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Troubleshooting Gradle & permitted_licenses command

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Devon D'Apuzzo

Jan 13, 2020, 11:50:01 AM1/13/20
Hey License Finder team!

I'm working on a Labs project and we're trying to pull in License Finder.
Our application is a Kotlin Spring Boot web app with the frontend written
in Angular.

We're having 2 issues with License FInder right now.
License Finder: 5.11.1
Ruby: ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-darwin18]
OSx: Mojave 10.14.6
Gradle: 5.6.2

1) We cannot get the permitted_licenses command to execute.

=C2=B1  |master {11} S:1 U:2 =E2=9C=97| =E2=86=92 license_finder permitted_=
licenses add MIT
Could not find command "permitted_licenses".
Deprecation warning: Thor exit with status 0 on errors. To keep this
behavior, you must define `exit_on_failure?` in `LicenseFinder::CLI::Main`
You can silence deprecations warning by setting the environment variable

2) The documentation for LicenseFinder says that we need this gradle plugin
to be able to produce a report of our dependencies first ( When we install the
plugin and generate the report we get an empty result, our dependency-json
file contains {"dependencies":[]}.

We saw that this is occuring for someone else (

We did try using the parameters:
dependencyConfiguration =3D "compile"
dependencyConfiguration =3D "test"
dependencyConfiguration =3D "implementation"

Have you all seen this? Do you have any workarounds for Java projects?

Thanks for your help!

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