Linbox 2.0.0

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Finite Tsai

2015年1月6日 清晨7:40:532015/1/6

Dear linbox friends:

I wonder when will the linbox 2.0.0 be officially released. Recently, I have tried to install fflas-ffpack 2.0.0, givaro 3.8.0 and linbox 1.3.2. My experience seems to indicate that the three libraries are under rapid changes of their C++ API. As a result, although the fflas-ffpack and givaro work very well individually, it is very difficult for the linbox to be combined with. Some of the linbox tests failed in this combo. Therefore, it will be very helpfully for the linbox user to know a calendar of the next version of linbox. Alternatively, it will also be very informative to know which versions of the fflas-ffpack and givaro are suggested to work with the linbox 1.3.2.

Best regard
CC Tsai
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