LK, 20. februar 2022

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Lingvistični krožek

Feb 13, 2023, 10:55:06 AM2/13/23
to lingvisticnikrozek



vabi na 1224. sestanek

v ponedeljek, 20. februarja, ob 18.00

v predavalnici 325 v 3. nadstropju Filozofske fakultete.


Predavali bosta:

dr. Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković, PhD, senior research associate at the Institute for Balkan Studies in Belgrade
Monica Hutanu, assistant professor at the Romanian Studies Department at the West University of Timișoara and Romanian language lecturer at the University of Belgrade


Naslov predavanja:
The (In)Visibility of Vlach Romanian in Eastern Serbia
((Ne)Vidnost vlaške romunščine v vzhodni Srbiji)

Povzetek v angleščini:

Our talk focuses on Vlach Romanian, an archaic regional variety of Romanian spoken in Eastern Serbia, and on the sociolinguistic changes it has been undergoing in the last 20 years and that have led to its greater (but still limited) visibility and representation in public life. We will discuss two main conduits through which the members of the Vlach community have started to express and assert their identity: the Internet, particularly Facebook and other social networks, and the growing number of inscriptions in the vernacular that have changed the configuration of the linguistic landscape of Eastern Serbia.


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