New function to define local variables - let

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Feb 9, 2024, 3:11:45 PMFeb 9
to Lightjams
In the new beta version 686 - - I'm testing a new function allowing to use variables in your formula. It's only for the current formula and you can't share the variable between formulas.

For example, you can do:

let(a,sin(1), b,pulse(1),

That means, you define one variable named 'a' with the value of sin(1) and another variable named 'b' with the value of pulse(1). Then the formula a+b/2 uses both variables to compute the result.

Another example, with an original formula like:

xtopercent(counter(0,  2 /* beat multiple */ * grid.lastx,onbeat(trigger(music.2.beat,0.1,10,30,0.2)),0, grid.onactivated /* reset the beat counter */) / 2 /* beat multiple */)

With the let function you can avoid repeating the "beat multiple" value and also replace the comment by a variable with a good name:

let(beatMultiple, 2,
     xtopercent(counter(0,  beatMultiple * grid.lastx,onbeat(trigger(music.2.beat,0.1,10,30,0.2)),0, grid.onactivated) / beatMultiple))

Your feedback is welcome!

Michael Bruus

Aug 21, 2024, 9:30:32 AMAug 21
to Lightjams
Hi there

While I see the usefulness of naming variables within the let() function, I find it to be too limited to really be of value.
I would really appreciate if it was possible to name mem locations with strings.

Name instead of id: mem(foo, 100)
Or defning a name along with Id: mem(0, 100, foo)
And then: recall(foo)

This would really help with keeping track of what's going on in complex formulas.

Anyway, I really appreciate the new 'last' function... thanks!


Aug 26, 2024, 9:19:02 AMAug 26
to Lightjams

At least with the let function, it can help you remember what is meaning of your memory ids. For example,

mem(foo, sin(10))

Michael Bruus

Sep 8, 2024, 8:53:54 AMSep 8
to Lightjams
FYI I finally ran in to a use case for let()... :-)


Sep 8, 2024, 9:02:13 AMSep 8
to Lightjams
>> I finally ran in to a use case for let()

Let us know what it is! ;)

Michael Bruus

Sep 10, 2024, 3:23:45 AMSep 10
to Lightjams

Well, it seems I was way to quick to discard the potential in the let() statement.
I find myself using it all the time now :-)

Here’s an example of a refactured formula, where I’ve used let() in the refactored version.
I can now discard most of the comments, as the variable names now holds the clue to what they contain/represent.
The script is for (one of several) sources powering saturation attributes.

Without let():

/* Fades saturation from 100 to 0 and back to 100 during hue shift from color to white. Makes shift from RTA hue to mix-on color for RGB white without visually cycling through the intervening color space. --- recall(1) = Flag for vox activity per fixture (0|100). Replace +X with fixture index. recall(2) = Hue from RTA (incl. offset). recall(72) = Slider id for Break-White brightness. recall(73) = Slider id for Vox-White brightness. recall(76) = Slider id for fade-in duration of Vox-White. recall(77) = Slider id for fade-out duration of Vox-White. grecall(0) = Flag for break/song state (0|100). grecall(20) = Modified fade-in duration of break-white (song to break). grecall(21) = Modified fade-out duration of break-white (break to song). */ crossfade( /* Fade-in = Song state / Fade-out = Break state. */ fadein.linear(grecall(21), fadeout.linear(grecall(20), if (slider(recall(72)) == 0, 100, grecall(0)))), /* Song state */ if (slider(recall(73)) == 0, 100, min ( abs( /* Fade-in = Vox White / Fade-out = Song color. Replace +X with fixture index. */ fadein.linear(slider(recall(76)), fadeout.linear(slider(recall(77)), recall(1) + 0)) * 2 - 100 ), abs( /* Fade-in = Song state / Fade-out = Break state */ fadein.linear(grecall(21), fadeout.linear(grecall(20), grecall(0))) * 2 - 100 ) ) ), /* Break State */ abs( /* Fade-in = Song state / Fade-out = Break state */ fadein.linear(grecall(21), fadeout.linear(grecall(20), grecall(0))) * 2 - 100 ) )

And here with the let() statement.
It greatly reduces clutter an improves legibility:

/* Fades saturation from 100 to 0 and back to 100 during hue shift from color to white. Makes shift from RTA hue to mix-on color for RGB white without visually cycling through the intervening color space. --- */ let(fixtureIdx, 0, let( /* Local vars */ isDisabledBreakWhite, slider(recall(1)) == 0, isDisabledVoxWhite, slider(recall(2)) == 0, fadeInTimeBreakWhite, recall(3), fadeOutTimeBreakWhite, recall(4), fadeInTimeVoxWhite, recall(5), fadeOutTimeVoxWhite, recall(6), isSongState, !recall(20), /* Inverse Break-white flag so it becomes SongState flag. */ isVoxWhite, recall(50 + fixtureIdx) == 100, /* -100|0|100 */ /* Formula */ crossfade( /* Fade-in = Song state / Fade-out = Break state. */ fadein.linear(fadeOutTimeBreakWhite, fadeout.linear(fadeInTimeBreakWhite, if (isDisabledBreakWhite, 100, isSongState))), /* Song state */ if (isDisabledVoxWhite, 100, min ( abs(fadein.linear(fadeInTimeVoxWhite, fadeout.linear(fadeOutTimeVoxWhite, isVoxWhite)) * 2 - 100), abs(fadein.linear(fadeOutTimeBreakWhite, fadeout.linear(fadeInTimeBreakWhite, isSongState)) * 2 - 100) ) ), /* Break State */ abs(fadein.linear(fadeOutTimeBreakWhite, fadeout.linear(fadeInTimeBreakWhite, isSongState)) * 2 - 100) ) ) )


Sep 12, 2024, 2:11:24 PMSep 12
to Lightjams
That's really nice! Thanks for sharing.
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