> Relax. Lift is not going anywhere. If anything, I would anticipate the scala-web field becoming more diverse over the next couple of years, not less.
As a Perler and (still novice) Lifter, multiple web frameworks can work well. Perl has three main ones, Catalyst, Dancer, and Mojolicious, and a few others which are less well-known. Each has strengths and weaknesses, often relating to conceptual familiarity and skill availability, more than any conceptual or technical differences. Most companies would adopt one and stick with it, usually because it made resourcing easier than anything else. Interestingly, the increased competition between them perhaps pushed documentation and community support even more than technical development. That can be good for everyone.
All the best
On Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Tyler Weir wrote:
>> So what position should Lift take after the news?Same as before, keep on improving.
Lift, the simply functional web framework: http://liftweb.net
Code: http://github.com/lift
Discussion: http://groups.google.com/group/liftweb
Stuck? Help us help you: https://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/liftweb/Posting_example_code
Good luck lift
Chenguang He
What the heck : _* means? Well, it means entries, that is a List, will
be expanded as parameters to setSiteMap. The explanation is in
"Programming in Scala".
Of course if I asked for this on the mailist someone would kindly
answer, but sometimes the doubts are so many that someone gets
overwhelmed. Anyway, most of the information is already on the maillist,
books and Wiki. And Lift community is extremely helpful.
Heh, this specific information is actually also in the wiki http://www.assembla.com/spaces/liftweb/wiki/SiteMap#sitemap
So we are doing our best to make the existing documentation available to people with non-scala backgrounds :)
I don't want to sound rude but none of the (web)frameworks I've used care to explain the programming language (except if there's some serious foo going on). Do we really want to go down that roud? Where does it end?
Answering specific questions on this list, yes, but explaining Scala on the wiki/tutorials - I'm not sure...
Andreas Joseph Krogh <and...@officenet.no> - mob: +47 909 56 963
Senior Software Developer / CTO - OfficeNet AS - http://www.officenet.no
Public key: http://home.officenet.no/~andreak/public_key.asc
> I don't want to sound rude but none of the (web)frameworks I've used care to explain the programming language (except if there's some serious foo going on). Do we really want to go down that roud? Where does it end?
I agree with you partially, indeed none of the Java frameworks explain the language itself, but on the other hand, those frameworks are based on a well known language. I've used Struts, Stripes and Wicket before, and since all of them are Java-based, and since I've been quite solid Java programmer, my issues and troubles with learning those frameworks were not about language understanding.
But in case of Lift, I believe that quite many people try out Scala just because of Lift. I might be wrong but this was my case, a colleague of mine found Lift and because it seemed promising to us, we started to learn both Lift and Scala at once. And it's much harder to learn a framework when you're a beginner with the language too, there were moments I wished Scala just didn't exist :)
> Answering specific questions on this list, yes, but explaining Scala on the wiki/tutorials - I'm not sure...
> --
> Andreas Joseph Krogh <and...@officenet.no> - mob: +47 909 56 963
> Senior Software Developer / CTO - OfficeNet AS - http://www.officenet.no
> Public key: http://home.officenet.no/~andreak/public_key.asc
I'm glad you find them useful, and I guess it shows that you don't
have to be a committer to make a difference, everyone on the Lift
community can contribute to the wiki or write blog post about the
things they do with Lift and that will also help others looking for
information. I also find the Comet and Ajax support in Lift
fascinating and will continue to explore it more and try to contribute
what I learn along the way.
And like others have said, we don't have to worry that Typesafe did
not endorse Lift, there are a lot of users out there using Lift,
small, medium and large sites, we have a very good foundation and we
will all continue to drive Lift forward.
One thing that now benefits Play is that they have official commercial
support (well, they had that before, in a way, but similar to how
David has his own company). Maybe it is time to add a wiki page with
the names of people offering lift commercial support (I know there was
a thread a few days ago). So we can point people to that lift.
Diego Medina
Web Developer
While we also faced problems as we were learning both scala and lift at same time, the team has the opinion that scala is very nicely explained on many books while Lift isn't.
It has been 2 months and we have more or less mastered scala but still struggling with lift. It seems that beginner documentation is easily available on net, but trying to do something remotely advanced and we have no idea as on how to proceed. We feel that rather than explaining the scala part of it, we should focus more on documenting more advanced use cases. From top of my head, I can see these issues.
You can see that most of my issues is with the Lift is Comet/Ajax not being explained properly. I feel that comet/Ajax is lift's strength and it should get more focus. Its new to most people and hence requires great explanation then other stuff.
On Friday, November 18, 2011 at 6:23 AM, Diego Medina wrote:
most of Lift's inbuilt snippets are hardly explained. and since they have noscaladocs, we have no idea on what all they can accomplish and how to tweakthem. case in point : http://simply.liftweb.net/index-Chapter-9.html istotally empty.the most useful info on CometActors is on the blog ofDiego Medina. I own him huge thanks. However, I am still looking for info onI'm glad you find them useful, and I guess it shows that you don'thave to be a committer to make a difference, everyone on the Liftcommunity can contribute to the wiki or write blog post about thethings they do with Lift and that will also help others looking forinformation. I also find the Comet and Ajax support in Liftfascinating and will continue to explore it more and try to contributewhat I learn along the way.And like others have said, we don't have to worry that Typesafe didnot endorse Lift
On 16 Nov., 13:01, Oleg Galako <ojo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using Lift for more than a year now. Yes, i tried to get into it three
> or more times before that, Lift was hard to me to start with.
> But today it is a very handy tool in my toolset and i'm worried about its
> future.
Are you reading Lift in Action? If not, I would like you to look at that. Many people have found it to be "the missing documentation" (someone else's words not mine).
One thing that now benefits Play is that they have official commercial
support (well, they had that before, in a way, but similar to how
David has his own company). Maybe it is time to add a wiki page with
the names of people offering lift commercial support (I know there was
a thread a few days ago). So we can point people to that lift.
That would be great!
I'd like to see a "Commercial Support" page on liftweb.net
What do folks think?
Well looks like the web got an early Christmas present: