Unable to compare TIMESTAMP field in lingual

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santlal gupta

Jul 28, 2016, 5:07:59 AM7/28/16
to Lingual User

I want to filter TIMESTAMP data. Below is my input:

1,2015-05-02,2015-05-02 05:02:15,2015-05-02 05:02:15
2,2014-02-03,2014-06-09 12:12:57,2015-05-02 05:02:15
3,2015-05-02,2013-05-02 15:52:15,2015-05-02 05:02:15
4,2014-02-03,2012-06-09 22:56:57,2015-05-02 05:02:15

below is list of lingual command : 

lingual catalog --schema logP -add
lingual catalog --schema logP --stereotype logPVT --add --columns f1,f2,f3,f4 -type int,date,timestamp,timestamp
lingual catalog --schema logP --table logP2 --stereotype logPVT -add /user/hduser/timestampData.csv

Query : 
1)  Data in lingual table : 
       select * from "logP"."logP2" 

| f1  |     f2      |           f3           |           f4           |
| 1   | 2015-05-02  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  |
| 2   | 2014-02-03  | 2014-06-09 12:12:57.0  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  |
| 3   | 2015-05-02  | 2013-05-02 15:52:15.0  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  |
| 4   | 2014-02-03  | 2012-06-09 22:56:57.0  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  |

 2) comparing two timestamp field:

     select * from "logP"."logP2"  where "f3" = "f4";

     output : 
     | f1  |     f2      |           f3           |           f4           | 
     | 1   | 2015-05-02  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  |

    It produces correct result.

3) Comparing TIMESTAMP field with literals(constants) : 

      select * from "logP"."logP2"  where "f3" = timestamp '2015-05-02 05:02:15.0';  
     actual output : 

       | f1  | f2  | f3  | f4  |

    select * from "logP"."logP2"  where "f3" = timestamp '2015-05-02 05:02:15';

     actual output : 

       | f1  | f2  | f3  | f4  |

    expected result : 

     | f1  |     f2      |           f3           |           f4           | 
     | 1   | 2015-05-02  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  | 2015-05-02 05:02:15.0  |

Can any body point out where i am doing wrong or any other way to compare TIMESTAMP field  equals literal(constant),  why actual and excepted results are differ.

why while comparing timestamp with literal is not giving any results.

i am using lingual 1.2.1 and Hadoop 2.6.0-cdh5.4.2

Santlal Gupta
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