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Xiaogang Zhang (G)

Apr 11, 2021, 7:27:53 PM4/11/21
to 悉尼平台, 平台公告, 民阵之友, 民阵会员, fdc-canada, 民阵信息交流, 民阵总部工作会议, gmyb, gmybml, 公民力量, 公民维权联盟, june4th, freecgc-editors, 民主党信息, 公民世界, 茉莉花信息, 人民力量, 童言无忌, 清新智库, 笔会新社区, 筆會聯誼, lovetibet, 中国权利, 交流, 期待民主中国, 南海大中华民族同盟会, 民生观察, 警钟常鸣, 觉醒论坛, 文字狱, iamyuanmin, duping





Email. : changec...@Gmail.com
Twitter: @changechina2020



  2020年1月1日,包括新華社、中央電視台、人民日報在內的中共政權各官方宣傳機器統一報導了武漢8名「造謠者」被警方「依法處置」的消息. 人們事後得知,這是包括李文亮在內的8名依其職業良知透露新型冠狀病毒疫情信息的醫務人員。其中李文亮醫生自己於1月8日感染該病毒並於四周之後不治。












Email. : changec...@Gmail.com
Twitter: @changechina2020

For the safety of the world,
the Winter Olympic Games must not  be held in Beijing
-- An open letter to the IOC

      On 1st January 2020, the entire Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime’s propaganda machine including Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People’s Daily and every other State-owned medias, uniformly reported the news that 8 "rumour-mongers'' in Wuhan were "dealt with according to the law'' by police. Later, people learned that the alleged miscreants were, in fact, 8 medical personnel who dutifully - and in accordance with professional ethics - revealed important information about the novel coronavirus epidemic. Among them was medical doctor LI Wenliang, who himself became infected with the virus on the 8th January 2020 and died four weeks later.

     Due to the CCP’s strict withholding of factual information, the epidemic rapidly spiralled out of control so that by January 23, the false narrative being propaganda (to the effect that “the epidemic is preventable and controllable”) suddenly transformed into the lockdown of the entire Wuhan city. However, during this delay, the virus had already quietly spread its way out of the country.

     Although all the facts about the origin and spread of the virus are yet to be revealed, the appalling police incident and its follow-up propaganda on New Year's Day of 2020, a government strategy clearly designed to intimidate and obfuscate, is at least one ironclad proof that the CCP deliberately concealed the epidemic and ultimately caused the virus to ravage the entire world. And to this day, the CCP still spares no effort to cover up the truth, obstruct independent international investigations, imprison people such as Zhang Zhan, Chen Qiushi, Fang Bin and other Chinese citizens who independently investigated the epidemic, and make the "whistleblowers" and "the whistle distributer" of the epidemic, such as medical doctor Ai Fen, to be "disappeared". The inhumanly callous attitude behind the CCP's initial and ongoing approach defies logical rationale and, indeed, all normal humane levels of care and

     Going back in time to the 1990 Beijing Asian Games and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, In order to build its image of "governance ability", the CCP greatly escalated the extent of human rights persecution, including ordering the large-scale executions of prisoners, mass expulsion and deportation of so called "Low-end population" (a term coined by Beijing authority to describe low-income population, mostly migrant workers and their families), and the widespread forced closure of factories and enterprises. These two international games held in Beijing directly led to the rapid deterioration of the human rights situation in China.

     The 24th Winter Olympic Games is currently scheduled to be held in Beijing in February 2022. During its lead-up preparations and also during its hosting, it is guaranteed that - in order to maintain "face" - the CCP will inevitably intensify its deliberate concealment of any epidemic (or any other disaster situation), and intensify its mass violation of human rights. This represents not only potentially a great threat to the people of the world, but it will cause actual pain and suffering to the people of China. It will eventually bring great shame to the whole Olympic movement.

     It is easy to imagine that, should there be another epidemic like COVID-19 during the preparation and hosting of the currently planned Beijing Winter Olympics, the CCP will inevitably again conceal it, arrest any "whistle-blower" who reveals the facts about it, and block news reports of it.

Therefore, there is a real risk the pathogen such as a virus could inevitably spread to the world once again - but this time via spectators and athletes who had come to participate in the Winter Olympic Games. However, the world simply cannot afford to suffer the impact of such a global pandemic once again!

     There is no doubt that holding the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing will inevitably lead to another wave of human rights disasters in China: "Low-end population" will suffer a new round of oppression and expulsion; Dissidents, human rights defenders, and faith groups (such as house churches, Falun Gong practitioners, and others) will suffer a new round of persecution and suppression; ethnic groups (such as Uyghurs, Tibetans, and so on) will suffer a new round of genocide and cultural extermination; …… .

     All of these atrocities are precisely the opposite in nature to the purpose and original intention of the Olympic Movement.

     For a long time, tempted by economic interests and diplomatic ease, the international community has afforded tolerance towards the CCP tyranny. Such appeasement has not only made the CCP bigger, but it has also encouraged the CCP’s increasingly intense abuse of human rights domestically, and its ever more undisguised infiltration and bullying of countries around the world. It is no longer an exaggeration to compare present-day Xi Jinping's ambition, with that of 1930s Germany's Hitler. Multiple evidence-based

analyses have yielded the dispassionate conclusion that the CCP today, with its economic scale and military power far exceeding that of Nazi Germany, and with nuclear weapons that Hitler did not possess, has become the biggest and most urgent threat to world peace. It is a forecast which cannot be dismissed: that the unchecked CCP will be the source of a third world war that may well cause the destruction of humankind.

       For the safety of the world and wellbeing of Chinese people, the Winter Olympics (and any other international sports games) must not be held in any city under the rule of the CCP. This ban must prevail until the CCP’s deliberate and dangerous concealment of the COVID-19 epidemic has been corrected and punished; the human rights persecution and cultural genocide in China has been completely stopped; the freedom of expression and freedom of the press in China has been thoroughly realised; and the CCP’s ambition to control the world has been fundamentally curbed.

      The 24th Winter Olympic Games must have a venue-change. The Games must be held in another country's city.

      Your grave consideration of these serious matters is much appreciated. History will show that the stakes were unfathomably high, but that you had the courage and foresight to act with the leadership required. The Chinese people, and the people of the World itself, will thank you for it.

"Change China Action" Project
April 10, 2021

Email. : changec...@Gmail.com
Twitter: @changechina2020

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