No man knows the hour.....

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Donnie estrada

Jan 4, 2011, 11:38:11 PM1/4/11

Okay I can't sleep, but I have been thinking about all those birds and fish found dead. For the past few days, I hear people saying the world is coming to an end. 2012, 2012! But my question is doesn't saying the world will end 2012 go against what the Bible says " no man will no the hour when he shall appear"? But I do know that some unheard of events been happening lately. I'm just wondering what group feels about the crazy and I must say spooky bird and fish dying without explanation. ( get away from relationship talk)

Frankela Albury

Jan 5, 2011, 11:46:10 AM1/5/11
Oh gosh no reply to the real things going on in the world.  No conspiracy theories.  Whats up with this discussion group.  I personally think it's chemicals in the air or environment.  We've had the major oil spill, that has to account for something, so everyday something new.  I heard on the radio the other day from this guy who was in the Armed Forces that when he was in the gulf they would say, best way to know chemical warfare is happening is when birds fall dead out the sky.  Then lock your doors and put on your gas mask.

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Donnie estrada <> wrote:

Okay I can't sleep, but I have been thinking about all those birds and fish found dead. For the past few days, I hear people saying the world is coming to an end. 2012, 2012! But my question is doesn't saying the world will end 2012 go against what the Bible says " no man will no the hour when he shall appear"? But I do know that some unheard of events been happening lately. I'm just wondering what group feels about the crazy and I must say spooky bird and fish dying without explanation. ( get away from relationship talk)

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Tamara Evans

Jan 5, 2011, 2:23:37 PM1/5/11
Good Afternoon Everyone...
I actually  had not heard about the birds or fish dying in Arkansas, so before i could give a response, I needed to do some research. 
Now according to what i read, this all occured in Arkansas 125 miles apart from one another.  There could be a few explanations for the mysterious deaths, but do i feel as though it relates to the end of the world?  Umm.. no.
Donnie, to answer your question about this going against the word of God, in one aspect about people tryint predict the rapture yes it does.  But in the sense of strange things happening in the last days, no it doesn't. 
I don't think it is anything to get worked up about considering in US history this is not the first time of such an event occuring.  There was only one species of fish that died, this doesn't mean toxic warfare unless more fish would have died. 
And the birds, well, it was NYE who knows what occured up in those skies.
As far as the end of the world and getting scared because of what happens in the US only, we would need to look at the whole world news.  Look at what is happening in Israel, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, etc..  To be honest the US is a small crumb compared to these other countries when speaking bibically.
Aiye, yes, chemical warfare is an issue and it is definitely something to be concerned about especially with all the military talk about countries house weapons of mass destruction. 
I don't doubt that the US was holding some sort of test out in the Midwest and that is what caused all of those birds to drop from the sky.  This is what they do...
Scientist will of course keep it secret and cover it all up.  That is my conspiracy theory. 

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