discovered that if a paper is accepted for publication, I would have to cover several thousand dollars in publication fees.  Normally, a university department or a grant would cover such fees; I cannot afford them out-of-pocket.  The upshot seems to be that if you work as an independent AI researcher, you're SOL in terms of being able to publish.

Ben was asked a question about diversity in AGI research, and had a marvelous answer: it's already an uphill, losing battle if you're a white male; it would be unethical to encourage those who are further disadvantaged, such as women and minorities, to enter the field.  I wondered if I should laugh. Ben has his head screwed on straight.

-- Linas

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