Memory Data Volume Measurement Inconsistencies

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Matt Turner

Jul 12, 2023, 3:45:49 PM7/12/23
to likwid-users



I am attempting to collect information about Memory Data Volume for an application using LIKWID.  The reported values are not matching what I would expect as I modify the number of MPI ranks, so I’m hoping somebody in this group / email list might have some insight.


I am using LIKWID v5.2.2, and have collected data on 2 separate systems.  I am also using the LIKWID Marker API to collect data for specific regions of the application, and register each marker region with LIKWID_MARKER_REGISTER immediately after calling LIKWID_MARKER_INIT.  For the purposes of this request for help, I’ll focus on a single marker region which wraps the following code:


      int64_t ch_indx=0;

      int dims_size=pencil_dims[0]*pencil_dims[1]*pencil_dims[2];

      for(int i0=d2_array_start[0];i0<d2_array_start[0]+local_sizes[0];i0++){

        for(int i1=d2_array_start[1];i1<d2_array_start[1]+local_sizes[1];i1++){

          for(int i2=d2_array_start[2];i2<d2_array_start[2]+local_sizes[2];i2++){

            int64_t local_indx=pencil_dims[2]*(pencil_dims[1]*i0+i1) + i2;

            assert(local_indx < dims_size);

            assert(ch_indx <chunk_size && ch_indx >= 0 && local_indx>=0 && local_indx < dims_size);








System 1



CPU name:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4215 CPU @ 2.50GHz

CPU type:  Intel Cascadelake SP processor


Running on 1 rank with likwid-mpirun -np 1 -g MEM -m ./TestDfft 1 600 yields the following Memory Data volumes

  • Overall Simulation: 477.1052 GB
  • Marker Region: 10.4215 GB


When running on more than 1 rank, each rank gets a subset of the overall domain.  The marker region shown above loops over every grid cell on each rank, summing to the full domain.  In other words, running on 1 rank has a total of 216,000,000 loop iterations.  Running the same problem on 8 ranks, each rank has 27,000,000 loop iterations, with the sum across all 8 ranks equaling 216,000,000 loop iterations.  So, I would expect the “Sum” of the Memory data volume to be approximately equal across varying rank counts.


However, running on 8 ranks with likwid-mpirun -np 8 -g MEM -m ./TestDfft 1 600 yields the following Memory Data volumes

  • Overall Simulation (Sum): 461.0333 GB
  • Marker Region (Sum): 1.4588 GB


The marker region shows much less data volume (approximately 14% of the 1 rank case), but the overall simulation has similar data volume.


This same behavior is seen on different hardware as well.


System 2



CPU name:  AMD EPYC 7313 16-Core Processor

CPU type:  AMD K19 (Zen3) architecture


Running on 1 rank with likwid-mpirun -np 1 -g MEM1 -m ./TestDfft 1 600 and likwid-mpirun -np 1 -g MEM2 -m ./TestDfft 1 600 and summing the data volumes between those 2 runs yields

  • Overall Simulation: 453.3413 GB
  • Marker Region: 10.4671 GB


Running on 8 ranks with likwid-mpirun -np 8 -g MEM1 -m ./TestDfft 1 600 and likwid-mpirun -np 8 -g MEM2 -m ./TestDfft 1 600 and summing the data volumes between those 2 runs yields

  • Overall Simulation (Sum): 475.959 GB
  • Marker Region (Sum): 1.6318 GB


Again, the marker region shows much less data volume (approximately 15% of the 1 rank case), but the overall simulation has similar data volume.


I thought this might have something to do with cache performance as the number of ranks varies, so I looked at the cache data volumes (likwid-mpirun -np 1 -g CACHES -m ./TestDfft 1 600).  However, comparing caches between 1 and 8 ranks shows similar cache Data Volumes between 1 rank and 8 ranks. (see attached; I couldn't get the table to paste inline).


Does anybody have any thoughts on why the total Memory Data Volume is conserved, but this marker region has significantly different Memory Data Volume as the number of MPI ranks varies?


Thank you!



Thomas Gruber

Jul 17, 2023, 5:51:07 AM7/17/23
to likwid-users

it's hard to tell based on your post what is going on. I assume you used LIKWID_MARKER_STOP in the end and it's just a copy&paste problem.

Please add an MPI Barrier after the MARKER_START and a barrier before MARKER_STOP to see whether the rank 0 finishes early. Since the memory counters are read by rank 0, it might not contain all data.

Please measure the L3 group on the Cascadelake system. The CACHE group is one of the worse groups.

Please run likwid-mpirun with -d to see where the MPI tasks are pinned to and which events are measured by which rank.

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