Need an ALL OFF

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Jul 8, 2020, 3:47:49 PM7/8/20
to Lightjams
I control LightJams with an external device which "plays" a midi file to keep my lights in sync with the show.

I discovered that without an explicit NOTE OFF...  So what happened is the file stopped in the middle of the song.  The lights are still on (grid is activated) and I go to another song or even re-start the same song.  That grid remains energized until it gets a note-off so the lights are all messed up.

I need to be able to send a midi message any time I start any song that insures that all grids are not activated... Kind of like the old PANIC button.



Jul 9, 2020, 7:22:04 AM7/9/20

Fortunately, Lightjams already supports the standard MIDI messages to reset notes and CC.

To set all notes to off, you can send the CC 123 message (all notes off). The controller value isn't important and as soon as this message is received, all notes are set to 0%.

There is also the CC 121 (all controllers off) to reset all control change (CC).

The all notes off and all controllers off messages are per channel. So if you want to reset multiple channels, you need to send one message per channel. However, there's also a global reset message you can send which is named METAEVENT (end of track) and has a a command code of 255 (0xff). When receiving this message, Lightjams set all notes and CC of all 16 channels to 0%.
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