OSC - Plugin

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Feb 21, 2019, 1:54:46 AM2/21/19
to Lightjams

I am testing some configurations to send my values from Cantabile to Lightjams and there is a new problem for me.

easyest way to connect my values in Cantabile is to have the Plugin directly in the corresponding rack

but also I want send Values from other Racks.

ok..I use 2 Instances.....But the two VST's have now different values.......

Example: Knob1 >> fixed tilt Value for a Position (should be stored in the Preset)

but if I open a 2.Instance I can change the Value of this Knob and the Value of the 1. Instance isn't changing

Dont know what happens when I close and wich value is stored ???

my question is:  ....should the knobs of the same Preset be linked automaticaly in realtime??? (is there a solution)

so if I have two ore more instances the presets comunicate automaticaly in realtime...

hope you understand what I mean

Cheers Jürgen


Feb 21, 2019, 7:35:13 AM2/21/19
to ligh...@googlegroups.com

Even though multiple plugin instances are running, they're all sending to the same OSC addresses to Lightjams. The addresses can be changed in the configuration file.

Copy the VST plugin's DLL file (lightjams-vst2-64.dll) and rename it. Do the same thing for the configuration file by giving it the same same and append ".config" at the end. This way you get two VST plugin DLLs, each with its own config. In the 2nd config file, change the address_prefix to something like /vst2/. 

Then in Lightjams, map the OSC values from the 2nd plugin (go in the view/configuration, OSC tab and click on the Input/mappings button).


Feb 21, 2019, 12:32:42 PM2/21/19
to Lightjams
Cool !....that's what I need


Feb 22, 2019, 11:13:42 AM2/22/19
to Lightjams
Is there a way to set a source on a specific cell with OSC?? (like with MIDI)

>>>> I sent a value 10 and want to go to x=10


Feb 22, 2019, 12:06:51 PM2/22/19
to ligh...@googlegroups.com
Same formula as with MIDI but you replace the midi.controlRaw function by osc. And don't forget to set the min=0 and max=100 for the OSC scaling in the OSC mapping window (these values disabling the scaling). 


Feb 22, 2019, 12:40:39 PM2/22/19
to Lightjams
Thank You Mathieu..

In the past I used only MIDI because I did not see what's possible with the VST...
but now I must say it is a great Helper for me ...... faster .....also better overlooking with Named variables.....and not so much Rack-Midiports in Cantabile because now I can go directly out from the VST...

Many thanks for this tool

Cheers Jürgen
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