PC based USB Joysticks/trackballs and using for moving fixtures - Is there an easy method to making these work with Lightjams?

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Mark Hanson

May 22, 2019, 4:10:55 PM5/22/19
to Lightjams

Love Lightjams 

Just as a background I've developed a custom lighting board using a Akai Professional APC40 MKII, mapping the sliders and even the light buttons (to match output of color) to control using LightJams (will send examples of board layout, but here is our band with using Lightjam pulse effect https://www.facebook.com/rpmsanjose21/videos/259807508227134/?t=59 ).

However, my light man wants to be able to use joysticks or trackballs to manually control several PanSpots and High Intensity moving Gobo's.  I saw you have Wi controll mechanisms but I couldn't identify anything to make PC joysticks/trackballs work in this manner.

I also found a software solution for converting USB Joystick controls to Midi commands (http://www.otk.it/mjoy/) but before attempting this method, I thought I check to see if you have a better solution?

Thank you for your help!

Keep up the great work.



May 22, 2019, 8:21:13 PM5/22/19
to Lightjams

There's no built-in support for joysticks. Using the midi software you've found is a good option. There's also an utility called oscjoy to send joystick values via osc: https://public.msli.com/lcs/oscjoy/index.html. Osc uses higher resolution values than midi, so it might give better results.

Mark Hanson

May 23, 2019, 2:23:45 PM5/23/19
to Lightjams
Thanks Mathieu (sorry for misspelling your name).

Thank your for the quick reply.

I'll try the Midi way first, don't have much experience at the OSC standard.

Will let you know how it goes.

Thanks again.


Mark Hanson

Apr 15, 2021, 11:47:04 PM4/15/21
to Lightjams
Just a quick note, I sent a request to upgrade to a pro version via your website, I'm working on a project that needs more channels than 512, can you let me know how I can upgrade?   The email I sent you has the HW ID attached.   Appreciate the help I can pay via Paypal.   Thanks.  Mark


Apr 16, 2021, 6:17:23 AM4/16/21
to Lightjams
Hi Mark,

Sorry about the delay! I received your email yesterday but the others were in the spam. 

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