LK, 17. april

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Lingvistični krožek

Apr 11, 2023, 2:29:35 AM4/11/23
to lingvisticnikrozek



vabi na 1228. sestanek

v ponedeljek, 17. aprila, ob 18.00

v predavalnici 325 v 3. nadstropju Filozofske fakultete.


Predavala bo:

dr. Lucia Assenzi, 
Institut für Germanistik, Universität Innsbruck (Avstrija)


Naslov predavanja:

Syntactic Integration and Figural vs. Authorial Perspective in Reported Speech in German Newspapers (1740–1840)
(Skladenjska integracija in figuralna ali avtorska perspektiva v poročanem govoru v nemških časopisih med 1740 in 1840)

Povzetek v angleščini:

The century ‘around’ 1800 was pivotal in the history of German-speaking societies. This epoch saw a series of changes fuelled by rapidly growing industrialisation and urbanisation, as well as advances in mass education, widespread politicisation of the masses, and increasingly pressing requests for democratic policies that finally led to the dismantling of the old absolutist political system. The periodical press followed and reflected this evolution in order to keep up with the readers’ changing expectations and social background. In the presentation, I will delineate the first results of a macro-sociolinguistic research project on the connections between changes in society, changes in the ‘report’ text genre, and changes in the formulation of reported speech in two German newspapers from this time period, the Wiener Zeitung and the Berlinische Nachrichten von Staats- und gelehrten Sachen (1740–1840). 

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