ARC - Aurora Reimagined Coalition Kick-off Meeting

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Lee Bruch

Mar 10, 2021, 3:40:20 PM3/10/21
to Licton-Haller Greenways Google Group, Greenwood-Phinney Greenways Google Group
Over the next few days we will be inviting people from organizations throughout the Aurora corridor to join with us in a kick-off meeting for the Aurora Reimagined Coalition
  1. Please respond with the dates you would be available on the Doodle Poll at 

  2. Please review the attached handout. A draft is on google drive at - you are invited to suggest edits prior to noon tomorrow, Thursday Mar. 11

  3. Does anyone have a better photo to use to replace that on p. 2 of the handout?
Why now?
In the last 10 years 22 people have been killed in crashes on Aurora; most of them were pedestrians.
The city and state are budgeting for a $2 million study later this year or in 2022 to address Aurora's safety and to guide its future.
By banding together we will have a chance to make our voices, concerns, and ideas heard to help determine Aurora's future, and importantly, to make sure that it's not just another study, but results in action.

Who Is the Coalition?
The coalition is broad, interested in not only in safer streets, but the nature of the urban, environment along the entire Aurora Corridor.

We are combining the voices of community councils; advocacy organizations; people of all ages from all walks of life with diverse economic, cultural, and language backgrounds; BIPOC and underserved communities; and business people and organizations.

ARC - Aurora Reimagined Coalition

Aurora Campaign 2021-03-08.pdf
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