So long and thanks for all the bits

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Erik Johansson

Aug 1, 2015, 3:17:23 PM8/1/15
to Licq Development
Hi all,

After ~9 years as a Licq developer I'm sad to announce that it is time for me to move along and step down as an active developer. Since development has been rather limited the last year or so for all of us, the question is if there is anyone else out there that is eager to continue the development of Licq?

The code base is mostly C++ which means a great deal of fun hacking on it. So if anyone is interested, now is the time to speak up.

Best regards,
// Erik

Erik Johansson
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Jon Keating

Aug 1, 2015, 3:23:40 PM8/1/15
to Erik Johansson, Licq Development
Thanks for all the work and continuation of the project!

I hope you enjoy what you work on next (or not work on, if that is the case too).



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Anders Olofsson

Aug 1, 2015, 5:15:13 PM8/1/15
I'm also sad to say that I no longer consider myself an active
developer. Even though it has been fun to work on Licq, I have found it
a bit lonely at times which has lowered my motivation to continue.
If someone else is interested in actively working on Licq, I'll hang
around and help but I won't drive main development by myself.

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