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Error with json Parser

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Nick Gian

Sep 25, 2022, 4:01:07 PM9/25/22
to libuv
Hello all!

I try to run my client program that handle json format from and when i create json parser i getting error -23 i want to build it and run at RPI0.

When i build and run at Ubuntu VM the just run without error!

Whats wrong?

Sep 26, 2022, 4:51:37 AM9/26/22
to libuv
What does the error you mention in your personal project with a JSON parser  with libuv have to do with it?
I don't think you know that libuv is not a JSON parser but an asynchronous I/O lib.
Is it a libuv function that is returning this error? What is the function?
Are you a developer? If a colleague says to you: I have a code error, what could it be? Without saying function, method, can you tell him with this little information?
Only if you're a fortune teller...
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