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Jan 18, 2022, 2:47:11 PM1/18/22
to Oissila SAAIDIA, Daniel THEVENET, Professeur Hamid BENCHENITI UNIVERSITE D ' Alger1 ALGER, Zohra PERRET, MOUSSAOUI Abderrahmane, Charles BONN, Haoues SENIGUER, HELLAL Salima, Guiderdoni Bruno, rec...@mosquee-lyon.org, login. facebook. com/rest. php?email:tejritej@yahoo. fr:436b0b2a, doinaspita@yahoo com, zhr_meriem@yahoo fr, Laurence JENNEPIN@radiofrance. com, gebonn@gmail com, ciclim2019@gmail com, nedjmabenachour@yahoo fr, antoine hatzenberger@gmail. com, Mireille MURARD, Marine Schambourg, sanae ghouati, danielabarbuto@libero it, harchikaoutar@yahoo fr, samir. marzouki@ens. rnu. tn, Dana Nica, jpierrechambon@gmail com, lilifosalau@yahoo com, petrasac@yahoo com, magnier b@wanadoo. fr, jean-marc moura@dbmail. com, daniel-henri pageaux@orange. fr, catmazauric@orange fr, Maria-Teresa fiore@orange. fr, keltouma boubekeur@hotmail. fr, fritz. peter. kirsch@univie. ac. at, sylvieglissant@yahoo fr, jihtbini@gmail com, assiakacedali2016@gmail com, christianeachour@yahoo fr, ghyslainlevy@orange fr, danielle perrot@wanadoo. fr, kacembasfao@yahoo fr, georges morin@coupdesoleil. net, martine. m. job@orange. fr, martinezdjm41@gmail com, ridha boulaabi@univ-grenoble-alpes. fr, azizadeco@gmail com, ritaelkhayat@gmail com, sh. chavoshian@alzahra. ac. ir, hacarab@yahoo fr, afifabererhi@yahoo fr, samokrane52@yahoo fr, taharbekri@wanadoo fr, Raoul Weexsteen, Mohammed Zahiri, tristan leperlier@normalesup. org, ferroudja allouache@wanadoo. fr, azouz begag@orange. fr, hayet naccache@irmcmaghreb. org, khaoulataleb@yahoo fr, Sonia Zlitni Fitouri, aziz chouaki@gmail. com, isabellelarrivee@gmail com, akram belkaid@gmail. com, Florence Fix, stephane baquey@univ-amu. fr, Nathalie Piegay@unige. ch, moncefkhem@yahoo fr, najibaregaieg@ymail com, mdarhriaa@gmail com, D. Carpenter@brighton. ac. uk, lamiarome@yahoo fr, abderrahmantenkoul@yahoo fr, Diana Del Mastro, catherine. brun. p3@gmail. com, unmattino@yahoo com, faizdib@orange fr, ioana_putan@yahoo fr, chahinezdamerdji@gmail com, ohimeur@hotmail com, Xavier Pryen, ksikes1@yahoo fr, baidabdel@yahoo fr, jeanpierre benisti@gmail. com, hocinetand75@gmail com, pascaleb@outlook fr, contact@sflgc org, badmil@yahoo fr, Rym Kheriji, denise brahimi@neuf. fr, issam_tbeur@yahoo fr, saltanibernoussi@yahoo fr, sofiaallouche@yahoo com, mohasari@yahoo fr, s maissin@editions-academia. be, marsauvage@yahoo it, wassyla tamzali@icloud. com, Diana Gradu, Claire RIFFARD@cnrs. fr, contact@histoirecoloniale net, pawlicki@amu edu. pl, newsletter@sflgc org, kalouaz@club-internet fr, Anne-Marie BENCE, valerie magdelaine@univ-reunion. fr, saidlaqabi@yahoo fr, Reda Bensmaia, Olivier Soutet, kenza sefrioui@hotmail. com, boualem sansal@gmx. com, nicole lefour@wanadoo. fr, magali claux@institutfrancais. it, cecileoumhani@yahoo fr, sarra. khaled. 89@gmail. com, sarah-arara@hotmail fr, angelo. rella@usz. edu. pl, remi_bonn@yahoo fr, mayo51saida@gmail com, kitouni_h@yahoo fr, hele beji@wanadoo. fr, les2rr@gmail com, coupdesoleilra@gmail com, chafik_nadia75@yahoo fr, ran sabry@gmail. com, sheena chraibi@gmail. com, soussoum@yahoo fr, loakira@yahoo fr, p pegeault@actepublic. fr, clairestolz@club-internet fr, jamila abitar@gmail. com, Sara Lucia Addeo, belatreche rachida@airalgerie. dz, kacimi@orange fr, sempresubitocongioia@gmail com, anai labra@uah. es, joelle ducos@gmail. com, marc quaghebeur@aml-cfwb. be, Mustapha Trabelsi, karimamellal@gmail com, Kamel Gaha, association@coupdesoleil net, am gualino@gmail. com, sylvie bourgouin, evecaduc@gmail com, meddiadlene@gmail com, makaichi@hotmail fr, Simona Modreanu, lledojeanpierre@yahoo fr, valeriekeyorlando@gmail com, radu_petrescu2007@yahoo fr, dugas montp3@gmail. com, eugene blanc73@gmail. com, sophie bilardello@ehess. fr, gerard chalaye22@gmail. com, violaine geraud@orange. fr, pardey@gmail com, colette guedj2@gmail. com, fleurdechon@hotmail com, luciana barile, michele rodary@wanadoo. fr, bendjelid f@gmail. com, ybelaskri@hotmail com, gaimouille@gmail com, magdaciopraga@yahoo fr, ch lamouille@gmail. com, hwahbi@hotmail com, Mohammad Ziar, samia selmani, karim akouche@gmail. com, manastasiei@gmail com, bernard franco1@gmail. com, fafia djardem@orange. fr, francine kahn23@gmail. com, danamonah@yahoo fr, o. saveurs. tipasiennes@gmail. com, fewziasari@gmail com, samiakassab@yahoo fr, mohammadreza farsian, srao@ualberta ca, Sharareh ch, redactrice@cief org, Colette dib@neuf. fr, lhoteflorence@yahoo fr, hmoudane@gmail com, p. y. voisin@gmail. com, omarbenlaala@gmail com, karima berger@sfr. fr, dimicora@yahoo fr, felidumas@yahoo fr, xavier garnier@wanadoo. fr, N P. Ï, Abdelaziz Amraoui, touriya fili@gmail. com, akhene@gmail com, Valerie Orlando@univ-lyon2. fr, mihlupu@yahoo com, marina muresanu@yahoo. fr, edoardo cagnan@mcgill. ca, omar hallouche@wanadoo. fr, afda33@gmail com, Denis Pryen, Habib Salha, dury staeger@gmail. com, milihadj@gmail com, sabrina-z778@hotmail com, mounirahamzaoui06@gmail com, emytoun_90@hotmail fr, Omar Fertat@u-bordeaux-montaigne. fr, m2005frunza@yahoo com, amilaou@yahoo fr, ferjani cherif@gmail. com, goucem_k@yahoo fr, chargedecom@smlh-rhone com, myaleh@hotmail fr, rino caputo, brindusagrigoriu@yahoo fr, caroline kohlmayer@ehess. fr, fattou quintin@gmail. com, fridak458@gmail com, Aicha BOUABACI, Georges, Maria Leo, eveline martin@wanadoo. fr, amelchaouati@hotmail com, limag@googlegroups com, ziar mohammad, mohadri2016@gmail com, zohr mezgueldi@gmail. com, najib, scheffer@zedat fu-berlin. de, sabbagh heba@gmail. com, Brigitte BUFFARD-MORET, roche anne@wanadoo. fr, sabrina kassa@gmail. com, mjeanrenaud@hotmail com, olivier soutet@paris-sorbonne. fr, Mary-Annick Morel, aioanei otilia@yahoo. com, yam mer@laposte. net, odile teste@gmail. com, djahninehabiba@hotmail fr, alain diacono@wanadoo. fr, pierre daum@wanadoo. fr, Nahid Djalili, zaherharir@gmail com, milkovitch rioux@wanadoo. fr, annie sylviane@hotmail. fr, itij75@yahoo fr, ridhabou...@gmail.com

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Jan 24, 2022, 6:53:30 AM1/24/22
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Jan 24, 2022, 6:53:42 AM1/24/22
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Jan 25, 2022, 11:10:38 AM1/25/22

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Date : 25/01/2022 16:59 (GMT+01:00)
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Flora Boumia

Feb 18, 2022, 5:13:04 AM2/18/22
to KAMEL KABTANE, Oissila SAAIDIA, Daniel THEVENET, Professeur Hamid BENCHENITI UNIVERSITE D ' Alger1 ALGER, MOUSSAOUI Abderrahmane, Charles BONN, Haoues SENIGUER, HELLAL Salima, Guiderdoni Bruno, rec...@mosquee-lyon.org, login. facebook. com/rest. php?email:tejritej@yahoo. fr:436b0b2a, doinaspita@yahoo com, zhr_meriem@yahoo fr, Laurence JENNEPIN@radiofrance. com, gebonn@gmail com, ciclim2019@gmail com, nedjmabenachour@yahoo fr, antoine hatzenberger@gmail. com, Mireille MURARD, Marine Schambourg, sanae ghouati, danielabarbuto@libero it, harchikaoutar@yahoo fr, samir. marzouki@ens. rnu. tn, Dana Nica, jpierrechambon@gmail com, lilifosalau@yahoo com, petrasac@yahoo com, magnier b@wanadoo. fr, jean-marc moura@dbmail. com, daniel-henri pageaux@orange. fr, catmazauric@orange fr, Maria-Teresa fiore@orange. fr, keltouma boubekeur@hotmail. fr, fritz. peter. kirsch@univie. ac. at, sylvieglissant@yahoo fr, jihtbini@gmail com, assiakacedali2016@gmail com, christianeachour@yahoo fr, ghyslainlevy@orange fr, danielle perrot@wanadoo. fr, kacembasfao@yahoo fr, georges morin@coupdesoleil. net, martine. m. job@orange. fr, martinezdjm41@gmail com, ridha boulaabi@univ-grenoble-alpes. fr, azizadeco@gmail com, ritaelkhayat@gmail com, sh. chavoshian@alzahra. ac. ir, hacarab@yahoo fr, afifabererhi@yahoo fr, samokrane52@yahoo fr, taharbekri@wanadoo fr, Raoul Weexsteen, Mohammed Zahiri, tristan leperlier@normalesup. org, ferroudja allouache@wanadoo. fr, azouz begag@orange. fr, hayet naccache@irmcmaghreb. org, khaoulataleb@yahoo fr, Sonia Zlitni Fitouri, aziz chouaki@gmail. com, isabellelarrivee@gmail com, akram belkaid@gmail. com, Florence Fix, stephane baquey@univ-amu. fr, Nathalie Piegay@unige. ch, moncefkhem@yahoo fr, najibaregaieg@ymail com, mdarhriaa@gmail com, D. Carpenter@brighton. ac. uk, lamiarome@yahoo fr, abderrahmantenkoul@yahoo fr, Diana Del Mastro, catherine. brun. p3@gmail. com, unmattino@yahoo com, faizdib@orange fr, ioana_putan@yahoo fr, chahinezdamerdji@gmail com, ohimeur@hotmail com, Xavier Pryen, ksikes1@yahoo fr, baidabdel@yahoo fr, jeanpierre benisti@gmail. com, hocinetand75@gmail com, pascaleb@outlook fr, contact@sflgc org, badmil@yahoo fr, Rym Kheriji, denise brahimi@neuf. fr, issam_tbeur@yahoo fr, saltanibernoussi@yahoo fr, sofiaallouche@yahoo com, mohasari@yahoo fr, s maissin@editions-academia. be, marsauvage@yahoo it, wassyla tamzali@icloud. com, Diana Gradu, Claire RIFFARD@cnrs. fr, contact@histoirecoloniale net, pawlicki@amu edu. pl, newsletter@sflgc org, kalouaz@club-internet fr, Anne-Marie BENCE, valerie magdelaine@univ-reunion. fr, saidlaqabi@yahoo fr, Reda Bensmaia, Olivier Soutet, kenza sefrioui@hotmail. com, boualem sansal@gmx. com, nicole lefour@wanadoo. fr, magali claux@institutfrancais. it, cecileoumhani@yahoo fr, sarra. khaled. 89@gmail. com, sarah-arara@hotmail fr, angelo. rella@usz. edu. pl, remi_bonn@yahoo fr, mayo51saida@gmail com, kitouni_h@yahoo fr, hele beji@wanadoo. fr, coupdesoleilra@gmail com, chafik_nadia75@yahoo fr, ran sabry@gmail. com, sheena chraibi@gmail. com, soussoum@yahoo fr, loakira@yahoo fr, p pegeault@actepublic. fr, clairestolz@club-internet fr, jamila abitar@gmail. com, Sara Lucia Addeo, belatreche rachida@airalgerie. dz, kacimi@orange fr, sempresubitocongioia@gmail com, anai labra@uah. es, joelle ducos@gmail. com, marc quaghebeur@aml-cfwb. be, Mustapha Trabelsi, karimamellal@gmail com, Kamel Gaha, association@coupdesoleil net, am gualino@gmail. com, sylvie bourgouin, evecaduc@gmail com, meddiadlene@gmail com, makaichi@hotmail fr, Simona Modreanu, lledojeanpierre@yahoo fr, valeriekeyorlando@gmail com, radu_petrescu2007@yahoo fr, dugas montp3@gmail. com, eugene blanc73@gmail. com, sophie bilardello@ehess. fr, gerard chalaye22@gmail. com, violaine geraud@orange. fr, pardey@gmail com, colette guedj2@gmail. com, fleurdechon@hotmail com, luciana barile, michele rodary@wanadoo. fr, bendjelid f@gmail. com, ybelaskri@hotmail com, gaimouille@gmail com, magdaciopraga@yahoo fr, ch lamouille@gmail. com, hwahbi@hotmail com, Mohammad Ziar, samia selmani, karim akouche@gmail. com, manastasiei@gmail com, bernard franco1@gmail. com, fafia djardem@orange. fr, francine kahn23@gmail. com, danamonah@yahoo fr, o. saveurs. tipasiennes@gmail. com, fewziasari@gmail com, samiakassab@yahoo fr, mohammadreza farsian, srao@ualberta ca, Sharareh ch, redactrice@cief org, Colette dib@neuf. fr, lhoteflorence@yahoo fr, hmoudane@gmail com, p. y. voisin@gmail. com, omarbenlaala@gmail com, karima berger@sfr. fr, dimicora@yahoo fr, felidumas@yahoo fr, xavier garnier@wanadoo. fr, N P. Ï, Abdelaziz Amraoui, touriya fili@gmail. com, akhene@gmail com, Valerie Orlando@univ-lyon2. fr, mihlupu@yahoo com, marina muresanu@yahoo. fr, edoardo cagnan@mcgill. ca, omar hallouche@wanadoo. fr, afda33@gmail com, Denis Pryen, Habib Salha, dury staeger@gmail. com, milihadj@gmail com, sabrina-z778@hotmail com, mounirahamzaoui06@gmail com, emytoun_90@hotmail fr, Omar Fertat@u-bordeaux-montaigne. fr, m2005frunza@yahoo com, amilaou@yahoo fr, ferjani cherif@gmail. com, goucem_k@yahoo fr, chargedecom@smlh-rhone com, myaleh@hotmail fr, rino caputo, brindusagrigoriu@yahoo fr, caroline kohlmayer@ehess. fr, fattou quintin@gmail. com, fridak458@gmail com, Aicha BOUABACI, Georges, Maria Leo, eveline martin@wanadoo. fr, amelchaouati@hotmail com, limag@googlegroups com, ziar mohammad, mohadri2016@gmail com, zohr mezgueldi@gmail. com, najib, scheffer@zedat fu-berlin. de, sabbagh heba@gmail. com, Brigitte BUFFARD-MORET, roche anne@wanadoo. fr, sabrina kassa@gmail. com, mjeanrenaud@hotmail com, olivier soutet@paris-sorbonne. fr, Mary-Annick Morel, aioanei otilia@yahoo. com, yam mer@laposte. net, odile teste@gmail. com, djahninehabiba@hotmail fr, alain diacono@wanadoo. fr, pierre daum@wanadoo. fr, Nahid Djalili, zaherharir@gmail com, milkovitch rioux@wanadoo. fr, annie sylviane@hotmail. fr, itij75@yahoo fr, ridhabou...@gmail.com
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Flora Boumia
Flora Boumia   
Directrice de production
Consultante Culture & Tourisme


Feb 21, 2022, 2:48:02 PM2/21/22
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