Fixtures overlap

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Jun 9, 2018, 8:29:51 AM6/9/18
to Lightjams
Is there a way to set LED's like Groups for better handling when work with it?

I patched my LED Bars (each Bar 57 LED's as one Unit....) like a normal fixture > 57 RGB = 171 Channels

but the problem when I go this way is that lightjams will not fill the full Universe and overlap to the next.

If there is not enough space (for 171 Channels) it is opening a new universe....

Is there a way to bundle my led's (Bar's) in an other way or can you fix this?

Cheers Jürgen


Jun 9, 2018, 9:52:47 AM6/9/18
to Lightjams
Just tried this, and LJ does not seem to allow a fixture to span across multiple universes. Maybe the error message could explain it better, instead of just "Cannot create fixture".

You can simply create Groups directly in the Patch Editor, for example: add 57 generic RGB fixtures and name the group "LED Bar 1", then add 57 more fixtures and name the group "LED Bar 2" etc.  That way you can use all channels of the universe.

Then, you use the filter to select the bars you want to add to your grid, by typing "hue LED Bar 1" for example.

see attached image for reference

Jun 9, 2018, 10:21:27 AM6/9/18
to Lightjams
Hi Isaac,

that was the first way I have done it and yes it works perfect

two things are better when I patch it as a 'normal' fixture

a) the Clarity is lost on the patch site if there are so many items that I dont need to see
b) I can directly see which attribute belongs to which Bar
(because Numbering is:
A1 to A57
B1 to B57
C1 toC 57.....and so on) I can directly see C45 is Bar NR.3   ( but  AE4 say's me nothing....  ;-)  )

so I think it would be great also I could do it with this workflow


Jun 9, 2018, 12:18:41 PM6/9/18
to Lightjams
I agree it would be a useful feature, I would use it also, especially so that the patch editor would have alot less items like you mention. (especially with thousands of fixtures and hundreds of groups)

There may be a technical reason behind this limitation, as I know many dmx consoles do not permit fixtures overlapping two universes.

If it is implemented, I would suggest adding the End Channel of each fixture to the patch editor also.

Maybe we could just be able to "collapse" all fixtures of the same group in the patch editor, it would help for clarity.

This idea brings up another interesting point: lets say we want to "draw" on a grid the last LEDs of each Bar (A57, B57, C57 etc in this case) we cannot filter in the ID column anymore for int/hue/sat attributes.


Jun 9, 2018, 2:07:35 PM6/9/18
to Lightjams

The problem is DMX fixtures don't support spanning two universes. So this would be confusing for many users and could be error prone.

The way to patch your leds proposed by Isaac is the way to go.

I guess you're using a custom made led bar? Otherwise what is the manufacturer and model?

Jun 9, 2018, 4:52:42 PM6/9/18
to Lightjams

yes it's custom made


Jun 9, 2018, 5:33:07 PM6/9/18
to Lightjams
>> This idea brings up another interesting point: lets say we want to "draw" on a grid the last LEDs of each Bar (A57, B57, C57 etc in this case) we cannot filter in the ID column anymore for int/hue/sat attributes

I usually use a grid with all leds. Then you can easily select the last row and copy the attributes.

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Jun 10, 2018, 5:36:02 AM6/10/18
to Lightjams
Ok.... I think I will do it over the 'normal' way with all Atributes in the patch window and grouping
their with Names and Numbers for better workflow
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