Step Sequencer Individual Times bound to sawtooth

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May 10, 2019, 2:00:26 PM5/10/19
to Lightjams
At the Moment my sequencer is controlled by this formula:

xtopercent( counter(0, grid.lastx, pulse(grid.powerat(x, y-1)),0,grid.onactivated))

but the counter is always bound to the Masterspeed

Is there also a way to have a sawtooth as a source for counter or an other formula that steps individual based on a sawtooth?

Cheers Jürgen


May 10, 2019, 4:35:10 PM5/10/19

In the formula, it's the pulse function that is making the counter goes up. And yes, the pulse time is relative to the master speed. How would you like to replace it by a sawtooth? Maybe something like each time the sawtooth completes one cycle, then you want to increment the counter?


May 10, 2019, 5:40:01 PM5/10/19
to Lightjams
Hi Mathieu,

since a few weeks I am a big friend of sawtooth's because then I'am always and everytime Onbeat and there is no need to wait for a cycle completement.

so all my gridwaves are mapped to Mastersawtooth's started by Midi Start/Stop

But for the sequencer with individual step-times I had no good Idea to find an easy solution for this.

----Maybe something like each time the sawtooth completes one cycle, then you want to increment the counter?---

I think this is not the solution for my problem what i need is more  mapping the Sawtooth-Values to specific Ranges of the grid

Example:  Sawtooth(16) ---> 2,8,4,2   .....when I start the grid and the sawtooth-value is 50% it should start at 8,4,2,2 



May 10, 2019, 5:53:15 PM5/10/19
to Lightjams
The only Idea I have is to work with multiple sources and If /then -->power


May 10, 2019, 6:36:49 PM5/10/19
to Lightjams
Correct me if I'm wrong. You want to replace the counter completely and move the source to position 2 and then 8 and then 4 and 2 based on the position of the sawtooth. I guess this sawtooth will be coming from a global slider.

Try this formula:

xtopercent(select(sawtooth(16), 2,8,4,2))

The select function may be what you're looking for.


May 10, 2019, 8:13:24 PM5/10/19
to Lightjams
To replace the counter is correct but not to set to specific position

the idea was to scale the sawtooth to the  x axis    sawtooth 16 --->  2s (first Position),8s (next),4s (next), 2s (last)

but the only way I found was If-then 


May 11, 2019, 5:23:07 AM5/11/19
to Lightjams
i tested a little bit ....

one problem I have got with scaling a sawtooth .... it is not accurate if I go from 0-15 or 1-16 everytime I have this little problem

what is the corect setting for scale 0-100, 1-100 ????

......can you tell me where the problem occures ??

Scaled sawtooth.PNG


May 11, 2019, 6:55:56 AM5/11/19
to Lightjams
It scale a 0-100 value to 0-16, as expected. The sawtooth then restarts, as you see.

I'm still not sure what you want exactly. This formula returns the index from 0-3 like you seem to want based on the value of the sawtooth:

switch(floor(scale(sawtooth(16),0,100, 0,16)), 0,0, 2,1, 10,2, 14,3)


May 11, 2019, 7:16:15 AM5/11/19
to Lightjams
Thanks Mathieu ...I will test it

on the pic you can see that the scaling is not exact ....the last step everytime shows an Inaccuracy and I don't 
know what I'am doing wrong.


May 11, 2019, 7:26:26 AM5/11/19
to Lightjams
Yes... with xtopercent .....that's it    

Many thanks Mathieu


May 11, 2019, 7:33:27 AM5/11/19
to Lightjams
>> the last step everytime shows an Inaccuracy and I don't know what I'am doing wrong.

It's just the way it's displayed on screen. Check the slider value to see the exact value.
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